White liquid discharge in women: causes, diagnosis, treatment

White liquid discharge in women: causes, diagnosis, treatment
White liquid discharge in women: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Many of the fairer sex during the entire life period are faced with a change in the state of the genital organs. This can happen due to a change in the hormonal background or due to some kind of disease. This article will tell you about why women have white liquid discharge. You will learn about the causes of the development of the problem and how to make the correct diagnosis. It is also worth saying how white liquid discharge is treated in one case or another. Some preparations will be presented to your attention.

white liquid discharge
white liquid discharge

White liquid discharge: expert opinions

Doctors say that sometimes women have similar symptoms. They can be normal, physiological, or pathological. Only a specialist can determine what exactly a woman has encountered. It is impossible to independently identify why white liquid discharge appeared. You can only guess if this is a pathology or a norm.

If you have this symptom, you should pay attention to additional signs. Among them may be itching, pain in the lower partstomach, pain when urinating, fever and so on. It is they who will help the doctor prescribe the right treatment for you.


To identify the cause of your white liquid discharge, you need to see a doctor. The diagnosis is made through some diagnostic manipulations. First, the doctor conducts a survey. All complaints of the patient are entered into the card. It is with their help that the doctor can narrow down the circle of his assumptions about the appearance of the symptom.

After that, an examination is performed on a gynecological chair. If a woman is not sexually active, the doctor examines her on the couch. At the same time, the doctor takes a smear for analysis. It is the study of discharge that will help to correctly identify the problem and make a diagnosis.

After the laboratory analysis, you can correctly diagnose. And only then appropriate treatment is prescribed. There are times when research shows that a woman is he althy. Consider the main reasons for the appearance of liquid white discharge in women.

liquid white discharge in women
liquid white discharge in women

Second phase of the cycle

White liquid discharge in women may be in the second phase of the cycle. Immediately after ovulation, the active work of the corpus luteum begins, which releases progesterone. Under the influence of this process, the state of cervical mucus also changes. It acquires a white tint and looks like a cream. It is worth noting that such liquid white discharge without itching. Also, the mucus does not have an unpleasant pungent odor. This process should not deliverno discomfort to the woman.

Treatment in such situations is not required. During the examination and analysis of the smear pathology is not detected. The microflora of the vagina is normal and does not require any correction.

Pregnancy, including those developing outside the uterus

Pregnancy can also be the reason for the appearance of white, odorless liquid discharge. You already know that after ovulation, the corpus luteum is formed. It is it that maintains the uterus in a normal tone and does not allow it to reject the fetal egg. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone necessary for the development of pregnancy. And this happens during the first three months.

During this period, a woman may find a liquid white discharge without smell and itching. Representatives of the weaker sex report that their number is increasing sharply at this moment. Doctors recommend expectant mothers to use sanitary pads for their own convenience and comfort.

odorless white liquid discharge
odorless white liquid discharge

Candidiasis, or thrush

Why do some women get white liquid discharge and itching? The cause of this symptom is most often thrush. It is worth noting that it develops in every second expectant mother. Also, those representatives of the weaker sex who are not pregnant often face a problem. Pathology is diagnosed during vaginal examination and smear analysis. In the laboratory, a specialist can detect yeast in the vaginal mucus. A woman complains that the discharge has lumps andkind of like kefir. Mucus has a sour, unpleasant odor.

Treatment for this problem should be with antifungal drugs. These include Diflucan, Flucostat, Diflazon, and so on. At the same time, a woman may be advised to douche with a soda solution. It is worth clarifying that the correction should be carried out not only for the woman, but also for her partner. A man may not suffer from thrush himself, but be a carrier.

white liquid discharge and itching
white liquid discharge and itching

Genital tract infections

Thin, white, odorous discharge may occur during the inflammatory process. At the same time, a woman often feels pain or pain in the lower abdomen, she is worried about fever and general malaise. To correctly diagnose, you need to take a swab from the vagina for certain infections. Most often, the pathology is bacterial in nature. For proper treatment, you need to sow the mucus. The sensitivity of the detected microorganisms to certain antibiotics is also determined.

Correction of such conditions is carried out with the help of antimicrobial and antibacterial therapy. After that, it will be necessary to make a restorative correction with the help of a complex of beneficial microorganisms. Doctors report that the woman's partner should also be treated. Otherwise, at the first sexual contact, re-infection will occur. Most often, the following medicines are prescribed for the treatment of this pathology: Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Sporobacterin, Terzhinan, Vilprafen, Kipferon andetc.

liquid white discharge with an odor
liquid white discharge with an odor

Viral defeat

Discharge from the genital tract white and liquid in nature may occur due to a decrease in the body's immune defenses. At the same time, a woman is very vulnerable to viral diseases. If pathology joins, then there is a violation of the microflora of the vagina. As a result, the discharge changes character and consistency. To get rid of this problem, you need to make immunomodulatory therapy.

Most often, a woman is prescribed drugs such as Viferon, Isoprinosine, Likopid and many others. Also, a representative of the weaker sex should use medicines to restore microflora - Bifidumbacterin, Sporobobacterin, Linex, Laktonorm, etc. The condition of the woman's sexual partner is necessarily examined, and if there is a pathology, treatment is performed.

liquid white discharge without itching
liquid white discharge without itching

Wrong opinion

Many women are sure that douching will help get rid of the problem. At the same time, representatives of the weaker sex use a variety of medicinal compositions and decoctions of herbs. Doctors say that such treatment cannot be carried out. Its consequence is an increase in the inflammatory process.

When fluid is inserted into the vagina, it can enter the uterus. The fallopian tubes are affected in the same way, and then the ovaries. At the same time, a bacterial infection is introduced there. It is worth saying that curing an infection in the vagina is much easier than eliminating it in the uterus. This often leads to moreserious problems. For example, infertility, adhesive process.

liquid white discharge, odorless and itchy
liquid white discharge, odorless and itchy

Small conclusion of the article

Now you know why a woman may experience white and liquid discharge from the genitals. Remember that you need to treat pathology only as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, you may run into complications that will be much more difficult to get rid of. Often, women have to deal with the consequences of self-treatment throughout their lives. Use the services of gynecologists and always be he althy!
