The issue of eye he alth is relevant for a large number of people. In order to have full vision for many years, it is recommended to use eye products to improve vision. You will need to use special vitamin complexes. For the prevention of eye diseases, both traditional methods and the achievements of traditional medicine are used.
Eye diseases
The organs of vision, as you know, are a reflection of the soul, and also serve as a source for obtaining 90% of information about the world around. However, not all people have excellent vision. These sense organs are constantly negatively affected by bad ecology and overwork. Modern people spend a lot of time behind screens, working for a long time at computers. Hypertension and some other diseases also have a bad effect on the condition of the eyes.
A large number of people suffering from glaucoma, retinal detachment, myopia, astigmatism. There is a tendency in modern conditions to "rejuvenate" the diseases of these sense organs. Previously, cataracts and glaucoma were recognized as diseasescharacteristic of an already old organism. However, now ophthalmologists note an increase in cases of this kind of disease among younger people.
Disease prevention is ensured by the use of eye treatments. It is necessary that these organs receive enough nutrients and minerals. A balanced diet also plays a big role.
Vitamin A
If the body lacks vitamin A, hemeralopia develops. This disease is known as night blindness. The vitamin is included in a separate retinal pigment. It is he who is responsible for the ability to distinguish objects in the dark. If the vitamin is not enough, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and glaucoma often develop.
To meet the needs of the body, doctors often prescribe vitamins for eye fatigue. But the consumption of eggs, butter, fatty fish, dairy products also plays a big role. Plant products serve as a supplier of carotene. It is he who is processed into vitamin A during the life of the body. Most of all it is found in carrots, vegetables, fruits of red hues.

Assimilation of carotene occurs most effectively when consumed with fatty foods. For this reason, it is important to season carrot salads with butter and sour cream. Do not store chopped vegetables for a long time: carotene will simply break down when exposed to air.
Vitamin B2
Quite often there are pharmaceutical eye products containing vitamin B2. After all, it is hisdeficiency is often the cause of decreased visual acuity, blepharitis. The organs of vision tire more quickly if there is little of this substance in the body. A number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the fact that there is a lack of riboflavin.
Contributes to the establishment of the intake of B2 into the body a special menu. It should include more spinach, cauliflower, green peas, eggs. A lot of this vitamin is found in fatty fish.
Eat riboflavin products every day. It does not accumulate in the body. Animal protein plays an important role in the absorption of this element. Do not store food containing riboflavin in direct sunlight.
Vitamin C
Eye products intended for oral administration always contain vitamin C. It stimulates the immune properties of the body, helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels. If it is not enough, the risk of capillary rupture is high. This often leads to hemorrhages in the mucous membranes of the eyes. As a result, a person often suffers from conjunctivitis. Due to the lack of vitamin C, cataracts often develop. This is a fairly common disease today, it leads to the final loss of vision.
Vitamin C is found in plant foods. Most of all it is present in blackcurrant, citrus, sauerkraut, radish, sorrel. Rosehip infusion, freshly squeezed juices are recommended for use, sprouted wheat grains, oats should be included in the diet.
It is important to consider that food,steamed preserves the most vitamin C.
Vitamin P
It is very close in its properties to vitamin P. It is contained in the same products. It is necessary to provide the body with at least 25 mg of this vitamin per day. It is necessary to eat apples, peaches, mountain ash, cherries. These are some of the best natural eye treatments.
Vitamin E
This is the most powerful natural antioxidant. It is he who helps many processes in the body to proceed normally. It is necessary in the treatment of many eye ailments. It is this element that helps to cope with inflammation, cancer, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
In the prevention of diseases of the organs of vision, this vitamin is also often used. It improves metabolism, helping to cope with degenerative processes in the retina. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oil, peas, Brussels sprouts.

Eye products
Very common drugs that have a positive effect on the organs of vision. On the shelves of pharmacies, a fairly wide range of them is presented. It is important to bear in mind that it is harmful to write out such funds for yourself. It is better to contact professional ophthalmologists for the selection of medicines. As a rule, doctors prescribe drops for the eyes "Systane", "Quinax", "Oftan-Katahrom" in case of fatigue from the computer.
The listed Systane eye drops include 2 main ingredients - hyaluronic acid and hydroxypropyl guar. Thanks toThis product creates a layer that retains moisture on the surface of the eye longer. Corneal cells that suffer from negative factors begin to regenerate. These eye drops can be used while wearing contact lenses without removing the lenses.

In case of immune lesions, at the onset of inflammatory processes in the organs of vision, the use of a separate category of agents is recommended. According to the instructions for using Dexamethasone eye drops, they cope with these negative phenomena. If the exacerbation is acute, apply them every 1-2 hours. As soon as the acute phase subsides, they begin to use them 3-5 times a day. But the instructions for using Dexamethasone eye drops also contain a requirement not to take the remedy on your own. A doctor's consultation is required. It is he who will choose the duration of the course of therapy. After all, side effects may begin, and the person himself is able to incorrectly diagnose the disease.
When detecting bacterial infections, blepharitis, increased sensitivity of the organs of vision, eye drops "Levomycetin" are recommended. The instructions for use for them indicate that it is necessary to use the drug 3-4 times a day. The duration of the full course of treatment does not last longer than 5 days. The instructions for use for Levomycetin eye drops do not contain a special recommendation for the elderly. For them, the dose is not adjusted in any way. It is important to keep the vial upright after use.
As a rule, in the spring-autumn period, persons withpredisposition to all kinds of allergic reactions, begin to suffer from conjunctivitis, blepharitis, lacrimation.
In this case, doctors prescribe inexpensive eye drops for redness - Kromoheksal, Octilia. If the case is neglected, a strong drug "Alomid" is recommended.
Dietary supplements with complexes of vitamins and minerals are considered popular in Russia. It is they who maintain visual acuity, relieve the manifestations of overwork of the optic nerves. They contain the secrets of folk remedies for the eyes - extracts of blueberries, carrots, currants and some other plants. Complexes of this kind are popular in the country - "Evalar", "Okovit", "Chernega".
Traditional medicine
A lot of folk remedies for the eyes are used by experts in alternative medicine. As a rule, tinctures and poultices are recommended for use here. Tea lotions for the eyes are very actively used. A herb such as eyebright has unique properties. It is widely distributed in Russian territory and is considered a weed.
Herbal infusions are often prepared from it - two tablespoons of raw materials are taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. After the mixture is allowed to brew for half an hour. 1-2 drops of such a drug are dripped into the eyes. It is believed that such an eyebright remedy saves from conjunctivitis, blepharitis, cataracts of the initial stage.
If the patient suffers from myopia, hyperopia, elderberry syrups are recommended. They are taken 2 teaspoons three times a day. They are bought from traditional healers.
Known to almost everyone sincechildhood eyewash - brewed tea. It is used for fatigue of the eyelids, inflammation of the eyes, mucous membranes.
To get rid of pain, reduce swelling, apply and dried seaweed. To prepare the preparation, three tablespoons of raw materials are taken, put in a thermos, and then, pouring boiling water, let it brew for 6–8 hours. Further, after straining the infusion, it is poured into molds, freezing overnight in the freezer. In the morning, cubes of such ice wipe the area around the eyes. It is believed that this is a very effective folk remedy for the care of the eyes and the area around them.

Blueberries have been used since ancient times to get rid of many ailments. It is taken raw, as well as in the form of jelly, tinctures, jams. It is noteworthy that once it was a "military" remedy for the eyes - before departure, military pilots were given blueberry jelly to improve their eyesight. To prepare such a remedy, you need to take two tablespoons of fruit, pour two cups of boiling water. After the mixture is allowed to brew for two hours. The patient is given to drink a quarter cup 5 times a day.
If there is a risk that the lens becomes cloudy, goat milk serum is used. Dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with boiled water. Use this tool every day, dripping 2 drops. After that, cover your eyes with a bandage, lie down for half an hour.
For the elderly, the list of eye drops is not exhaustive. Tinctures, for example, calamus root, also help well. To prepare a healing potion, you need to put one handful of crushed grass and a handful of dried calendula into a bottle of vodka. Shaking, this tincture is kept in a dark place for 12 days. Start using 1 teaspoon before meals. After a year of such a course of treatment, they take a break of 1 month.
The medicinal effect of barley compress is also known. It is necessary to take three tablespoons of the dried plant, and then pour them with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is allowed to infuse for 10 minutes. After filtering, the mass is wrapped with gauze, bandages and applied to the eyes. Keep the compress here for about 5-7 minutes.
It is important to consider that many traditional medicines may have contraindications. And only a specialist is able to accurately choose a medicine that is suitable for a particular person. Especially careful should be people who have intolerance to certain components, pregnant women, women during lactation, people with diseases of the gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract.

Composition of modern funds
Modern medicines for the eyes, as a rule, contain special mineral complexes, alkaloid s alts, sodium chloride. Release is carried out in special forms of glass or plastic. The quality of products is evaluated by many indicators - by how transparent plastic bottles are, by sterility, by the presence of mechanical inclusions in the solution.
Viscosity is considered an important indicator of the effectiveness of a drug for the eyes. Quick enough tearsthe drug is washed off, and therefore, with a low viscosity, it will not work. It is for this reason that most modern eye drops contain a thickener. Polykinyl alcohol often plays its role.
When producing pharmaceuticals of this type, the sterility of the packaging is always evaluated. After the first use of the tool, it is important that it be possible to close it again. If the drops do not contain preservatives, they are released in disposable packages.
Medicinal eye ointments are also very common at the moment. They also have many useful components. Often, auxiliary ingredients are included in the composition. And it is they that can provoke allergic reactions, have a negative effect on the eyeball.
The duration of the therapeutic course can only be determined by a doctor. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism itself, as well as the course of a particular disease. If the inflammatory process is acute, the therapy will be different from that prescribed for the treatment of chronic ailments.
Often used hormonal preparations for the eyes, which eliminate the manifestations of inflammation. They are effective due to the effect at the cellular level. When instilled, such drugs penetrate directly into the lens of the eye.
It must be taken into account that inflammation is only a manifestation of the body's defensive reaction to something. And the suppression of these reactions must be de alt with with all caution. For example, hormonal eye drops are used when needed.maintain the condition of the organs of vision after surgery. But they are never used for purulent diseases, fungal infections. The use of such drugs is not recommended for people suffering from increased intraocular pressure. Often used and hormonal ointment for the eyes. For example, this is Dexamethasone.
Means of this category can only be prescribed by a professional ophthalmologist, since the uncontrolled use of hormonal drops can cause a lot of damage to the organs of vision, and the situation in this case will simply worsen.
Non-steroid drugs is another category. It includes Diclofenac, Indocollir. They are prescribed to eliminate the patient's pain syndrome, to prevent complications during surgery to remove cataracts and glaucoma. They also provide preventive action. Contraindications in this case are intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation. After all, such drugs can disrupt the blood circulation in a child. Older people should also be careful.

Flushing with sodium chloride
Extremely often, ophthalmologists recommend that their patients rinse their eyes with sodium chloride. This tool helps to maintain a constant level of pressure. As a rule, it is it that is used if it is necessary to treat eye diseases in children, while drops can be simply dangerous for them. Sodium chloride solution is used if the body suffers from dehydration,recovering after surgery, intoxication. The use of the solution is only local. It is recommended to wash their eyes with allergies, inflammation of the cornea. There is a good interaction of the solution with other drugs.
Drops against infections
This category of drugs includes antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral drugs. The first variety is intended to fight bacterial infections. The most common diseases of this nature are barley, dacryocystitis, inflammation of the eyelids, corneas, infectious phenomena after surgery, chronic eye diseases, and there are some acute forms. For this reason, most pharmaceutical products intended for the eyes fall into this category. As a rule, drugs have very similar properties, they include antibiotics.
Antiseptic eye drops are used to disinfect mucous membranes. Ultimately, this serves as a prevention of fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. It is important that antiseptics do not have many contraindications. The disadvantages of drugs of this kind is that they are quite aggressive, which means that they are not allowed to be used in all cases. As a rule, antiseptic agents are used after surgery, to prevent infections in eye injuries, in inflammatory processes in the cornea, and inflammation of the eyelids. They help to cope with conjunctivitis. Representatives of this category are Okomistin eye drops,Vitabakt, Miramistin.
It is noteworthy that they are also used to treat young children and pregnant women during lactation. It's all about their local impact. But if the body has a tendency to allergic reactions, it is better to refuse such medicines. If pain is detected in the eyes, pain after using such drops, the reception is immediately stopped and a doctor is consulted. It is he who will select the most optimal means that will not cause a negative reaction in the body.

Antiviral drugs will destroy viruses, enhance the immune properties of the organs of vision. Drops with interferon have an antitumor, antiviral effect. Medicines of this category are used to combat conjunctivitis, eye vascular diseases, diseases of a viral nature. Contraindications are diseases of the cardiovascular, hematopoietic systems. Do not use these drops for pregnant women, as well as during lactation. The list of contraindications is supplemented by instructions for specific medicines.