Why does the finger on my right hand go numb? What is the reason?

Why does the finger on my right hand go numb? What is the reason?
Why does the finger on my right hand go numb? What is the reason?

Recently, the number of people facing the problem of numbness has been increasing. Why does the finger on the right hand go numb? This question has become very relevant. And it is no coincidence that this circumstance coincided with the era of global computerization. However, not only office workers suffer from this, but it happens more often for them. This is faced by representatives of various professions associated with the constant movement of brushes. These are painters, embroiderers, weavers, musicians, carpenters.

Why does the finger on the right hand go numb: causes and symptoms of diseases

The most common cause of finger numbness is carpal tunnel syndrome. There is a pinching of the median nerve tendons of the wrist. But it is he who is responsible for the sensitivity of the fingers and palm. If the tendons are overloaded, they swell and, as a result, pinch the nerve. And since 90% of people are right-handed, it is the right hand that goes numb.

why does the finger on the right hand go numb
why does the finger on the right hand go numb


  • night chills;
  • reducing the ability of fingers to touch;
  • burning fingers;
  • possible seizures;
  • swelling around the wrist;
  • decrease in mobilitythumb.

If left untreated, the muscles in the thumb may atrophy. In severe cases, hand strength can be lost.

numb right index finger
numb right index finger

Pathology of blood vessels, problems with the spine, neuralgia of the hands and neck lead to the same symptom.

The most common reasons why the index finger of the right hand goes numb:

  • hypovitaminosis (A and B) or the first stage of vascular atherosclerosis (in people over forty-five);
  • neuralgia of the nerve plexus of the shoulder or any disease in the elbow joint;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.
numbness of the ring finger of the right hand
numbness of the ring finger of the right hand

To the fact that the ring finger of the right hand goes numb, diseases of various organs that are not directly related to the hands can lead. This may be dysfunction of any internal organs, the consequences of pneumonia or operations, intoxication, emotional overload, and even improper metabolism. The most terrible diseases: diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, stroke or heart attack. Therefore, if the symptoms continue for some time, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Complete rejection of nicotine and alcohol, s alty, spicy, spicy fatty foods. You need to make the transition to a he althy diet.

Sudden changes in hand temperature should not be allowed. Wear gloves made from natural fibers. You need to give your hands a rest every hour for fifteen minutes.

Why does the finger on my right hand go numb during pregnancy?

When pregnant, the uterusincreases significantly and compresses the nerve pillars. Also, blood circulation can be disturbed due to swelling in the wrists. This is usually the case in the last trimester. It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence and development of edema, especially hidden ones. Therefore, it is worth watching the shins and hands.

Deep pressure indentations are the first sign of edema. This can adversely affect the he alth of the baby, so you should immediately consult a doctor and exclude spicy, s alty, fatty and fried foods. Taking care of yourself at this time is the key to your baby's he alth in the future.

We hope that now you understand why the finger on the right hand goes numb. Although it is best to see a doctor, he will be able to diagnose and identify the true cause.
