Candles for children from constipation - this is the first and very effective remedy that must be purchased in the first aid kit. It is known that the most common problem of a newborn is his stool: the child either empties normally, or pushes to no avail for several days in a row.
Of course, parents, exhausted, are trying to find an effective way to help their child. For infants and preschool children, the optimal medical remedy that causes stool is completely safe suppositories, especially sea buckthorn.
To make these suppositories, pharmacists mix sea buckthorn oil extracted from dried fruits with a hardened fatty base. In addition, the composition of suppositories may include stabilizers and emulsifiers, which ensure the stability of this drug, as well as their long shelf life. Is it possible for children to use sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation and cracks? Let's find out.
Good qualities
Suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil are still quite often used in our time, although the development of modern medicine has become the reasonthe appearance of a large number of remedies for an unpleasant symptom that occurs in a child.
It is possible that this quality is due to the rather rapid effect of the use of suppositories, and relief is felt almost immediately. There are no frightening names in the composition of the candles, which cause some suspicions in all parents. Sea buckthorn oil is a completely understandable and safe component. In addition, these candles have a pleasant aroma.
Indications for use
This drug is prescribed for:
- constipation;
- hemorrhoids;
- anal fissures;
- proctite;
- radiation injury occurring in the colon;
- rectal ulcer.

Pharmacological composition
Sea buckthorn has long been an extremely valuable natural concentrate of nutritional and beneficial qualities. Its unique qualities are due to the optimal balance of proportions, which provide a relatively fast healing effect.
So, sea buckthorn oil contains a lot of vitamins, flavonoids, phytoncides, carotenoids, tannins, and glycerides of organic acids. It is these active ingredients that make sea buckthorn oil a truly universal drug in modern cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.
Sea buckthorn extract has the following properties:
- Anti-inflammatory - sea buckthorn oil inhibits the production of the source of inflammation, significantly reducing the property of vascular permeability, effectively eliminating redness, swelling and soreness,rather quickly restores the blood supply to damaged tissues of the anus.
- Antioxidant - neutralizes intracellular free radicals, eliminating their susceptibility to adverse effects, as well as significantly reducing the possibility of cell membrane division.
- Antibacterial - oil has a bacteriostatic effect, it can limit and somewhat inhibit the growth of pathological microflora and some varieties of fungi.
- Cytostatic - since the oil of this plant contains fatty acids, which are an important component of cell membrane structures, it stimulates their regeneration, ensuring the optimal thickness of the membranes, thereby preventing the penetration of pathological agents into cells.
- The regenerating effect consists in a more accelerated epithelialization of the skin and mucous membranes.
- The astringent quality of sea buckthorn oil is provided by the available tannins, which will form a thin film on the mucous membrane to reliably protect the anus from mechanical damage and irritation, which accelerates its healing.
- Sea buckthorn oil, from which suppositories are made, reduces the excretion of accumulated fluid between tissues in the event of ruptures.

Pharmacodynamics refers to the biochemical effects and physiological effects that a given drug can have on a child's body. This property allows you to more quickly and effectively eliminate microorganisms, as well as parasites. In fact,sea buckthorn suppositories have a reparative (wound healing and anti-inflammatory) effect. This is due to the composition of the candles, namely the membrane-stabilizing effect of this oil.
This is the process of distribution and absorption of the active substance. After the introduction of a candle to a child, the effect appears after about 20-30 minutes. The duration of the effect of this product on the baby's body is from two to six hours.

And although children can use sea buckthorn candles, there are some contraindications. It is very important to note for a start that suppositories made from the purified oil of this plant are undesirable for a child if his age is less than 6 years. In addition, sea buckthorn suppositories are not recommended for children with rectal fissures and tumors formed in the large intestine.
Treatment of children with sea buckthorn suppositories is usually well tolerated, as this herbal remedy has a relatively low ability to cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn suppositories in childhood are individual sensitivity and diarrhea. The most common side effects are anal discomfort and a laxative effect.
With an incorrectly prescribed dosage and uncontrolled use of suppositories with sea buckthorn and their abuse, they can only aggravate the situation, cause allergies,fecal obstruction, indigestion, and addiction. It may happen that for a child's intestines, not irritated from the outside, the problem of normal going to the toilet becomes problematic.

Rules for introducing candles
According to the instructions for sea buckthorn suppositories for children, suppositories are prescribed for up to one week: children after 6 years of age should take 1 suppository per day, and children 6-14 years old should take one suppository in the morning and evening.
To begin with, you should carefully read the instructions attached to them, taking into account the contraindications described in it. If a child is found to be hypersensitive to certain components of the suppositories, a drug of a different form of release should be used.
Candles should be stored in the refrigerator, and they need to be removed from there immediately before use. You need to take the plastic packaging and tear it apart by pulling on the designated places. Before inserting a candle, a small patient needs to empty the intestines, for example, by making an enema with cool water.
In order to introduce sea buckthorn suppositories more easily and comfortably, the child should be placed on his side, and his knees should be well pressed as close to the chest as possible. To facilitate the process of use, the anus can be lubricated with Vaseline for the child and the buttocks well apart. The candle is inserted with a sharp end into the anus, pressing with a finger until the resistance of the sphincter disappears.
To prevent the drug from slipping out after its administration, the buttocks need to be held slightly compressed. Under influencetemperature, the sea buckthorn suppository will begin to melt, and its contents will spread.
Note that some oil may leak out. It is known that sea buckthorn has a coloring property, therefore, during treatment, children are advised to use soft hygiene products, as well as wear tight-fitting underwear. You can also use gauze pads. To achieve an increase in the duration of action, doctors advise placing suppositories before bedtime.

In case of excessive use of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil for children, allergies are usually noted. If parents notice that after the introduction of a rectal suppository, the child has diarrhea, burning in the anal area or itching, this may indicate the development of hypersensitivity to sea buckthorn, which is also called individual intolerance. In such a situation, you should stop using the drug and consult a specialist for another prescription.
Drug Interactions
Interaction of sea buckthorn suppositories with other drugs is not prohibited if other rectal suppositories are not planned to be additionally used. In this case, the child may develop an allergy. It is allowed to use drugs of other forms of release to eliminate the existing problem. So, you can make lotions, as well as take pills that are safe for the child.
Expiration date
Usually, the period until which you can take sea buckthorn suppositories for children with cracks and constipation is indicated on their packaging. It may be two years, but if the correct storage conditions are provided.
But if after a while the candles began to change their color, started to flow, or a strange smell began to come from them, it is not recommended to use them for either a child or an adult. Otherwise, the patient's symptoms may worsen significantly, as well as an allergic reaction.

Reviews on sea buckthorn candles for children
Laxative suppositories, if used incorrectly and uncontrolledly, can contribute to the development of other diseases in a child. If your child experiences frequent constipation, it is recommended to see a doctor who can help pinpoint the possible causes of constipation, as well as find the best treatment.
Perhaps the problem of constipation in a child can be solved by increasing the amount of consumption of vegetables, as well as increased activity? In any case, if this piquant problem occurs, parents should adjust the baby's diet. But if the doctor nevertheless shows the use of laxatives, it is important to choose them correctly, as well as store and use them!