Acupuncture for alcoholism is a modern oriental method for the treatment of alcohol addiction, which, by influencing individual biologically active points on the skin, produces therapeutic therapy for the patient. Recently, the use of this method of treatment of addiction is prescribed very often. This is due to the fact that acupuncture for alcoholism has proven itself to be the best in the fight against this disease.
A bit of history
Acupuncture, also often referred to as acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture coding and acupuncture, is one of the very ancient branches of Oriental medicine. Acupuncture originated over 5,000 years ago in China. There, at the present time, this method of treatment has been among the officially used methods of treating alcohol dependence for many centuries. But in the restcountries, acupuncture for alcoholism is an unconventional treatment.

What does acupuncture treat?
Of course, it cannot be said with certainty that acupuncture in order to combat alcoholism can completely replace drug treatment, but the use of this method as an auxiliary treatment for many years has proven itself only from the best side. Russian clinics have long used acupuncture for alcoholism. Patient feedback, as well as various medical studies that have been conducted in recent years, have shown that this procedure is very effective in the treatment of the following diseases:
- drug addiction;
- alcohol addiction;
- obesity;
- tobacco addiction;
- neuroses, stress, neurological diseases of various etiologies and localizations.
It is also worth noting that on the basis of research and knowledge of acupuncture, even a separate course has been formed, which is aimed only at the treatment of alcohol addiction. This course is called acupuncture programming by Professor Semenov. Reviews of acupuncture for alcoholism from Professor Semenov show that this program shows quite successful results.

The essence of the technique
The whole point of the acupuncture method is that certain processes in the human body are activated or suppressed due to the impact of special needles onbiologically active points located on the surface of the skin and in the area of the auricles. Such points are located on separate, so-called energy meridians, which cover absolutely the entire human body, and are also responsible for the activity of individual organs or systems.
Each such active acupuncture point is not just a site on the human body, but a whole complex of interconnected systems:
- connective tissues;
- blood vessels;
- nerves.
Acupuncture points
The complex of such interconnected structures has a rather low electrical resistance, as well as a strong sensitivity to influences. There are more than 600 such points on the human body. When a person is sleeping or at rest, the points become much smaller than when the patient is under severe stress or is awake. It is for this reason that the treatment of alcoholism with acupuncture should only be carried out by graduates and doctors who have completed special courses in acupuncture.

Treatment needles
It is worth noting that qualified specialists look for such points individually in each patient, taking special units of measurement called "cun", as well as anatomical and topographic landmarks. Depending on the height of a person, these units of measurement can be from 1.5 to 3 cm. During acupuncture coding for alcoholism, a specialistuses sterile disposable needles, which are made on the basis of stainless steel or silver. The diameter of one such needle, as a rule, is from 0.3 to 0.37 mm. The length of one needle is from 3 to 12 cm.
Depending on which active point the needle is inserted, it is placed at a certain depth and at a certain angle relative to the surface of the human skin. The specialist uses a wide variety of needle insertion techniques, whether it be vibration or rotation with immersion. Thanks to this, you can insert the needle almost painlessly. During the procedure, which is used to treat alcohol addiction with acupuncture, the patient may feel:
- numbness;
- slight bursting;
- easy passage of current through the body;
- burning.
Indications for use
Acupuncture is prescribed for the treatment of alcohol addiction in cases where the patient has the following symptoms:
- Withdrawal syndrome that appears on the background of refusal to drink alcohol.
- Alcoholic psychosis, occurring in a pronounced form.
- Indigestion, which is observed due to the poisoning of the human body with toxins from alcoholic beverages.
- Persistent and persistent sleep disturbances.
- Emotional disturbances.
- Other complications that appear due to alcohol abuse, such as polyneuropathy, cardialgia, sexual dysfunction.

The acupuncture procedure is used not only to combat chronic alcoholism and alcoholic binges, but also to prevent possible relapses of the disease. The result of treatment and the possibility of using such a procedure for the treatment of alcohol addiction is determined by some specific factors:
- Acupuncture should be used exclusively on a voluntary basis, so the specialist requires the consent of the patient for this method of treatment.
- During treatment, there should be no contraindications for organizing acupuncture.
- During such a procedure, it is imperative to visit a psychotherapist or psychologist to conduct an appropriate psychological session with the patient.
- The specialist who will conduct such treatment must have the appropriate qualifications and license to organize such medical activities.
Acupuncture cannot be called an emergency method of therapy, treatment must be carefully thought out, and the patient must treat such medicine with all responsibility, while observing all recommendations from a specialist. Reviews of acupuncture coding for alcoholism indicate that most addicts make their own decisions about this type of therapy.
Before treating alcohol addiction with acupuncture, it is necessary to take into account that this therapy is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications to treatmentare the following states:
- Presence of malignant or benign tumors.
- Infecting a patient with hepatitis C or HIV.
- High blood pressure or fever.
- Tuberculosis in active form.
- Regular use of drugs for hormone therapy.
- Influenza and respiratory infections.
- Symptoms of acute poisoning, eg diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting.
- A state of intoxication.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Mental illness, schizophrenia, and other diseases that are accompanied by seizures and seizures.

Cleansing the body of alcohol toxins
If the patient is in an alcoholic binge for a very long time, then before using acupuncture, it is necessary to bring the person out of this state with the help of infusion-detoxification therapy. After that, it is necessary, if possible, to cleanse the human body of the accumulated alcohol toxins in it. The following methods are used for this:
- plasmapheresis;
- UVI-blood course;
- ozone therapy.
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to stop taking alcohol-containing drinks at least 3-4 days in advance, as well as quit smoking. Reviews of acupuncture coding for alcoholism show that many who want to recover from alcohol addiction can give up these habits.
Carrying out the procedure
Before startingtreatment, the specialist should develop an individual course of treatment for alcohol addiction. The basis of this course is the personal degree of dependence of the patient on alcohol. In addition, the following must be taken into account:
- Painful points on the patient's body.
- Age and gender of the patient.
- Emotional background.
- The absence or presence of aggravating factors, where, for example, poor heredity should be attributed.
- Clinical picture.
- Detailed withdrawal symptoms.

Before starting the procedure, the specialist uses the thinnest needles for acupuncture. This is done in order to maximally alleviate the course of alcohol addiction. Only after that you can start the main therapy, evenly distributing the needles throughout the body.
Reviews on the treatment of alcoholism with acupuncture suggest that the entire session is carried out in a calming environment, so that the human body begins to form the hormone endorphin, which dulls cravings for alcohol. When the full course of therapy is completed, the specialist may recommend to the patient some other additional sessions, which should be carried out periodically in order to consolidate the result. As a rule, such additional procedures are carried out no more than once a month.
Effectiveness of acupuncture
It should be noted that reviews of the treatment of alcoholism with acupuncture in Moscow, for example, indicate that after the first session people begin to stop drinking. However, this applies topatients who have just begun to develop addiction. Acupuncture has the following effects on the human body dependent on alcohol:
- Positive effect on the nervous system, as well as balancing the functions of all internal organs.
- Restoration of systems and tissues that have been destroyed by alcoholic poisons.
- Strengthening the immune system.
- Improved blood circulation, which increases the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues, which is very important for the full functioning of the brain and heart.
- Reduce the physiological manifestation of chronic alcohol addiction.
- Elimination of cramps and muscle spasms.
- Sleep normalization and elimination of night sweats.
- Reduce or completely eliminate intense heart pain and headaches.
- Improve the patient's mood, general well-being and appetite.

Advantage over other methods
An important role in the treatment of alcohol addiction is played by the desire of the person himself to overcome this disease, as well as to lead a sober lifestyle. Patients also need support from friends and family. Acupuncture has the following advantages over other treatments:
- No toxicity.
- No allergic reaction or other side effects.
- Treatment not with dangerous chemicals, but only by the human body's own forces.
Alcoholismis a very serious disease that requires a long course of therapy. The specialist should be visited, as a rule, three times a week for at least one month. The total number of acupuncture procedures can be from 10 to 14. At the same time, the duration of one session is 30-60 minutes.