How to give an enema at home. How to give yourself an enema

How to give an enema at home. How to give yourself an enema
How to give an enema at home. How to give yourself an enema

Often due to malnutrition, taking various medications, stressful situations and other reasons, it becomes necessary to cleanse the intestines with an enema. In medical institutions, the medical staff can help the patient in this delicate situation. And how to make a similar procedure at home? The question is important, because not everyone knows how to do it right. In this article, we will tell you how to give an enema at home.

What for?

An enema is a specific medical procedure in which liquid is introduced into the rectum. The first point in resolving the issue of "how to put an enema at home" is the purchase of the necessary equipment. You will need to purchase a rubber syringe or a special tank - Esmarch's mug. An enema is given when it is necessary to cleanse the lower part of the intestines and rectum, and tablets and laxative decoctions do not work or there is no time to wait for the result. It is recommended to consult with a specialist first.(proctologist).

Preparing for the procedure

So, how to give an enema at home? In addition to a syringe or Esmarch's mug, it is necessary to prepare a wide basin and a piece of thick oilcloth (about 1 m2). A suitable composition for enema should be prepared in advance. A bed or a couch should be covered with oilcloth, the edges of which should be directed to a basin substituted on the floor from below.

Medicated enema

How to give yourself an enema?
How to give yourself an enema?

Medications or herbal decoctions are used for therapeutic enema. It is known that medicinal substances are absorbed as quickly as possible in the large intestine. Such a procedure helps to quickly remove the inflammatory processes of various etiologies in the lower intestines. Chamomile infusion is considered the most effective and at the same time sparing. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour two tablespoons of crushed dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. After that, wait half an hour and strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth. Then squeeze out the herbal residue and pour the resulting liquid into the prepared mug. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to give a cleansing enema.

Cleansing enema

In the process of life, toxins accumulate in the human body, which are deposited on the intestinal walls in the form of so-called fecal stones. A cleansing enema is used to cleanse the body of these deposits and help remove gas buildup in the colon. Now we will tell you in detail how to put a cleansing enema. First you need to boil andcool to 35-38o purified water. Then pour this liquid into Esmarch's mug and, having released the air from the tube with the tap, block the flow. Apply a layer of petroleum jelly or other greasy agent to the tip of the tube and generously lubricate the patient's anus. Fix a mug with warm liquid at a height of about 1 m from the couch. After that, insert the tip into the patient's anus by about 10 cm and open the tap. If the question is how to put an enema with constipation, and the patient has water obstruction, it is necessary to insert the tip even deeper, while the mug of warm water should be raised as high as possible. Such manipulation will create a lot of pressure at which water enters the colon with strong pressure. If this does not lead to the desired result, you should pull out the tip a little, leaving about 4 cm, and lowering the mug lower, close and open the tap, while varying the pressure. The patient himself should at this time perform deep breaths and exhalations. After the patient has an urge to immediately defecate, the procedure can be stopped - water has penetrated into the colon.

how to give an enema for constipation
how to give an enema for constipation

Are you wondering how to give yourself an enema? In principle, everything here is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Prepare everything you need in advance, fasten the mug securely, check how fast the water flows from it (so you will know how long the procedure will last). Lie on your left side and, spreading your buttocks with one hand, enter the previously lubricatedtip into the anus. Then open the faucet. The whole procedure will last 15 minutes. Then close the faucet and lie still for a while so that the injected liquid begins its “cleansing” process.

Hypertonic enema

how to give a cleansing enema
how to give a cleansing enema

Hypertonic enema is given if the patient suffers from prolonged and painful constipation, accompanied by edema. How to give an enema at home to increase peristalsis? To do this, you can use a solution of potassium chloride (100 ml) or magnesia (50 ml). First you need to dilute one of these components in 100 ml of water and heat the resulting composition to 35-38 oС. After that, use a rubber balloon with a volume of approximately 300 ml.

And how to put an enema with a douche? It is necessary to draw the prepared solution into the balloon, then lubricate the tip with oil, as well as the patient's anus. If the question is "how to give yourself an enema", then after lubrication, you should spread your buttocks with one hand, and at the same time introduce a douche with the other. After the introduction of liquid into the colon for half an hour, the patient begins severe diarrhea caused by the components of the solution.

Oil enema

If a patient has prolonged constipation accompanied by pain, an oil enema may help. To do this, heat purified vegetable oil (200 ml) to 35-38 degrees, and then draw it into a syringe. How to give yourself an enema in this case? You should first lie on your left side or get on all fours. After lubricating the anus with petroleum jelly, gently insert the tip of the syringe to a certain depth and slowly pour the oil into the large intestine.

how to give an enema with a douche
how to give an enema with a douche


You should not think that the procedure we are considering is absolutely safe. That is why we recommend that you first consult with a specialist. The fact is that there are a number of diseases in which enema is contraindicated. These include hemorrhoidal bleeding bumps, various inflammations of the colon, intestinal bleeding, rectal prolapse, and oncological lesions.

Now you know how to give an enema at home. Use our tips and be he althy!
