The prostate, or prostate gland, is located under the bladder. She takes an active part in the work of the male genital organs, is responsible for erection, and also synthesizes the substances that make up the sperm. Malfunctions in the work of this organ significantly reduce the quality of sexual life, increase the risk of infertility and lead to hormonal failure. The most commonly diagnosed prostatitis and adenoma. The first is an inflammatory process, and the second is a benign neoplasm in the gland. The article will consider which drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are used in medical practice.
Properties of drugs used to treat prostate tumors
Conservative therapy often involves multiple medications that have the following properties:
- Removal of inflammatory processes that are capable ofincrease pain when urinating.
- Normalization of hormonal levels.
- Increasing immunity and improving the condition of the individual.
- Reduce the tone of the urethra.
It is important to remember that drug therapy is prescribed only by the attending urologist after a complete examination and diagnosis.
Symptoms of prostate adenoma in men
Treatment with drugs is especially effective in the early stages of the development of the disease. In order to timely identify pathology, you need to know its signs:
- You have to push to release the urine.
- Jet with intermittent outflow of urine.
- Disturbed by frequent urge to urinate, including at night.
- In case of bladder overflow, which is characteristic of the advanced stage of the disease, the individual is unable to hold it.
- Not all urine is excreted by urination, some of it is retained in the bladder. As the disease progresses, its volume increases, which contributes to the development of the inflammatory process, which is a frequent companion of adenoma.

Increased neoplasm of the prostate of a benign nature provokes the occurrence of congestion. The prostate gland in the presence of adenoma is more prone to prostatitis.
Prostatitis symptoms
The disease can be infectious and non-infectious in nature, as well as be acute or chronic. In the first case, the clinical picture is as follows:
- pain in the groinarea;
- inability to completely empty the bladder;
- frequent urge to urinate;
- temperature increase;
- weakness;
- small daily amount of urine;
- pain in the perineum, aggravated by passing urine or defecation.
In the second case, the symptoms are:
- feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, but frequent urge;
- discomfort in the perineum caused by pain that gets worse during urination;
- decrease in libido.
Prostatitis Therapy
For the treatment of prostatitis, the most effective and modern medicines are those with the following dosage forms:
- Tablets and capsules - these are taken orally. Preparations in this form of release have analgesic and a wide antibacterial spectrum of action, regulate the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system.
- Suppositories - they act in close proximity to the lesion, providing analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
- Solutions for injection - they are administered intravenously or intramuscularly and are used for severe intoxication.
- Microclysters with a decoction of St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, motherwort or with sea buckthorn, sunflower, peach oil.
Doctor's recommendations: when is pharmacotherapy indicated?
Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are recommended as both primary and adjuvant therapy. When they are prescribed, the state of the individual, the characteristics of the manifestations of the disease, andalso contraindications to taking medications. Indications for medical treatment are:
- Unable to perform surgery.
- No complications from the renal system.
- Recurrence of a benign lesion after surgery.

Pharmacotherapy is prescribed at the first stage of the onset of pathology, that is, during the period when the dysfunction is minimal and there are no complications that adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys. And also in the presence of contraindications to surgical treatment, such as problems with the cardiovascular system and the advanced age of the individual. Currently, about 80% of men receive treatment for BPH without surgery. Drugs of different pharmacological groups do an excellent job with this problem:
5-alpha reductase inhibitors - Prosteride, Avodart, Alfinal help to cope with the symptoms of the disease, are effective for large tumors

- Hormones - "Sustanon", "Prostatilen" are not prescribed for all patients.
- Alpha-blockers - "Adenorm", "Omnic", "Lokren" relax the muscles of the prostate and normalize urination.
- Antibiotics - "Gentamicin", "Levorin" are indicated when an infection of a bacterial nature is attached.
- Phytopreparations - "Prostagut", "Tykveol", "Trianol" improve the process of urine outflow, relieve swelling, remove inflammation.
Contraindications to drug treatment
Pharmacotherapy is not carried out in the following cases:
- Bladder stones.
- Residual urine over 100 ml.
- Acute urinary retention.
- Serious violations of the outflow of urine.
- Hematuria, i.e. the presence of blood in the urine.
Drugs for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma
The following groups of medicines are used to eliminate the causes and signs of prostatitis and adenoma:
- Antibiotics – Summamed, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Oxytetracycline, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin.
- NSAIDs - "Nimesil", "Ibuprofen" - relieve pain, inflammation and temperature.
- Relaxants - "Mydocalm", "Drotaverine" relieve the tone and motor activity of smooth muscles.

- 5-alpha reductase inhibitors - "Alfinal" reduces the negative effects of androgens on the gland.
- Alpha-blockers - "Tamsulosin" weakens the smooth muscles of the bladder neck, as well as the urethra. As a result, pain disappears.
To improve blood flow in the pelvis, the drugs "Pentoxifylline" and "Vinpocetine" have proven themselves well. To strengthen the body and the immune system, such means as "Fitadiol", "Combilipen" are shown.
Alpha1-adrenergic antagonist drugs
They relax the smooth muscles of the organs that make up the urinary system and improve the outflow of urine. The most famous and effective of this group is Omnic. In the treatment of prostate adenomacapsules and tablets are used. The latter dosage form is more progressive, as it provides a gradual release of the active ingredient tamsulosin. As a result, it enters the blood evenly and is in the body of the individual in a constant concentration.

"Omnic" has no effect on vascular tone, has a small number of adverse reactions and is approved for use in patients suffering from chronic hypertension. The drug selectively acts on the alpha1-adrenergic receptors of the muscles located in the prostate, bladder and prostatic urethra. Relaxation of muscle tone improves urine output and relieves some of the unpleasant symptoms of prostate adenoma in men. Treatment with Alfuzosin, Urorek, Omsulosin, Tamselin, Sonizin, where the active ingredient is tamsulosin, a long period of time allows:
- Reduce the risk of surgery.
- Reduce the risk of acute urinary retention.
- Remove the severity of signs of filling and emptying the bladder.
Drugs of this group by reducing peripheral resistance can reduce pressure. This fact should be taken into account when prescribing these drugs to patients with hypertension. Properly selected dose of medication minimizes adverse effects and gives a good therapeutic effect.
Drugs belonging to the group of reductase inhibitors
The most famous drugs fortreatment of BPH in men:
- "Avodart" - inhibits the activity of isoenzymes responsible for the conversion of the hormonal substance testosterone into five alpha-dihydrotestosterone. The latter is responsible for the growth of glandular tissue in the prostate. The effectiveness of treatment is evaluated two weeks after the start of treatment.
- "Dutasteride" - reduces the risk of acute urinary retention and improves its outflow. As a result, the need for surgical treatment is removed.
- "Finasteride" is a drug for the treatment of prostate adenoma, in which the active substance helps to block the conversion of testosterone into a more active hormone called dihydrotestosterone. As a result, the concentration of the latter decreases in the tissues of the prostate and in the blood serum. The volume of the gland decreases, the rate of urination increases, the signs of the disease become less pronounced.

- "Penester" - the effect of the drug is similar to the previous one.
- "Alfinal" - this drug for the treatment of prostate adenoma belongs to antitumor hormonal medicines. Thanks to the intake of this drug, the stimulating effect of testosterone on the development of the tumor process is blocked. With regular use, the effect is visible after three months - the volume of the gland decreases, after four - the maximum rate of urine outflow increases, and after seven - general signs of pathology, as well as symptoms of urinary tract obstruction, decrease.
"Finasteride" and "Dutasteride" in the treatment of adenomaprostate
These are effective BPH drugs that inhibit a cellular enzyme to prevent testosterone from being converted to a more active form. It is this transformation that causes an increase in the prostate gland. Finasteride or Dutasteride is indicated for:
- Reduce the risk of surgical therapy.
- Improved urination.
- Elimination of the occurrence of acute urinary retention.
- Relieve signs of illness.
- Control of prostate hyperplasia.
Due to the fact that these drugs reduce the concentration of male hormones in the blood, they should be taken carefully, i.e. strictly on the recommendation of the attending urologist doctor.
Painkillers and antispasmodics for exacerbation of prostate adenoma
Among honey. drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma in the acute stage experts prefer:
NSAIDs - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They well relieve unpleasant pain during urination, as well as constant pain in the perineum, in the groin. Taking medicines of this pharmacological group helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease, lower the temperature, reduce the inflammatory process, and remove the swelling of the gland

Analgesics are drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma that can remove pain. They are used in various dosage forms - tablets, suppositories. The simplest and most accessible is"Metamizol sodium", which is known to everyone under the trade name "Analgin". Combined remedies are also effective, for example, Procto-Glivenol, Ichthyol
After reading the article, you got acquainted with the best drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma, as well as their pharmacological action and form of release in accordance with the official instructions for medical use. Modern drugs can prevent the need for surgery and stop the increase in prostate volume. It is important to remember that self-treatment of this disease is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for men's he alth.