Licorice root syrup what helps: indications, instructions for use, contraindications and reviews

Licorice root syrup what helps: indications, instructions for use, contraindications and reviews
Licorice root syrup what helps: indications, instructions for use, contraindications and reviews

Licorice root syrup belongs to the category of herbal remedies that have a powerful expectorant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating principle of action. The basis of this medication contains an extract of a plant useful to humans, sugar syrup and a small percentage of ethyl alcohol. The universal composition of natural ingredients allows the use of the medication even for small children. To understand what licorice root syrup can be taken from, you need to study the instructions, which describe in detail all the indications and contraindications.

Composition and release form

The drug is sold in 100 ml bottles. The composition includes the following components:

  1. Ethyl alcohol 10 ml.
  2. Extract from the rhizome of naked licorice 4 ml.
  3. Natural sugar syrup 86 ml.

The medicine has a specific taste, which makes it easy to recognize the syrup. Due to the presence of sugar syrup, the drug is actively used to treat children, sincelittle patients are very willing to take the drug.

bottle of syrup
bottle of syrup

Pharmacological principle of action

The most effective components in the syrup are flavonoids, glycyrrhizic acid, coumarins, essential oil. To understand what licorice root syrup helps with, you need to familiarize yourself with the pharmacological principle of action:

  1. Expectorant.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Laxative.
  4. Antineoplastic.
  5. Corticosteroid.
  6. Regenerating.
  7. Enveloping.
  8. Immunostimulatory.
  9. Anspasmodic.

After research and experimental treatment, it was possible to confirm the main antiviral properties of this drug. When patients are wondering what licorice root syrup is best for, experts always point out that the drug is effective even in the treatment of patients with AIDS and herpes. The drug has an antibacterial effect. Numerous reviews indicate that the drug is effective in the treatment of staph infections.

Liquorice root
Liquorice root

Useful properties

The high effectiveness and contraindications of the drug are based on its chemical composition. Licorice root contains a large number of biologically active compounds:

  • Coumarins, flavonoids, polysaccharides.
  • Glycyrrhizic acid.
  • Phytoestrogens.
  • Tannins, saponins.
  • Minerals, vitamins.
  • Organic acids –amber, lemon, apple, wine.

In addition to natural ingredients, the concentrate contains sugar syrup and ethyl alcohol 96%. Glycyrrhizin has a pronounced hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory principle of action. The antispasmodic and expectorant effect is achieved due to flavone components, which expand the lumen of the bronchi and greatly facilitate expectoration.

Indications for use

Before you figure out how to drink licorice root syrup, you need to study the instructions. Manufacturers of the drug note that the drug is relevant for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, when the disease is accompanied by a wet and dry cough. Key indications:

  1. Bronchial asthma. The syrup softens and soothes the cough, relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Self-medication with such a diagnosis is strictly prohibited. Allergic manifestations to the components of the medication are not excluded.
  2. Cough. The use of licorice root syrup by adults is relevant for tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, pneumonia. The medicine liquefies a thick secret, eliminates bouts of dry cough. The drug allows you to cope with mucous plugs when blocking the lungs.
  3. Rehabilitation of the bronchi. This procedure is relevant before surgical treatment, as well as after surgery.
  4. Bronchoectatic pathology. The instructions for the use of licorice root syrup by adults and children contain information that the drug is effective in purulent processes in the respiratory system. The complex therapy includes antibiotics, massage,bronchodilators, breathing exercises.

The basic pharmacological action is expectorant. The substances included in the composition have a positive effect on the ciliated epithelium of the human bronchi and stimulate their active work.

Using dry licorice root
Using dry licorice root


The medicinal properties of licorice root syrup are not suitable for all patients. The main contraindications include the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Individual intolerance to components.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. Hypokalemia.
  5. Violation of cardiac activity.
  6. Diabetes mellitus type I and II.
  7. Disruption of the adrenal glands.
  8. Cirrhosis, liver failure.
  9. Acute diarrhea.
  10. Thrombocytopenia.


Licorice root cough syrup is in great demand in the treatment of adults and young patients. Since a dry cough must necessarily be translated into a wet one, this medication does an excellent job with this task. The drug promotes the formation of mucus, with which the body is cleared of accumulated pathogens. For effective treatment of cough, it is necessary to use the medication three times a day for 15 mg, but not more than 14 days in a row. To facilitate the procedure, a 5 ml measuring spoon and a small glass are attached to the bottle.

Decoction preparation
Decoction preparation

Adverse reactions

Before you start treatment of diseases of the upper respiratoryways of licorice root, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible negative manifestations that this medication can cause:

  1. Sharp joint pain.
  2. Dizziness and fainting.
  3. Allergic manifestations (burning of the skin, itching, red rashes).
  4. Liver dysfunction.
  5. Stool disorders.
  6. Depression.
  7. Gynecological bleeding.

Given all the limitations and adverse reactions, then the treatment of dry cough with licorice should be approached as carefully and responsibly as possible. You must first consult with your doctor to avoid worsening the condition.

Effective decoction

For children, licorice root syrup is often prepared at home. The dry extract of this plant is a fine powder. Preparation of a decoction consists of several stages:

  1. One tablespoon of licorice pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. The container with the solution is placed in a water bath and kept for 40 minutes.
  3. The prepared broth is cooled for 20 minutes and gently filtered through gauze. Bring the product to the desired volume with boiled water.

Decoction take 2 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is calculated for 14 days.


You can prepare a healing remedy at home. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Finely chop the root of the plant and pour it with water in a ratio of 1:5.
  2. The resulting remedy must be infused for 14 daysin a dark place.
  3. The infusion must be filtered.

To fight a cough, the medicine is taken twice a day, 35 drops. The tincture is washed down with warm water. In the pharmacy, you can buy a ready-made collection in small bags. For 200 ml of boiling water, you need to take 3 such packages. The remedy is insisted for half an hour.

The final duration of treatment is always adjusted by the attending physician, as it all depends on the severity of the disease. The drug in any form can be used for no more than two weeks. If you take licorice root for a long time, then this is fraught with a significant increase in pressure, swelling of the limbs and a decrease in sexual desire.

Decoction preparation
Decoction preparation

Tablet form

0.25% ammonia solutions are added to the thick extract. This composition is actively used for the manufacture of high-quality pills. Tablets are the most convenient form of drug release. Before use, one pill is dissolved in 300 ml of warm water. Applying licorice root cough syrup is not a difficult task. The medicine is drunk in the form of tea 2-3 times a day.

The use of tea based on licorice root extract
The use of tea based on licorice root extract

As for little patients

For children, instructions for the use of licorice root syrup recommend giving a cough remedy from the age of 3, but only if the benefit of therapy outweighs the possible harm. Most often, pediatricians prescribe the drug in the form of a syrup. It has a rather pleasant aroma, a sweet taste that kids really like. The dosage of syrup for dry cough is calculated as followsscheme: 1 drop is used for each year of life. You can take syrup only after meals. Do not use the drug for more than 10 days. Otherwise, severe itching, redness of the skin, diarrhea may occur.

Standard medication regimen:

  1. Up to 2 years. One drop of the extract must be diluted in a teaspoon of water.
  2. From 3 to 12 years old. In a quarter cup of warm water, dissolve ½ tsp. medication. Take the drug 4 times a day.
  3. From 12 years old. In a quarter glass of water, one teaspoon of the product is diluted and taken 4 times a day.

It is worth noting that in some cases, licorice root syrup in children can significantly reduce potassium levels in the blood. That is why the patient's diet should be rich in dried apricots and bananas.

Licorice Root Syrup for Children
Licorice Root Syrup for Children

Use of licorice root by women

In gynecology, the plant has found application because of the content of natural estrogens (steroid female sex hormones) in it. With their decrease in the body of a woman, a characteristic dysfunction of the ovaries can develop, which is fraught with a violation of the menstrual cycle. Quite often, such violations occur at the initial stage of menopause. Doctors prescribe syrup to gradually reduce testosterone and normalize the cycle. Licorice helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels, as it is the main carrier of the male hormone.

Means based on licorice root are extremely dangerous for pregnant women, as the use of the drug is fraught with various side effects.reactions:

  1. Puffiness.
  2. Water retention in the body.
  3. Increase in blood pressure.
  4. Intensification of toxicosis.
  5. Negative effect on the hormonal system.
  6. Critical violation of the water-s alt balance.
  7. Calcium leaching.

The medicine is taken with extreme caution during lactation. To avoid the manifestation of adverse reactions, you should consult with your doctor.

The use of licorice root syrup
The use of licorice root syrup

Improve the functioning of the lymphatic system

For these purposes, licorice tinctures and syrups are actively used. The powerful detoxifying properties of this herb were well known in ancient times. Chinese and Tibetan healers used the plant as an antidote. Licorice can cleanse the human body of dangerous toxins and toxins. Treatment is combined with the use of sorbents. After the completed course, the functioning of the liver and kidneys is significantly improved, the immune system is strengthened, metabolism is normalized, the condition of the hair improves, puffiness is eliminated, and the skin is cleansed. Only after the patient understands what licorice root syrup helps from, he can avoid the most negative consequences.

Improvement of the lymphatic system differs in some nuances:

  1. Using licorice. In a small glass of hot water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. syrup and taken orally. A natural reaction in the form of watery eyes and a runny nose is quite possible.
  2. Sorbent intake. 60 minutes after licorice use"Enterosgel", which will remove all toxins from the intestines.
  3. Therapy. The course of treatment is designed for 2 weeks. The procedure is carried out at least 3 times a day.

You should first consult with a therapist. Otherwise, the reaction of the body can be very unpredictable. Side effects from the digestive tract and nervous system are not excluded.


The consequences of an overdose

Significant excess of the permissible dosage of licorice root is fraught with the appearance of negative symptoms. The most common are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, fever. In such a situation, the use of the medication should be stopped and consult a doctor who, if necessary, will select the optimal symptomatic treatment.

Syrup is better not to combine with diuretics and heart drugs, as this only increases the excretion of potassium from the body. Hormonal and laxative medications can lead to electrolyte imbalance.
