How long does it take to quit smoking? Features, recommendations and reviews

How long does it take to quit smoking? Features, recommendations and reviews
How long does it take to quit smoking? Features, recommendations and reviews

Smoking is one of the global problems of mankind, on which every third man on the planet depends. It did not bypass the female part of the population. So, according to statistics, the number of women who smoke is slightly less - nicotine-addicted representatives of the beautiful in the world are 7% out of 100. Before deciding to take such a serious step as quitting smoking, you need to understand the depth of the problem. More on that and how long it takes to quit smoking.

Clock - the main photo of the article
Clock - the main photo of the article

Why should you quit smoking?

There are good reasons to quit a bad habit:

  1. None of the smokers can boast of a perfect sense of smell. So, they cannot fully experience the aroma of the product due to the dysfunction of the nose. The most correct way out in thiscase will be smoking cessation. Then, it will take about six months to restore the ability to smell aromas.
  2. Skin condition can be a strong argument only for girls. Noticing the deterioration, for them the question of how long it takes to quit smoking is especially acute, as well as how to do it and whether it is worth giving up the bad habit at all. Indeed, in the presence of nicotine addiction, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dull and prone to rashes.
  3. The opinion of others. Once upon a time, the question of how long it takes to quit smoking was of little concern to anyone. Rather, on the contrary - before smoking was in vogue. Today, one of the main trends is a he althy lifestyle. Therefore, smokers who are too dependent on the opinion of society, it is better to give up nicotine altogether.
  4. If you are a smoker, but decide to quit this habit, then you immediately reduced the risk of cancer by several times. According to statistics, more than 50% of people suffering from this addiction suffer from lung cancer. The remaining 50% share cancers of the larynx, brain and neck.
open pack of cigarettes
open pack of cigarettes

Also, one of the important reasons why many quit smoking is finances. Today, a pack of cigarettes is on average equal to three or four loaves or one dozen eggs. So, if everything is carefully calculated, then instead of 30 packs of tobacco per month, you can buy 20 loaves of bread and 20-30 eggs. And these products will not only preserve your he alth, but also bring him considerable benefits. So think about it.

How long does it take to quit smoking?

The exact answer about the time it will take to get rid of nicotine addiction, no one has. It will be enough for someone to decide on this step, and in the morning he will no longer reach for the next dose of nicotine. For some it will take a week, for others a month.

Many mistakenly believe that giving up any addiction is just a matter of psychology. That is, by setting yourself up in the right way, you can easily give up nicotine or, for example, alcohol. From a medical point of view, this is far from the case. There are times when a smoker with twenty years of experience decides to quit, but doctors strongly advise against doing so because of the risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Therefore, the best option for such people is to reduce the number of cigarettes per day, and eventually reduce them to one per day. Then it will take many more days, weeks, months to completely get rid of smoking as a habit.

Stages of nicotine addiction

Experts divide the power of nicotine addiction into 3 stages:

  1. A person who smokes up to 10 cigarettes daily is in the first stage of addiction. As a rule, such people do not run around the corner immediately after eating, but their mood periodically depends on the presence of nicotine in the blood. This category of men and women often think about how to quit smoking, and what will happen if they do.
  2. Being in the second stage, the smoker needs 15-30 cigarettes every day. Often he is in a hurry to inhale the next doseharmful substances immediately after sleep with a cup of invigorating coffee, as well as after eating. Nicotine-addicted people at this stage often suffer from gastritis, various allergies, as well as sudden changes in blood pressure. They often develop insomnia and brain disorders.
  3. In the third stage, the smoker experiences a constant craving for a pack, which he can easily destroy in a day (along with this, he himself harms his he alth). Sometimes a person can smoke one and a half, and even two packs of cigarettes. Such people rarely ask how long it takes to quit smoking. They, as a rule, are even afraid to think that one day they will stop being addicted.

It is clear that the easier the addiction, the easier it is to get rid of it. Therefore, when diagnosing the third stage in yourself, you need to seek help from a specialist who will help your body in the fight against a bad habit.

a pack of cigarettes
a pack of cigarettes

Today, many experts are researching methods that could help humanity overcome nicotine addiction. So, there are 5 tips from scientists on how to quit smoking. They will be discussed further.


Deadline is the first and very popular way to refuse something today. Just set a specific day and time for yourself when you will forever forget about nicotine and never return to the habit of smoking. Thanks to this method, initially a person reduces the number of cigarettes per day, then refuses them altogether.

Substitution therapy

Replacement therapy is method number 2. Now it is very popular and in demand. So, many former smokers used nicotine patches or chewing gums based on this substance. Despite the unpleasant taste of chewing gum, a person does not have a desire to take a cigarette in his mouth, since the jaw is already involved and is “in work”.


It would seem that today no one resorts to the help of this old-fashioned way, which is in third place. However, many of those who decide to give up cigarettes once and for all have experienced tremendous stress. A person, as you know, in such a situation feels weak, lethargic and depressed. Therefore, keeping a diary of the number of cigarettes smoked per day, per week and per month will help get rid of the discomfort.

Keeping a diary
Keeping a diary

Scientists say that it is impossible to create additional stress for the body by giving up one more habit, for example, from sweets or coffee at the same time as smoking. It is better to load yourself gradually. Otherwise, there is a risk that all bad habits will remain in place.


It would be nice if you - a person who decided to quit smoking - had a friend like that. During the test for the body, you could ask him exciting questions and get the necessary support. An excellent option today is communication through social networks. So, you can always and everywhere be in touch with a person who has gone through what you are going through now.

In addition, social networks themselvesthemselves can be an excellent impetus for abandoning a bad habit. According to research, those who promised to stop drinking/smoking/swearing/eating sweets on their page in one of the social networks are more successful in achieving their goal. This is because such a loud statement can increase the risk of social pressure if the promise is not kept.


Sport is another of the five ways that, like nothing else, helps to distract from thoughts about another cigarette. Scientists have proven that an attack of the most acute craving for a pack of dangerous contents lasts no more than 10 minutes. Therefore, you need to consider doing something particularly interesting and he althy at this time. As soon as you start noticing that you are missing something, you want to go out onto the balcony and inhale another dose of nicotine - get into a plank or do a few sets for the press / buttocks.

boys playing football
boys playing football

Also, experts say that if you want to quit smoking, you can turn to non-standard methods for help. Nobody knows how to quit smoking once and for all, but many resort to the most proven ones:

Lime. Not many people like this product, but, as you know, it definitely will not harm your he alth. Many smokers simply use sliced limes as a distraction. There is an opinion that the peel of the fruit replaces nicotine gum and reduces cravings for another cigarette

Lime - a way to quit smoking
Lime - a way to quit smoking
  • Fruit tree resins are also useful when you want to get rid of nicotinedependencies. Alternatively, you can use resin from cherries, apricots or apples.
  • Unpleasant smells. Most smokers do not feel what people around them experience when they inhale the smell of smoke. Therefore, when smoking, try to inhale some fetid aroma that will eventually become associated with cigarettes, and perhaps the craving for them will disappear.


How long does it take to quit smoking, and patient feedback on some of the ways to quit this habit is very different.

man's hand with a cigarette
man's hand with a cigarette

One helped simple nicotine gum. Others struggled with addiction for months by inhaling unpleasant odors. There is also a separate category of people who got rid of cravings for nicotine years later. Therefore, we can conclude that giving up cigarettes is a purely individual task, which everyone will cope with depending on the strength of mind, he alth status and the availability of moral support from loved ones. These tips to quit smoking on your own will be helpful to many.
