Acne on the cheeks in women: causes, treatment, prevention

Acne on the cheeks in women: causes, treatment, prevention
Acne on the cheeks in women: causes, treatment, prevention

A pimple on the face is always an unpleasant phenomenon, regardless of the location. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, rashes indicate the presence of problems inside the body. Most often there are acne on the cheeks in women. Their causes are different, and only a doctor can accurately determine them after a complete examination.

acne on cheeks in women causes
acne on cheeks in women causes

Causes of rashes

Pimples in the cheekbones and cheeks appear when:

  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances;
  • allergic reactions, especially those caused by food;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system, in particular, the thyroid gland;
  • lack of trace elements and vitamins (especially groups E, B and zinc).

In addition to pathological causes, pimples can appear in adolescence due to hormonal changes in the body, as a rule, after maturation of the body, acne on the cheeks of women disappears. Reasons for themappearances are excessive activity of the sebaceous glands due to hormonal changes. Diligent skin care and the use of certain cosmetics can also cause problems, manifested by the appearance of rashes on the cheeks.

thyroid disease in women
thyroid disease in women

Before the onset of menstruation, due to a hormonal surge, single rashes appear on the face, which themselves disappear with the onset of menstruation.

Food causes breakouts

Pimples on the cheeks of women, the causes of which are malnutrition, are much easier to eliminate than in the presence of hormonal disorders. Eating a large amount of processed foods, fatty and fried foods, spicy or s alty foods causes problems in the digestive system, which are reflected on the face in the form of rashes.

With a strong slagging of the body, pimples cannot be eliminated by cosmetic procedures and daily care products. Toxins enter the blood from the intestines, spread throughout the bloodstream and appear on the skin in the form of pimples.

They can be localized not only on the face, but also on the body. Most often, rashes appear on the back, shoulders and décolleté. To avoid acne, you need to follow the secrets of he alth - adhere to proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle.

he alth secrets
he alth secrets

Diagnosis of the causes of rashes on the cheeks

To reveal the true cause that caused the appearance of pimples on the face, you need:

  • get testedblood - general, biochemical, expanded and be sure to check the blood for sugar;
  • do an abdominal ultrasound and gastroscopy to detect gastrointestinal diseases;
  • conduct allergy tests to identify a product or substance that causes allergies in humans;
  • take a stool test to determine the eggs of the helminth, dysbacteriosis and giardia;
  • examine the endocrine system and do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • women need to be examined by a gynecologist, excluding hormonal imbalances and diseases of the reproductive system.

If all the results are available, the doctor will be able to tell you how to eliminate acne on the cheeks in women, the causes that caused the rash can also be determined, and then prescribe treatment.

Diet and lifestyle

First of all, you need to adjust your diet and daily routine. The body must receive the necessary vitamins and minerals that normalize the work of all its systems. It is important to get enough rest, spend time outdoors, stay active and drink enough clean water.

Any bad habits will contribute to the appearance of rashes on the cheeks, so you need to minimize or completely give up alcohol, smoking, fatty and fried foods, s alty and spicy foods, sweets and soda.

pimples on cheeks in women treatment
pimples on cheeks in women treatment

Single pimples are not cause for concern. They only signal that the body has become difficult to cope with its work due tooverload. If acne covers most of the skin on the body, does not mature and remains subcutaneous, then you need to undergo an examination with a doctor to determine why the pimple appeared on the cheek.

What to do in this case? Pimples cannot be squeezed out on their own, this procedure can lead to the spread of infection to he althy areas of the skin, severe damage to the epidermis and the development of pathological cells.

Acne on the cheeks in women: drug treatment

Depending on the cause of the rash, the doctor prescribes the appropriate medication, the use of gels or ointments. At the initial stage of the disease, doctors prescribe medications that regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as drugs to strengthen the body's immune system.

If the inflammation on the face is very pronounced, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, it allows you to eliminate streptococci, staphylococci and Escherichia coli, which cause intoxication of the body.

In case of hormonal disorders, it is necessary to take androgenic drugs. It is especially important to carry out hormonal treatment if there are thyroid diseases in women. At the end of the course of treatment, you must continue to take supportive means for the normal functioning of the intestines and the immune system.

How to reduce breakouts at home

To improve the condition of the skin, it is necessary to take care of it daily and regularly. The most useful procedures are:

  • peelings;
  • scrubs;
  • masks;
  • application of antibacterial agents.
  • red pimples on cheeks
    red pimples on cheeks

The skin of the cheeks is very delicate and needs special care. The elimination of rashes in this area is lengthy, so you need to prepare a clear care plan and follow it daily without skipping the procedure. In this case, there will be no question why acne appeared on the cheeks and how to eliminate them.

Hardware cosmetology for rashes

Hardware cosmetology can help to cope with acne on the cheeks. Procedures will be useful:

  • microcurrent treatment;
  • laser skin resurfacing;
  • ozone therapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • dermabrasion.

Regular facial skin care will prevent breakouts and reduce excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

why pimples on cheeks
why pimples on cheeks

Folk remedies for acne

You can eliminate red pimples on your cheeks with homemade face masks. They can be prepared from any products or purchased ready-made.

Potato mask can improve the condition of even the most irritated skin. It is necessary to peel and grate the potatoes on a fine grater, put on gauze and apply a mask on the face for 15-20 minutes. After that, you need to wash your face with cool water and treat the skin with a moisturizing tonic.

Clay masks can be done 2 times a week. Clay is diluted with filtered cool water, lemon juice or essential oils of tea tree, lavender, mint, lemon balm, lemon, fir are added. Clay is applied to the skin in a thin layer, afterWhen the mask dries, it must be washed off with warm water and be sure to moisturize the skin of the face and neck.

A mixture of honey and lemon allows you to see the result after just a few applications. But this option is suitable only if there is no allergy to honey.

Prevention of rashes on the face

Getting rid of rashes is not enough, the main thing is to prevent their reappearance. The main secrets of he alth will help with this.

pimple on cheek what to do
pimple on cheek what to do
  • Every morning and evening you need to carry out hygiene procedures. According to the type of skin, cleansers (foam, gel, scrub), tonic, milk, creams should be selected. It is especially important to clean the skin of cosmetics in a timely manner.
  • You need to stick to proper nutrition. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and dairy products. For skin he alth, you should give up fast food, fatty and fried foods, sweets and carbonated drinks.
  • Stressful situations also affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, you need to take care of your nervous system and avoid strong feelings.
  • Don't touch your face with dirty hands, squeeze pimples yourself.
  • The cosmetics used must be of high quality and not cause allergic reactions.
  • It is necessary to undergo examinations in time to diagnose thyroid diseases in women.

Prevention plays an important role, thanks to the advance care of the condition of your skin, you will be able to avoid many problems, such as acne, rashes and suppuration. You need to start skin care inadolescence, then the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands will not cause big problems with the skin.
