How to cure papillomavirus: general treatment regimen, prescribed drugs, rules of use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

How to cure papillomavirus: general treatment regimen, prescribed drugs, rules of use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors
How to cure papillomavirus: general treatment regimen, prescribed drugs, rules of use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Many people know about the human papillomavirus, but not everyone understands exactly what danger such a lesion contains. This viral form of the disease applies to both women and men. Many patients wonder how to cure human papillomavirus. The answer to this question is not so simple.

Danger of disease

The human papillomavirus affects everyone. According to statistics, 7 out of 10 people are infected with this virus. Papillomas and warts are the first witnesses of the presence of parasites in the human body. With such a lesion, a large amount of toxins and chemicals accumulate in the patient's body, so he is not able to fight and resist them normally. In the presence of papillomavirus, it is very important to start timely treatment, otherwise such a lesion can provoke cancer.

Disease danger
Disease danger

Parasites are the main cause of almost all diseases, including papillomas. But it is important to remember that antiparasitic drugslead only to intoxication of the body, so it is important to use them very carefully.

Features of defeat

When papillomavirus on the human body are formed numerous small genital warts, which most often spread to the genital area. But such small warts are considered the main symptom of the human papillomavirus. Such a lesion often provokes cervical cancer in women and cancer of the genital organs in men.

Features of the disease
Features of the disease

Can papillomavirus be cured? You should not immediately worry about such a lesion, since it does not lead to cancer in all cases. A woman diagnosed with HPV is required to undergo regular gynecological examinations at least once a year.

Features of the disease

Today, about 130 types of HPV are isolated in the medical field, but only 80 of them are well studied. When conducting research, each strain of the virus was given its own number, since they all differ in their unique DNA structure. The main danger of such a lesion lies in the fact that 30 types of papillomavirus can adversely affect the state of the female reproductive system and provoke the development of cancer.

To identify the human papillomavirus, it is important to pass all the required tests that will help determine the type of infection and its nature. A quantitative HPV test will help identify a viral lesion and determine if there is a risk that the papilloma will be converted from benign to malignant. Such an analysis helps to determine whether papillomavirus can be completely cured, and also which methodtreatments are best used. A patient who is infected with a virus must know for sure that papilloma can only be cured, but it is impossible to completely eliminate the disease.

Basic ways to treat the disease

Can the human papillomavirus be cured? Depending on the location of the spread of neoplasms and their type, a certain method of treatment is used. Almost every method of therapy involves the removal of the formations that provoked HPV, but not the elimination of the virus itself from the human body.

Treatment methods for the disease
Treatment methods for the disease

Destructive therapeutic measures help to eliminate external signs of the presence of papillomavirus, but after the operation it is important to continue the course of treatment with antiviral drugs, and also try to improve the state of the immune system.

How to cure human papillomavirus? Doctors identify the following ways to eliminate HPV-affected cells:

  1. Electrocoagulation with an efficiency of 80 - 85% and a risk of recurrence from 40 to 65% is dangerous for the clinic worker himself, namely, infection in pairs. At the same time, it is distinguished by the threat of unpleasant scars and visible scars at the site of exposure.
  2. Carrying out laser therapy. This procedure allows you to eliminate papillomas with a 60 - 92% chance of success, the likelihood of recurrence in this case is minimal. This method of getting rid of papillomavirus is considered the safest for the patient, since blood vessels are cauterized during it, which prevents bleeding and recurrence of the lesion.
  3. Radio wavesurgery is used most often in the presence of single formations on the surface of the body. This method of treatment is considered effective and safe, but it is expensive.
  4. Cryotherapy eliminates papillomas on the body with 50 - 65% success, the probability of re-infection is in the range of 35 to 50%. This method of treatment guarantees protection against bleeding and does not bring any pain.
  5. Chemiodestruction. Such treatment is prescribed to the patient when papilloma appears on almost any part of the body. The therapy helps to eliminate the lesion with a 30 - 40% chance of success, but the procedure is notable for its painlessness.
  6. Salicylic-resorptive collodion is prescribed to the patient when typical warts are removed from the body, the procedure is not particularly effective - about 30%.
  7. "Solcoderm" is prescribed to patients quite often, allows you to eliminate unpleasant formations on the body in one session.
  8. Cytostatics are 50 to 60% effective.
  9. "Podophyllin" - the effectiveness of therapy 17 - 76%.
  10. "Podophyllotoxin" is distinguished by its efficiency of 26 - 70%.

Elimination of external signs of the disease cannot guarantee the patient's complete elimination of the virus. A certain number of cells affected by the infection will remain in the body and, if the protective functions of the immune system deteriorate, will again manifest itself as warts on the body. If in the clinic where the patient is undergoing treatment, he is told that it is possible to get rid of the human papillomavirus completely, then it is not worth undergoing therapy in it.

Oncogenic forms

To cure a person from oncogenic forms of lesions, a two-component treatment with highly aggressive drugs is used. Such therapy includes the removal of lesions, as well as the use of antiviral drugs. It is possible to completely eliminate human papillomavirus only when using all these methods, they help to achieve a positive effect in a short time, and guarantees 90% success of therapy.

If a combination of several methods of treatment did not bring the desired effect, the doctor prescribes treatment according to a three-component method. It includes surgical intervention to remove the infected focus, taking antiviral drugs, immunomodulators, which help to enhance the effect of therapy several times. When prescribing immunomodulators, the doctor pays attention to the indications of the immunogram.


How to cure papillomavirus in men and women? Any drug in the treatment of papillomavirus in humans, the doctor prescribes, based on the studies, test results and the person's condition. Experts forbid trying to get rid of the disease on their own or rely on the opinion of those who previously treated such a lesion with a doctor. Each person requires individual treatment and can give his own reaction to the drug used. In addition, it is important to remember the main contraindications.


Most often, the doctor prescribes the following medications to the patientfunds:

  • "Panavir";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Epigen intimate";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Genferon";
  • "Isoprinosine".

All the described antiviral drugs, despite the positive effect of treatment, can provoke an adverse reaction of the human body, an experienced attending physician should make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

Reception of immunomodulators

How to cure papillomavirus in women and men? Immunomodulators are prescribed to the patient to enhance the effect of taking antiviral drugs. These include "Likopid", "Immunomax" and some other means.

Reception of immunomodulators
Reception of immunomodulators

If a patient has an adverse reaction during medical treatment, it is important to stop taking immunomodulators and immediately go to see a doctor. Even with the elimination of the external sign of the lesion (papillomas), a person is obliged to continue the course of taking special drugs that will help achieve the goal and completely get rid of the disease.

Using folk remedies

How to cure papillomavirus folk remedies? Some people try to treat the disease with the help of traditional medicine. If the virus manifests itself to a small extent on the arms and legs, and there are no profuse rashes on other parts of the body, then doctors advise using a special celandine juice, which is used to lubricate the affected areas of the body several times a

How to cure papillomavirus at home? Also, for the effective treatment of papillomas, you can use garlic juice, which quickly kills the virus. It is applied to condyloma several times a day, and the garlic clove itself is cut in half and applied to the affected area of the body overnight. It is important to remember that only a treating specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct and effective treatment, since such forms of formations on the surface of the body can indicate the presence of a dangerous disease in the body.

Many patients are not serious about this form of damage and underestimate the level of its danger. The human papillomavirus can be sexually transmitted, and even contraceptives cannot provide 100% protection against infection. Infection, as a rule, occurs after direct contact of the skin or mucous membrane of a he althy person with diseased areas of the patient's body.

For the female half of the population, the HPV virus is of particular danger, as it can lead to a very serious disease - cervical cancer. If men do not show any external signs of the disease and special symptoms of the lesion, then this does not indicate complete safety, since in most cases men are asymptomatic carriers of the infection.

Strengthening immunity

Since it is impossible to completely eliminate the human papillomavirus, after eliminating the papilloma, you should protect your body from a possible relapse of the disease. Prevention is important for self-strengthening immune defenses. Toto guarantee yourself protection from re-infection, you should follow the following rules:

  • completely eliminate bad habits from your life;
  • introduce only he althy foods into the diet, stop eating fatty, spicy, s alty and smoked foods;
  • exercise regularly;
  • walk more and be in nature;
  • avoid nervous strain, stress, emotional outbursts.

Protection against papillomavirus can be guaranteed through vaccination. It is possible to make an injection even in childhood, since the HPV vaccine is allowed from the age of 9 years.

Strengthening immunity
Strengthening immunity

This procedure is carried out before the first sexual intercourse and helps to protect against infection through sexual contact by almost 100%. In some developed countries of the world, such a vaccination is included in special medical insurance. It is important to remember about your he alth and carefully monitor it, try to strengthen the state of the immune system and carefully approach the choice of a sexual partner.

The use of candles in the fight against the virus

Is it possible to cure papillomavirus completely with candles? The human papillomavirus of some strains leads to the formation of unpleasant growths on the skin, they are localized mainly on the genitals and on the anal ring. When carrying out therapeutic measures, doctors prescribe complex therapy.

But with papillomavirus infection, local treatment should also be used - suppositories. They help improve human immunity, eliminatefurther spread of the lesion throughout the body. Despite the fact that it will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease, it is important for the patient to follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

The most dangerous strains of HPV are 16, as well as 18. Their main threat is that when they are damaged, growths, papillomas and condylomas appear on the skin. In some cases, such formations change to a malignant form.

It is very important to start timely treatment with such a lesion. Suppositories (candles to eliminate HPV) are prescribed in the case when papillomas have already formed on the genitals. There are vaginal suppositories that are used only by women, and anal suppositories that are used by both men and women.

Exposure to the virus at an early age

A newborn can get HPV genetically from their mother. But the danger of such a defeat is not so strong. In addition, most often the infection leaves the body of the child in the first months of his life. The main danger of papillomavirus at this age is the formation of polyps in the respiratory tract. But such cases are quite rare.

Some scientists say that you can protect the child from the virus by performing a caesarean section. But such a theory has not been proven, therefore, formations in the genital area are not an indication for a caesarean section. Only in the event that large accumulations of warts do not allow the child to pass normally, the doctor prescribes surgery.

Virus in childhood
Virus in childhood

Children exposed to the virusfrom the mother, at the age of 6 to 12 years, they are vaccinated against oncogenic strains of the virus. Already after 3 injections, they receive strong immunity to the virus for the rest of their lives.

Also in adolescence, a person who has become infected with papillomavirus can independently recover from such a disease. This can be explained by the fact that the infection penetrates into the basal layer of the skin and spreads in it, forming papillomas. If the immunity of an infected teenager is strong and does not suffer from the effects of pathogenic lesions, then he independently eliminates the virus within a year.
