Hormonal injections: the pros and cons of treatment with hormonal injections

Hormonal injections: the pros and cons of treatment with hormonal injections
Hormonal injections: the pros and cons of treatment with hormonal injections

A specific reaction of the body's defense system to food, drugs and cosmetics, as well as substances of animal and plant origin is called an allergy.

To eliminate such conditions, a huge number of medicines are used, but the most effective way is hormonal allergy injections, which help to forget about an unpleasant symptom for a long time.

Why injections?

The introduction of drugs through the blood supply system has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Good drug absorption.
  2. Fast and powerful therapeutic action.
  3. Possibility of use in patients who have problems with the stomach and intestines.

In addition to the advantages of such treatment, there are also negative points:

  1. Injections require specific skills or medical assistance.
  2. Increased risk of side effects due to high bioavailability and the effect of the drug on the wholeorganism.
  3. Unsuitable for frequent use.
  4. Drugs are inconvenient to transport and use.
  5. If the rules of asepsis are not followed, suppuration may appear at the injection site.

What drugs are used for allergies?

Hormonal injections for allergic manifestations, as a rule, are divided into several therapeutic groups:

  1. Glucocorticosteroid preparations.
  2. Desensitizers.
  3. Antihistamine injections.
  4. Immunobiological medicines.


These are drugs that prevent or weaken the clinical signs of increased sensitivity of the body to various foreign components, provoking a state of hyposensitization.

This includes calcium s alts:

  • gluconate;
  • chloride.

When allergies are treated with hormonal injections. The antiallergic effect of the drug is due to the combination of histamine and inhibition of the sensitivity of body cells to allergy mediators. The use of calcium helps to eliminate allergic manifestations - rash, itching, hyperemia, swelling. This category of drugs is referred to as additional methods of therapy. The duration of treatment varies from five to ten treatments.

Calcium chloride

S alt injections are contraindicated in case of excessive concentration of calcium ions in the blood, as well as in thrombosis and atherosclerosis. When using the drug, you can feel a growing feeling of heat, for which calcium chloride is stillcalled "hot shot".

hormonal injections
hormonal injections

Given that the solution affects the contraction of muscles and the transmission of nerve impulses, a slowing of the heart rate and ventricular fibrillation (chaotic contractions of myocardial tissues) may occur. Such injections increase the pharmacological effect of antihistamines.

The drug must be administered intravenously in combination with a 5% glucose solution or saline. It is important to note that injections can only be performed by a doctor who has certain knowledge and skills in intravenous injections - otherwise, tissue necrosis may occur. The price of the drug is 70 rubles.

Calcium gluconate

The drug is chemically unstable - if after opening the package there is a precipitate or flakes in the solution, the drug must be immediately disposed of. The solution is injected directly into a vein or muscle, so the medication can also be used at home.

after hormonal injections
after hormonal injections

Prohibitions on the use of the drug are exactly the same as those of the previous medicine. It is worth noting that calcium gluconate is not recommended to be combined in one syringe with other drugs. The dosage of the solution directly depends on the age of the patient and is selected purely individually. One injection is required per day. In rare situations, the injection is done every other day. The cost of the drug varies from 10 to 190 rubles.

Histamine receptor blockers

Drugs, basicwhose influence is focused on the elimination of acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is the blockers of histamine receptors that can be considered real anti-allergic hormonal injections - the spectrum of action is due to the suppression of histamine-sensitive receptors. In addition, they reduce the production of histamine, which is involved in the appearance of allergies.

After the injection, the occurrence of signs of the disease is reduced. The number of injections is small and is represented by first-generation drugs. A distinctive feature of this group is a calming effect, which can manifest itself as lethargy, drowsiness, and also inhibition of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, drivers and people whose duties require increased attention need to limit such a load. In addition, the drugs narrow the lumen of the vessels and organs of the urinary tract, stomach. Such an impact is important to consider for patients suffering from:

  1. Impaired urination of various etiologies.
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Hyperthyroidism.

It is important to remember that when testing for allergens, the use of antihistamines is canceled three days before the test. When introducing other medications, you should thoroughly read the instructions for use for compatibility with an antiallergic agent.


The very first representative of antihistamine drugs. The active ingredient is diphenhydramine. Additionally, it is used for vomiting. Has no agebans.

what hormone injections
what hormone injections

The use of the drug is contraindicated in case of increased sensitivity to the main and auxiliary substances. "Dimedrol" is released according to the prescription of a medical specialist. The cost of the drug is 50 rubles. What hormonal injections can be given?


Medication based on clemastine. The drug has a pronounced antipruritic effect, so its use is justified in patients with skin diseases. "Tavegil" is forbidden to use under the following conditions:

  1. Children under one year of age.
  2. For diseases of the lower respiratory tract, as well as bronchial asthma.
  3. In case of individual intolerance.
  4. Lactation and pregnancy.

Single dosing - one ampoule. Both intravenous and intramuscular use of the drug is allowed. The price of the medicine varies from 150 to 350 rubles.


The drug is a therapeutic group of drugs that are blockers of H-histamine receptors. It has an anti-allergic effect and is used to reduce the severity of allergies. The main active ingredient of the drug is considered to be chloropyramine. Daily dosing - no more than two ampoules. Contraindications to the administration of the drug are identical to other antihistamines. The cost of the medicine varies from 100 to 200 rubles.

hormone injections
hormone injections


To eliminate allergies can beprescribed steroid hormones from the subclass of corticosteroids produced by the adrenal cortex. The use of these drugs must be justified.

List of hormone injections:

  1. "Prednisolone".
  2. "Dexamethasone".
  3. "Diprospan".

They are not recommended for use without a prescription from a medical professional, as self-medication can cause serious side effects:

  1. Hormone deficiency.
  2. Irregular menstruation.
  3. Impaired absorption and utilization of glucose.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.
  5. Hyperglycemia.
  6. Cushing's syndrome.
  7. Sodium ion retention.
  8. Edema.
  9. Hyperglycemia.
  10. Weight gain.
  11. Alkalosis.

Changes in the hormonal background can aggravate the situation - provoke the appearance of acne and striae, pigmentation disorders, increased sweating, worsening recovery processes. And this list is not complete. Here are the most serious consequences of hormonal injections.

The spectrum of anti-allergic effects is due to the stimulation of specific processes that appear after the interaction of hormones with specific cell receptors and incorporation into deoxyribonucleic acid. This can lead to an imbalance of proteins in the body:

  1. The synthesis of allergy mediators is reduced.
  2. The immune response to the allergen is suppressed (a complex multicomponent, cooperative reaction of the body's immune system, induced by an antigen already recognized asalien, and aimed at its elimination).

The only prohibition for short courses of hormonal injection therapy is individual intolerance. In situations where long-term treatment is necessary, the list of contraindications is somewhat wider.

The drug is administered intramuscularly in pure form or with an infusion solution. Dosing is determined by the doctor purely individually and depends on the general condition of the patient.


"Prednisolone" is the name of a hormonal injection that has an anti-allergic effect, which can last even throughout the day. The use of the drug is prohibited during lactation. Women in the "position" are also not recommended to use "Prednisolone" in the first three months. The price of the drug varies from 50 to 110 rubles.

consequences of hormonal injections
consequences of hormonal injections


The most reactive corticosteroid medication. The action develops immediately after using the solution. Injections are indicated for the elimination of chronic diseases.

The most popular hormonal drug for allergies. At the same time, it has a negative effect on the hormonal background and the entire body. With an "interesting position" special care is needed, because this drug slows down the intrauterine development of the unborn baby. The cost of the medicine varies from 40 to 180 rubles.

name of hormonal injections
name of hormonal injections


Medicationprolonged action - signs of allergic manifestations are eliminated for a long time immediately after use. The solution is applied strictly intramuscularly, after which the drug slowly dissolves and is absorbed into the blood within two to three weeks. The price of the drug ranges from 180 to 210 rubles.

hormonal treatment with injections
hormonal treatment with injections

Pros and cons of treatment with hormonal injections

Patients suffering from allergic manifestations often wonder about the benefits and harms of hormonal injections for allergies. They can be conditionally divided into two large groups.

These are hormonal and non-hormonal injections. There are many different opinions about their effectiveness and safety, but in some countries injections are given extremely rarely, in very difficult situations or life-threatening conditions.

First and second generation drugs can cause a large number of adverse reactions, while modern drugs actually cannot.

The first generation medicines include Diazolin, Suprastin and Dimedrol. They have a short-lived effect, and in rare cases can disrupt the functioning of the human vascular system.

Medicines of the second generation no longer have a detrimental effect on the capillaries, and their effect can last almost a day. These medicines include Loratadin and Astemazin.

Among the main disadvantages of this treatment is its duration. A full course of therapy can take up to severalyears. Stopping the administration of the drug can provoke a pathological process with new complications after hormonal injections. Also, the negative side of drugs can be called their lack of control.
