"Pimafutsin": Russian equivalent. Pimafucin: instructions for use, prices, reviews, analogues

"Pimafutsin": Russian equivalent. Pimafucin: instructions for use, prices, reviews, analogues
"Pimafutsin": Russian equivalent. Pimafucin: instructions for use, prices, reviews, analogues

"Pimafucin" belongs to the group of antifungal antibiotics for the treatment of various fungal diseases. It is currently available in three forms - in the form of suppositories, tablets and ointments. Cream exclusively for external use. It is prescribed for treatment only for adults and children, if necessary, only from 15 years of age. The medicine in the form of a cream is allowed to be used by children even from birth. So, let's take a closer look at the drug "Pimafucin". Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues and features of admission for various diseases - all this you will find in the article.

pimafucin analogue Russian
pimafucin analogue Russian

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredient of the drug "Pimafucin" is natamycin. In addition, there are also other auxiliary substances. These are cetyl alcohol, sorbitol, hard fat, sodium bicarbonate and adipic acid. This composition is considered quite mild in action, so the drug is sold without a prescription. "Pimafucin" also contains some other excipients, which is explained by the form of release and method of application. The main substance natamycin acts directly onnerve endings and the brain. The cream also contains such excipients as wax, tecosteryl alcohol, decyl oleate and sodium lauryl sulfate. Be sure to read the instructions before use, as some allergic reactions and intolerance to certain components may occur.

Pharmacological action

You can also replace Pimafucin. The analogue of the Russian "Flukostat", which has the same antiparasitic and antimicrobial effect, refers directly to the antibacterial and antifungal agents of a special group. The action of the drug is aimed at the destruction of microorganisms due to the destruction of cell membranes. It is worth noting that at the moment no signs of addiction to the drug have been found in patients, so it is often prescribed if long-term use of the drug is necessary. This composition of the drug is considered quite gentle, therefore, analogues of the drug "Pimafucin" can be sold without a prescription.

pimafucin analogue Russian price
pimafucin analogue Russian price

As for taking pills, they act only in the intestines, respectively, in the digestive system there is no absorption into the bloodstream. The same thing happens when using vaginal tablets and creams.

Therefore, buying "Pimafucin" (an analogue of the Russian "Diflucan") in the form of capsules or solution, we can say with confidence that the drug has almost no side effects. A very small number of cases with complaints about the detection of such effects have been recorded.

Indications for use

Highlighting certain types of disease, Pimafucin is used. The Russian analogue of this drug "Flucostat" is often also used to treat fungal diseases of the mucous membranes and skin, and to normalize women's he alth. In particular, this applies to diseases such as:

- skin and nail candidiasis;

- acute candidiasis, which often occurs in patients with a reduced immune system, exhaustion, and even after long-term treatment with various antibacterial drugs;

- intestinal candidiasis;

- ringworm;

- vaginitis, vulvitis and other similar diseases caused by Candida.

pimafucin instructions for use price reviews analogues
pimafucin instructions for use price reviews analogues

Analogues include Diflucan, Nystatin, Flucostat, Natamycin and others.

It is worth noting that today the analogue of "Pimafucin", cheap "Flucostat", can be taken even during pregnancy. Without fail, it should be only a cream, since its absorption is much lower compared to tablets. The drug in the form of a cream is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not have any negative effect on the fetus. In addition, it can be used even in lactating women. Only when breastfeeding, doctors still strongly recommend taking the medicine only as directed by a specialist. This will protect both the mother and the unborn child from possible negative impacts to a greater extent.

Contraindications for use

Howas a rule, with such diseases it is not recommended to self-medicate and it is best to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. To a greater extent, it depends on the fact that allergic reactions and individual intolerance to some of the constituent components may occur. In all other cases, the use of this drug is possible without any additional restrictions.

cheap pimafucin analogue
cheap pimafucin analogue

How to take?

In different cases, for various diseases, any analogue of "Pimafucin" cheap should be prescribed only by a doctor, no matter how much the patient wants to save money and choose a cheaper remedy on their own. Often, doctors replace this drug with Flucostat and Clotrimazole, which also help very well, in particular with thrush. First of all, specialist advice is needed because the drug may simply not be suitable for compatibility with other prescribed drugs or cause some side effects.

How is the drug taken? In the event of dermatomycosis, the above analogues of the drug "Pimafucin" are prescribed exclusively in the form of a cream. When identifying the affected areas of the skin, they are applied directly to the inflammation several times a day with a thin layer. In another case, when candidiasis and ordinary candidal dermatitis occur in children or adults, the cream is also used several times a day. If an aggravated form was manifested, then some other auxiliary means are also prescribed to achieve a faster and more desirable result.

When affected by candidiasisexternal genital organs are also prescribed "Pimafucin" in the form of a cream, and this also applies to children. Unfortunately, similar problems are now quite common in children under 10 years old.

pimafucin analogues price instructions for use
pimafucin analogues price instructions for use

If we are talking about the treatment of intestinal candidiasis, then Pimafucin is prescribed for treatment in the form of tablets 4 times a day. The minimum course of treatment is at least 7 days. Children from 6 years of age are prescribed to take pills only 2 times a day.

An analogue of "Pimafucin" in candles "Hexicon" is prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as vaginitis, vulvitis and in the event of ordinary thrush. Only one suppository is administered once a day, preferably at night. The course of treatment is at least 6 days. Suppositories are inserted directly into the vagina, and if additional help is required, then additional pills are also prescribed. As a rule, Pimafucin (an analogue of the Russian Hexicon) is prescribed in an amount not exceeding 4 tablets per day for 10-15 days.

Side effects of the drug

In rare cases, diarrhea, nausea and loss of appetite may occur. Even if this happens, the symptoms often pass quickly and without consequences. If nausea and diarrhea occur all the time after taking the tablets or applying the cream, then you should still stop treatment with such drugs or seek the advice of a doctor. Quite rarely, local allergic reactions also occur in the form of redness or scabies. It is believed that in this case there is an individual intolerance. Then it is recommended to stop taking the drug and replace it with some other from this group of drugs.

analogue of pimafucin in candles
analogue of pimafucin in candles

Manifestations of overdose

As for overdose, there is currently no evidence of its occurrence. The manifestation of malaise can occur only if Pimafucin is used incorrectly in large quantities and in the wrong dosage.

"Pimafucin": analogues, price, instructions for use

The drug prescribed by the doctor does not always suit the patient. During treatment, you can replace "Pimafucin". Russian analogue (the price of any of the following is fully consistent with the quality): "Clotrimozol", "Geksikon" and some others. The price of "Clotrimazole" starts from 56 rubles, and "Pimafucin" - from 350 rubles. Instructions for use of such an analogue states that the main components are the same and, if necessary, the agent can be used even in the form of tablets.

Also no less famous is such an analogue as Diflazon (from 280 rubles) and Flucostat (from 200 rubles). These are drugs in tablets, so they are convenient to be treated with an intensive lifestyle.

analogues of the drug pimafucin
analogues of the drug pimafucin

Reviews from patients and doctors

Those who used "Pimafucin" in the form of candles note that there were no adverse reactions. The main thing is to take everything strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Many say that relief comes on the second day after the first candle, but this is determined by individual characteristics.person. The main thing is to initially consult with a doctor and study the drug "Pimafucin" in more detail, its analogues in the treatment of a particular disease.

There is also evidence that Pimafucin helped with skin candidiasis, and the first positive changes were noticeable already on the third day after application. Doctors say that symptomatic treatment primarily depends on the correct diagnosis and the pace of treatment. Therefore, it is rather difficult to say categorically about the benefits of certain creams or suppositories. Be sure to consult a doctor.
