Gotu kola: instructions for use. How to use gotu kola extract, reviews and prices

Gotu kola: instructions for use. How to use gotu kola extract, reviews and prices
Gotu kola: instructions for use. How to use gotu kola extract, reviews and prices

The Gotu Kola plant gained its popularity in Europe back in the 50s of the last century. This happened after it became known that in Madagascar, with its help, patients with leprosy were cured. But in eastern countries, the healing properties of plants have been known for a long time. It is most popular among the inhabitants of India, the Philippines and China. Gotu kola is also common in Brazil. A legend is popular in these countries, according to which one Chinese plant lover could live 250 years.

Eastern beliefs

The Gotu Kola herb has been used in folk medicine in India for more than a century. In this country, it is called a brain stimulant that can improve memory and sharpen perception. At the same time, the plant relaxes and soothes. In Ayurvedic beliefs, this herb is considered a spiritual plant. After all, it stimulates clarity of thought, calms emotions and purifies the blood.

Gotu Cola
Gotu Cola

But in China, the grass was considered the "fountain of youth." According to local residents,It is she who helps to keep youth. In all countries of the East, they agree that gotu kola is food for the brain, otherwise it is also called “grass of memory.”

In the East, it is used for liver diseases (cirrhosis and hepatitis are indications for its use), for colds, for obesity, cellulite, and even to stimulate potency. The list of indications for which it is recommended is quite large.

Operation principle

Studying how the herb gotu kola affects the human body, how it stimulates its protective properties and fights diseases, scientists figured out how it works out. The composition of the plant includes 75 phytonutrients, including asiatic and medecassonic acids, vitamins of group B. They provide considerable support to the nervous system, eliminate anxiety, and reduce the manifestations of depression.

Gotu Cola Reviews
Gotu Cola Reviews

In addition, there is also a wound healing effect. It is achieved due to the presence of asiaticoside saponin in the composition of the plant. It is he who stimulates mitosis - cell division, and this, in turn, leads to the rapid healing of the affected areas.

The soothing effect is due to the presence of triterpene saponins in this herb. They stimulate the nerve endings of a person, as a result of which acetylcholine is released, which ultimately leads to relaxation. In addition, they also help to eliminate toxins, stimulate the outflow of bile, and make cholesterol metabolism efficient.

The glycosides included in the composition affect the functioning of the heart, they act in cardiacinsufficiency, various valve lesions, and even with cardiosclerosis. Flavonoids have a positive effect on the circulatory system. They are able to expand the coronary heart arteries, saturating this muscle with oxygen, while neither pressure nor contractile activity of the myocardium increases.

Main indications for use

Among the diseases for which gotu kola is recommended, the following are most often mentioned:

- memory impairment;

- chronic fatigue;

Gotu Cola instruction
Gotu Cola instruction

- neurological and mental disorders;

- atherosclerosis;

- vegetovascular dystonia;

- heart problems;

- varicose veins;

- asthma;

- rheumatism;

- peptic ulcers;

- gastritis;

- dizziness and pain;

- skin lesions, including wounds, burns, psoriasis.

It is also possible to use this plant during postoperative rehabilitation. As evidenced by the herb gotu kola reviews, it speeds up the healing of stitches and promotes faster recovery.

Use in today's world

Despite the fact that in many countries this plant has been popular for quite a long time, we have become aware of it relatively recently. But modern people do not need to look for and collect this herb, because manufacturers offer a ready-made gotu kola extract right away. Moreover, some sell only pure extract from the plant, while others add calcium, phosphorus, silicon dioxide,vegetable magnesium stearate, nanoclusters and other components that enhance the effect of components.

The price of the specified drug also depends on the form of release, the manufacturer, the costs incurred by him for the manufacture, including the addition of excipients. But keep in mind that it cannot be too cheap. For example, the cost of an extract can range from 770-1000 rubles. Before buying, it would be nice to read reviews not only about the product, but also about the specific manufacturer of dietary supplements.

Basic properties of Gotu Cola

If you decide to test the effect of this herb on yourself, then it is better to purchase a ready-made preparation "Gotu Kola". The instructions for use will help answer many questions about how to use it, what contraindications it has, whether there are any side effects.

Gotu Kola instructions for use
Gotu Kola instructions for use

Please note that the dosage must be clarified either with the seller or in the attached description, because it depends on which manufacturer you bought the extract from and in what concentration he produced this bioadditive.

Using the plant correctly, you will be able to:

- activate your memory and increase your ability to learn, thanks to increased blood microcirculation and cerebral circulation;

- prevent premature aging;

- calm the nervous system and increase energy strength;

- cleanse your body with antioxidants contained in the herb;

- speed up the healing of wounds, ulcers, burns, reduce the manifestations of varicose veinsven.

Contraindications and side effects

Fortunately, the list of cases when it is not recommended to use gotu kola is not long. This plant should be abandoned for the period of gestation and breastfeeding of the child. Also, do not use it for people with pulmonary bleeding. Those who have low blood clotting need to be careful when using and monitor changes in their condition.

Gotu Kola Extract
Gotu Kola Extract

Despite the centuries-old history of gotu kola, side effects when taken are observed only with an overdose or individual intolerance. If you have a headache after drinking the extract, check if you have not exceeded the recommended amount of the drug. Possible side effects also include the appearance of a rash, sedation, increased fatigue. But they are usually associated with individual intolerance to the drug. In this case, it is better to stop taking gotu kola extract. Reviews indicate that the condition will not improve with continued use.

Form of release and dosage

Modern manufacturers offer the specified medicinal plant in various forms: it can be tablets, capsules, powder or liquid. The method of its use and doses directly depend on the dosage of the drug you bought. Also, before you start drinking Gotu Kola, the instructions must be read. After all, the method of application and dose will depend on what exactly you are going to treat.

Gotu kola side effects
Gotu kola side effects

So, an accepted standardized extract should contain 40-60 mg equivalent to 400-600 grams of dried herb. For example, with varicose veins, it must be taken 3 times a day in the indicated amount. For burns, a liquid extract or a prepared tea from the dried plant is applied twice to the affected areas. To prepare the infusion, it is enough to put up to 2 teaspoons of dry leaves in a cup of hot water.

Many manufacturers that produce tablets or capsules recommend drinking 1 or 2 capsules (depending on the amount of active substance) 2-3 times a day.

Nutritional content

An extensive list of indications for the use of gotu kola is due to the composition of this herb. So, it is rich in vitamins not only of group B, but also A, E, K, moreover, it is considered a good source of magnesium, steroids, bioflavonoids, saponins.

Gotu Cola how it grows
Gotu Cola how it grows

The latter, by the way, provide access for immune cells to various microbial pathogens. For example, the cells of the pathogens of tuberculosis and leprosy are masked with a special wax shield. But the saponins of this plant loosen it, providing access to microbes, and at the same time stimulate the protective functions of both cells and the body as a whole.

Expected effect

If you decide to start taking Gotu Kola, then you probably want to know when to expect the result from its use. It’s impossible to say for sure, because it all depends on the goals that you set for yourself, on the state of he alth at the time you start taking thisbioadditives. Experts say that the effect manifests itself very quickly, but if the state of he alth is rather poor, the nervous system is exhausted, then improvements should not be expected earlier than 2 weeks after the start of the intake.

Grass Gotu kola
Grass Gotu kola

Of course, if you started drinking "Gotu kola" to improve your memory, then do not expect noticeable changes already on the second day. The effect of the reception accumulates over time. Within a few weeks, you will notice how much easier it is for you to absorb information. In addition, many also note a decrease in fatigue and an increase in endurance.

If you do not trust ready-made dietary supplements, then first try to find dry grass and make an infusion out of it. The use of such tea will also have a stimulating effect on the brain, nervous, cardiac, circulatory systems. In many countries, people do not look for ready-made extracts, but simply add this herb to salads, eat it raw, or brew it.
