With hemorrhoids with bleeding, suppositories, which are prescribed as a complex therapy together with other drugs, help to cope with pain and unpleasant symptoms. Candles for bleeding hemorrhoids, which are administered rectally, stop the pain, relieve inflammation and heal the walls of blood vessels. It is very important to use them according to the instructions and after consulting a doctor.

What are hemorrhoids?
In medicine, hemorrhoids are understood as a disease of the rectum and anus, in which blood vessels grow due to blood stasis, and cavernous bodies are formed. They lead to acute pain during bowel movements, and in addition to the creation of knots and prolapse from the intestine. The main causes of hemorrhoids are as follows:
- The presence of constipation leads to injuries of the nodes with dense masses of feces during their passage in a straight linegut.
- Thinning of the vascular walls.
- The occurrence of erosion and anal fissures.
- Predominantly sedentary lifestyle along with lack of exercise.
- The period of pregnancy, as well as childbirth.
- Prolonged diarrhea along with prolonged bowel movements and too much straining.
The first sign of this unpleasant pathology is the appearance of blood during bowel movements, which can be seen in the feces, and, in addition, on linen and toilet paper. When complications occur, pain can be noticed along with prolonged and profuse bleeding. In the event that you do not start treating the second or third stage of hemorrhoids, you can get:
- The development of anemia, against which there is a daily loss of blood, threatening a low level of hemoglobin, and in addition, pale skin, low blood pressure and dizziness.
- Persistent decrease in immunity along with exacerbation of chronic and infectious diseases.
- The appearance of thrombosis of hemorrhoids.
- The occurrence of fissures of the rectum, and in addition, fistulas and paraproctitis.
Candles for bleeding hemorrhoids, prescribed by a proctologist, help to cope in the initial stages of the disease. If complaints arise, then it is necessary that the doctor conduct a diagnosis, and in addition, examine the body and establish the causes of the disease. Treatment with candles is carried out in a course, after which the patient undergoes an examination to confirm positive results.

Howdo candles affect the body?
Due to the presence of active active ingredients in the composition of the suppository with bleeding hemorrhoids, they contribute to the rapid penetration of the necessary substances into the blood. Ingredients are absorbed through the walls of the vessels of the anal region. Locally, suppositories stimulate tissue regeneration, reducing pain and stopping blood. It is undesirable to use only hemostatic drugs, since they do not eliminate the causes of hemorrhoids. Complex impact is the key to a successful result.
Which candles for bleeding hemorrhoids to choose?
Suppositories for hemorrhoids
Specialists advise various preparations that contain different active ingredients. The main candles for bleeding hemorrhoids, used in practice, are agents with methyluracil, lidocaine, adrenaline, sea buckthorn oil, and in addition, with propolis. The last ingredient belongs to homeopathy, it is undesirable if the patient has an allergic reaction to bee products.
The best candles for bleeding hemorrhoids want to pick up everyone who suffers from this disease.
Suppositories with adrenaline
Due to the active ingredient adrenaline, suppositories with this ingredient have a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect. They can cause spasms of hemorrhoids, helping to increase blood clotting. It is necessary to use adrenaline suppositories carefully, since their main component is able to reduce pressure. Because of this, such suppositories are not used to treat hypertension andelderly patients.
With Lidocaine
Candles, which have analgesic effects, usually contain lidocaine. This anesthetic acts locally, relieving pain and stopping inflammation in the tissues of the nodes. Candles with this component are recommended to be used in combination with other means in order to eliminate all signs and symptoms of the disease. Among the lidocaine suppositories, it is worth mentioning Anestezol along with Procto-Glyvenol, Relief-Advance with shark liver oil, and so on.
Which suppositories are best for bleeding hemorrhoids, the doctor will tell you.
With propolis
Rectal suppositories with propolis effectively affect the causes of bleeding in hemorrhoids. The active substance regenerates tissues. This component spasms the blood vessels, thereby stopping the blood. Propolis may have a slight astringent effect, which will manifest itself when injected into the intestinal lumen by creating a protective film on the mucous membrane that will clog damaged vessels. Candles with bismuth and oak bark extract are endowed with a similar effect, which are distinguished by a soft, but at the same time melting texture.

Which candles are the most effective for bleeding hemorrhoids?
The most effective drugs
From the variety of suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids, the following suppositories are distinguished, which, according to proctologists, are the most effective:
- The drug "Anuzol" stopsinternal bleeding for a short period of time, relieving pain, itching and burning. This drug acts due to zinc and bismuth, as well as due to belladonna extract.
- Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil have practically no contraindications. Such candles do an excellent job with inflammation and bleeding, they are used four times. If you wish, you can not buy them at the pharmacy, but do it yourself. Candles with sea buckthorn oil are suitable even for pregnant and lactating women.
What other suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids can be added to the list?
The drug "Hepatrombin" stops inflammation thanks to allantoin. Thanks to this tool, damage quickly heals and tissues regenerate. Heparin, which is in the composition, does not allow the formation of blood clots and does not allow the vessels to swell, normalizing blood circulation. By means of lemon oil, dexpanthenol and pine, burning sensation with pain is removed and protection against infection by bacteria is carried out. They take "Hepatrombin", as a rule, four times
Drug "Relief"
Very effective suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids - "Relief", which give a positive result even in the treatment of a severe stage of pathology. These suppositories eliminate bleeding, fight inflammation and heal tissues. They can be used as a prophylaxis if the patient suffers chronically from bleeding hemorrhoids.

The presented candles contain adrenaline, so they do notare intended for hypertensive patients, are not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, and in addition, children under twelve years of age and patients with granulocytopenia and thromboembolism. Under doctoral supervision and with great care, the following categories of patients are treated with Relief candles:
- Patients with hyperthyroidism.
- Diabetics.
- Patients with cases of prostate disease.
This effective remedy also stops bleeding in the presence of hemorrhoids, it contains pyrimidine. This medication quickly restores the damaged tissue of the rectum, helping to protect the patient from infection with microbes. As a rule, this tool is quite inexpensive. A huge advantage of "Methyluracil" is the elimination of the risks of developing anemia. Thanks to pyrimidine, the rate of production of red blood cells increases.
This drug has minimal side effects, for example, the patient may be disturbed only by the appearance of a burning sensation in the anus. These suppositories are used one four times a day, and in case of a severe course, the introduction of suppositories two at a time is allowed. Contraindications to the use of the drug "Methyluracil" are children under three years of age, and in addition, the patient has brain cancer along with leukemia and all forms of lymphogranulomatosis.

The names of candles for bleeding hemorrhoids are well known to everyone, all kinds of advertising does not let them be forgotten.
Medicinaldrug "Proctosan"
Complex medicine to relieve bleeding in the presence of hemorrhoids is a medicine called Proctosan. This remedy perfectly anesthetizes, killing bacteria and relieving itching and inflammation. These suppositories very quickly accelerate the healing of the mucosa, removing the risk of bleeding. This effect is achieved due to active non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components (we are talking about bufeksamak, lidocaine, bismuth and titanium). Such suppositories are well tolerated by patients, but some adverse reactions are possible in the form of itching, burning, urticaria and skin peeling. Contraindications to the use of "Proctosan" are the following factors in which it is impossible to use this medical product:
- The presence of inflammatory processes in the body.
- The patient has syphilis or tuberculosis.
- The occurrence of high sensitivity to the components.
- A person's tendency to allergies, dermatitis, and so on.
- The patient's age is under eighteen.
- Do not use these suppositories during pregnancy.

What candles help with internal bleeding hemorrhoids?
Drug "Natalsid"
Suppositories from the Russian manufacturer Natalsid contain sodium alginate as an active ingredient along with solid fats. These are quite effective suppositories that actively treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids, accelerating the rate of tissue healing through hyaluronic acid. Alginic acid is the second component of the active ingredient. This ingredient penetrates the intestines, enveloping its walls and relieving pain. It normalizes the stool, reduces excessive intestinal peristalsis, and in addition, it fights blood clots.
The advantage of these suppositories for the treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids is the possibility of their use in childhood. They are also suitable for use during pregnancy. At the age of up to one year, babies can be administered one piece a day, up to four - two each, up to fourteen years old - up to three, and up to eighteen - up to four. Side effects can include rash, hives, and itching. Among the contraindications, it is worth noting individual intolerance. The fact is that allergic ingredients can have a very negative effect.

What are the best suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids?
How should I choose medicinal suppositories?
Despite the fact that quite a few people are versed in medicine, only a professional proctologist should select effective suppositories in the presence of hemorrhoids. The specialist establishes the diagnosis, competently examining and prescribing the necessary drugs. But in the absence of the opportunity to consult a doctor, the patient himself can try to choose rectal suppositories for himself. For example, if there is a slight bleeding without pain, "Relief" is perfect, and to relieve pain, it is best to use the drug "Proctosan", for a complex action, you should choose products containingpropolis and sea buckthorn oil. If there is a copious discharge of blood, an urgent need to consult a doctor, since any self-medication very often causes problems.
In addition to the selection of candles, you also need to learn how to use them correctly. Before entering, empty the intestines, go to the toilet or give an enema. But the latter option must be carried out with care so as not to damage the hemorrhoid, especially with the tip of the enema. After a bowel movement, clean the area around the anus with soap and pat dry with a soft paper towel. Then the suppository is removed from the package and injected quickly, but with care. You should not hold the suppositories for a very long time in your hands, as they melt quickly. It is best to use suppositories just before bedtime for complete and rapid absorption of the active ingredients.
Candle price
Suppositories can be purchased in online stores or ordered through pharmacy departments using the catalog. The cost of the drug largely depends on the manufacturer, and in addition, on the content of active ingredients. Popular and inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids are drugs:
- Means "Propolis DN" for 160 rubles (one package contains 6 pieces).
- Medicine "Adonis" with sea buckthorn oil. For this medication, you will have to pay 250 rubles for 10 suppositories.
- Proctosan will cost 250 rubles for 10 candles.
- Means "Natalsid" costs about 300 rubles.
- Prostopin medicine costs 570 rubles.
Reviews about these medicines
Poreviews, the best candles for bleeding hemorrhoids are Relief, Natalsid and Proctosan. It is reported that these drugs quickly penetrate the intestines, enveloping its walls and relieving pain.
The comments say that to combat bleeding that goes away without pain, it is best to use the drug "Relief". And pain is best relieved by Proctosan.
As far as side effects are concerned, those are rarely reported in reviews. But some people write that these suppositories can cause itching and provoke a burning sensation.
When hemorrhoids bleed, which suppositories to use, now we know.