Hypotonic disease is an ailment that is properly called hypotension. It manifests itself in a significant decrease in blood pressure. Many in vain do not attach importance to it. Such a condition, of course, rarely leads to the development of serious diseases, but because of it, almost all patients experience discomfort.
Why is it evolving? What are the prerequisites? What symptoms may indicate the presence of hypotension (hypotension)? How to treat it? The answers to these and many other questions are described in the article.
Norms and deviations
You can talk about hypotension if a person's blood pressure is 20% lower than normal. The norm is 120/80. The indicator slightly fluctuates in the period of life from 13 to 55 years. As they grow older, an average of 1-2 points is added to the norm every 5 years.
However, if the figures are consistently below 90/60, you need to think. For this is the norm only for babies.
Primary hypotension
This is a rather rare form of thisstates. Primary hypotension is a neurosis of the vasomotor centers.
This is a separate, independent disease. Its development is provoked by long-term traumatic situations and stresses. Other predisposing factors include depression, constant lack of sleep, chronic fatigue and emotional trauma.
However, the most common cause is neurocirculatory dystonia. This is the name of a complex of disorders affecting the cardiovascular system, which have developed due to neuroendocrine disorders.

Secondary hypotension
It is much more common. Hypotonic disease of this type refers to ailments that occur as a consequence of other pathologies. It may accompany the following conditions:
- Injuries to the brain and internal organs.
- Heart failure.
- Hepatitis.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- Peptic ulcer.
- Diabetes mellitus, adrenal disorders, other problems with the endocrine system.
- Addison's disease.
- Amyloidosis of the adrenal glands or their surgical removal.
- Problems with the thyroid gland.
- Anemia.
- Chronic and acute bleeding.
- Infectious diseases.
- Anaphylactic shock.
- Abuse of diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, overdose of nitroglycerin.
It should be noted that the so-calledphysiological hypotension. It is not accompanied by changes in the internal organs at all. It develops, as a rule, in those people who belong to such groups:
- Athletes.
- Inhabitants of hot climatic zones.
- Workers in hot shops (metallurgical, usually).
- Inhabitants of the highlands.
And there is also the concept of training hypotension. This condition is observed in athletes when they subject themselves to increased, excessive loads.
So, the causes of hypotension are clear. Now we need to list the signs indicating its presence. Of course, the key symptom is the readings of the tonometer. But also indicate the presence of this pathology:
- Drowsiness, lethargy and general weakness.
- Termregulation disorders.
- Sleep problems.
- Increased sweating.
- Shortness of breath.
- Dull headache localized in the temporal and frontal regions.
- Emotional instability and irritability.
- Metrological sensitivity.
- Dizziness.
Sometimes there are fainting spells. The risk of loss of consciousness is especially great when in a stuffy room. And in general, people with this pathology react badly even to the most insignificant changes in the external environment - whether it be humidity, air temperature, or even emotional stimuli.

Orthostatic hypotension
This form of the disease occurs quiteyet often. And since we are talking about the causes and symptoms of hypotension, then it needs to be considered.
Orthostatic pathology is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which occurs when the position of the body changes. Often found among teenagers. This is justified physiologically - a growing organism requires a much more intensive work of blood vessels.
Therefore, you need to get up not abruptly. If a person has been in an upright position for a long time, and then "blew up", dizziness may occur. In some patients, it darkens in the eyes, even loss of consciousness is possible. This is because while a person was in the same position, the blood to the brain is supplied in small quantities.
They also need to be considered. Many are aware of the stages and risk levels of hypertension - is hypotension just as dangerous? Unfortunately yes. This condition almost always negatively affects the work of many body systems.
If you ignore hypotension, it will lead to the fact that the blood flow to the organs will decrease. This is fraught with the development of severe complications, among which are intestinal ischemia, renal failure, myocardial infarction and stroke.
However, the worst outcome of continuous hypotension is shock and death.
This topic also deserves some attention. Diagnosis of hypotension is not difficult. It is enough just to measure the pressure or familiarize yourself with the clinical picture. And here is the definition of the reason whyhypotension, more difficult. It is important to find out what this condition is.
Hypotension of the secondary type is being studied more closely by doctors, as it may be a symptom of any disease. First of all, diseases of the cardiovascular system are excluded, then the nervous system.

It is also important to differentiate a symptom from a manifestation of renal pathology, chronic tonsillitis, etc. Therefore, diagnosis often requires extensive research. Here are the activities most often resorted to:
- General analysis of urine and blood.
- Hormon balance study.
- Sugar curve analysis.
- Ultrasound of the heart.
- ECG.
- Biochemical tests of the liver.
- Residual nitrogen test.
- Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck.
Drug therapy
Special attention should be paid to drugs indicated for hypotension. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:
- Psychomotor stimulants that stimulate the adrenergic systems. They help to cope with asthenic symptoms, inhibition of reactions, increased drowsiness, do not allow loss of working capacity. The best remedies are Sidnofen, Mesocarb and Sidnocarb.
- Analeptics. Their intake has a stimulating effect on the respiratory and vascular centers of the medulla oblongata. Mood improves, fatigue decreases, performance increases. Also, taking these drugs has a positive effect on short-term memory. Cordiamin and Centedrin work well. Their reception is shown situationally or in short courses. Long-term use leads to chronically distracted attention and a state of euphoria.
- Stimulators of spinal cord functions. Securinin works great. Not allowed for thyrotoxicosis, seizures and asthma.
- Adrenergic drugs. Gutron is usually prescribed, which has a long effect without affecting the central nervous system.
- Cholinolytics. The reception of Ballataminal, Bellaspon and Belloid helps. These are also indispensable drugs for hypotensive disease. They help with conditions accompanied by severe vagotonia.
- Nootropics. They do not have a direct vasoconstrictive effect, but activate metabolic processes in the central nervous system, improving regional blood circulation. As a rule, Phenibut, Aminalon, Patogam, Pyriditol and Piracetam are prescribed.

Talking about the features of the clinical picture observed in hypotensive disease, it is also necessary to make a reservation that treatment necessarily involves taking vitamins. They produce anabolic and antihypoxic effect. In addition, vitamins have neurotropic and adaptive-trophic effects.
Whole complexes are very useful. Multivitamins, including well-chosen trace elements and vitamins, have the following effects:
- Stimulation of recovery processes after emotional stress and stress.
- Normalization of vegetative reactions.
- Increaseload tolerance. And both physical and emotional.
- Reduce overall fatigue.
- Avoid exhaustion.
And even though the body needs vitamins in a small amount, they significantly strengthen the immune system, and also help the body cope with disorders.

Folk remedies
Many people are interested in - if the pressure is low, what to do at home? What homemade folk remedies can help? In fact, there are dozens of them, but here are the recipes for the most effective:
- Mix May lily of the valley (10 g), peppermint (30 g), Manchurian aralia roots (30 g), Chinese magnolia vine (15 g) and spiny eleutherococcus (25 g). Take 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup twice a day - morning and afternoon, always before meals.
- Combine horsetail ephedra (10 g), hawthorn fruit (20 g), woolly-flowered astragalus (20 g), ginseng (20 g) and medicinal chamomile (15 g). The principle of preparation and reception is similar to the previous one.
- Make a collection of hawthorn fruits (20 g), kidney knotweed (15 g), safflower leuzea (15 g), medicinal chamomile (10 g) and Chinese lemongrass fruits (30 g). Cook and drink according to the same scheme as described in the first recipe.
- Wash six lemons, pour over with boiling water, remove the seeds. Grind the fruits with a meat grinder, pour the resulting mass with cold water (1 l). Leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After time, add honey (500 g). Send to the refrigerator for three days. Take three times a day for 50 g.
- Take tincture of ginseng. Measure 10-15 drops into a glass, dilute with 2 tbsp. l. water. Drink in one gulp half an hour before meals. And so - three times a day. You can also take tincture of Eleutherococcus, Manchurian Aralia, Schisandra chinensis and Rhodiola rosea.

And you can also make restorative tea. To do this, mix rose hips (20 g) and rose hips (15 g), lure root (20 g), stinging nettle (15 g), perforated St. John's wort (10 g) and pink rhodiola roots (20 g).
Take 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and set for an hour. Then strain and drink the volume in two doses before meals. It is advisable not to brew a large volume at once, so that the product does not lose its unique properties during the idle process.
First Aid
Every person who has low blood pressure should know about the principles of its provision. What to do at home if there was an attack of hypotension? Actions are as follows:
- Lie down on a comfortable surface. Be sure to put a roller under your feet.
- You can also sit with your head down below your knees.
- Regularize breathing. It should be shallow but even.
- Just in case, prepare a cotton pad moistened with ammonia. If you approach the possibility of losing consciousness, you will need to inhale the vapors of this remedy.
- After feeling better, you should drink a cup of coffee with sugar orstrong tea.

The same recommendations should be taken into account by all people in whose close circle there are persons with low blood pressure.