Allergy on the neck: causes in adults and children

Allergy on the neck: causes in adults and children
Allergy on the neck: causes in adults and children

What are the causes of neck allergies? What is the manifestation of such a reaction? What therapy options are suitable for troubleshooting? All this will be discussed in our material.


neck allergy
neck allergy

There are a whole host of factors that can trigger an allergy on the neck. Among the main reasons for the manifestation of a pathological reaction, the following should be highlighted:

  • Using cosmetics containing potential allergens;
  • Wearing clothes made from synthetics;
  • Using food with nutritional supplements;
  • The use of pharmacological agents that can cause a negative reaction;
  • Wearing jewelry made from certain materials;
  • Skin exposure to hazardous chemicals;
  • Reactions to contact with animals, plant pollen.

As you can see, the reasons may lie both in the contact effect on the skin of certain substances, and an atypical reaction of the body to certain allergens that are concentrated in the surrounding space.


allergies on the face and neck
allergies on the face and neck

Allergy on the neck andface is expressed in the occurrence of such manifestations:

  • Skin redness;
  • Occurrence of tissue edema;
  • Burning sensation, pain development;
  • Appearance of itching, rash;
  • Dry and flaky skin;
  • Formation in areas prone to allergic reactions of watery bubbles;
  • Increased emotional irritability and anxiety;
  • Development against the background of an allergic reaction of vegetovascular disorders.

Often, an allergy on the neck is part of the body's systemic reaction to irritants. In this case, headache, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, vision problems, and hearing impairment may be added to the above symptoms.

Allergy on the child's neck

neck allergy causes
neck allergy causes

Children's neck is the place where skin folds form. They are the ideal haven for allergens. Most often, an atypical reaction of the body to stimuli is manifested due to overheating of the body of babies and malnutrition. Based on this, parents need to ensure that the child does not stay in the sun for a long time. You also need to determine the food allergen and exclude foods containing it from the diet. Otherwise, when both factors converge, an effect known as wet prickly heat may appear on the baby’s neck, which is expressed in the appearance of bubbles filled with a clear liquid.

Often, allergies, spots on the neck, can occur in children as a result of the use of a certain pharmacological agent. In suchsituation, you must immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to select a safer medication.

Allergy on the neck, a photo of which can be seen in the article, can occur in children in response to contact with chemicals in detergents or wearing synthetic items. Therefore, it is important to exclude such factors.


adult neck allergy
adult neck allergy

A neck allergy can be confirmed with several tests. For these purposes, the following studies can be performed:

  1. Skin Test – Minor incisions are made on the surface of the epidermis and exposed to several allergens. Then the body's reactions to certain stimuli are noted.
  2. Elimination Method - Foods that are suspected to cause an abnormal reaction in the body are removed from the daily diet. If after some time the neck allergy disappears, this is a confirmation of the doctor's assumption.
  3. Provocative tests - liquids or ointments are applied to the skin, which contain potential allergens.

Treatment with topical agents

child neck allergy
child neck allergy

To eliminate neck allergies in an adult or child, various ointments can be used. Such funds are applied directly to areas of the skin where swelling or rashes occur. The following drugs are used here:

  1. "Radevit" shootsthe effect of itching and peeling of the skin. The active ingredients in the composition of the ointment contribute to the resistance of the epidermis to the effects of allergens and adverse environmental factors.
  2. "Bepanten" is a remedy that has a pronounced disinfectant and analgesic effect. The ointment relieves itching during the development of allergies, soothes the skin, eliminates inflammation, heals wounds formed as a result of scratching.
  3. "Fenistil" - highly effective ointment resists the occurrence of all kinds of skin irritations, redness, removes the effect of tissue swelling.
  4. "Advantan" acts as a hormonal agent that resists the development of diseases that occur against the background of allergic reactions.
  5. "Traumeel" - ointment based on herbal ingredients. Helps to increase local immunity, relieves itching and skin irritation.


neck allergy photo
neck allergy photo

For internal use with the development of allergic reactions in the neck and face, antihistamine pharmacological agents are used. Among the most effective drugs, Zyrtec and Cetrin should be noted. The latter have a minimum number of side effects. Antihistamines such as Fexofast and Suprastin perfectly resist the occurrence of skin rashes and other allergy symptoms.


Taking drugs of this category helps to neutralize the effect of toxic substances on the body, as well astheir rapid removal from the tissues of the body. This mechanism makes it possible to eliminate negative symptoms when a person is exposed to allergens. The most effective enterosorbents include the following: Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Smekta, Multisorb.

Traditional medicine methods

allergy spots on the neck
allergy spots on the neck

Along with drug therapy, with the development of allergic manifestations on the skin of the neck, traditional medicine can be used. What solutions allow you to remove the sensation of itching, eliminate swelling of tissues, strengthen the protective properties of the body? The following is worth noting here:

  1. Compress based on baking soda - for preparation it is enough to take a tablespoon of powder, which is dissolved in a glass of warm water. A piece of tissue is impregnated in the composition and applied to the affected area. The solution perfectly relieves inflammation, removes the sensation of itching.
  2. Decoction based on nettle - helps to maintain immunity. It is prepared using a tablespoon of dried raw materials per glass of boiled water. The remedy is insisted and periodically drunk several sips throughout the day.
  3. Oak bark lotions - raw materials are brewed in boiling water and infused for a day. The composition is periodically wiped over the skin in the areas affected by allergies. The tool does an excellent job with the burning effect of the skin.


To avoid relapses and the return of unpleasant symptoms of an allergy on the neck, it is important to maintain the protective functions of the body. It is for thisFor this reason, doctors often prescribe immunomodulatory drugs. In addition, the best prevention can be a he althy lifestyle, as well as the exclusion from the diet of foods that can provoke allergic reactions.

As for preventive measures in children, it is recommended to pay special attention to protecting babies from overheating in the sun. After all, the rash that accompanies the development of allergies most often occurs in small skin folds on the child's neck. Especially parents need to be careful when caring for newborns, because in the first years of life, such reactions can develop extremely rapidly. To prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, in the home medicine cabinet there must be several safe medicines for such manifestations.

In conclusion

So we found out what causes the development of neck allergies in adults and children. It is worth noting that the problem cannot be eliminated completely, once and for all. Therefore, in order to make life easier for yourself, it is necessary to resort to preventive measures, to perform actions aimed at strengthening immunity, and maintaining a suitable diet. If the problem has already made itself felt, it is important to apply complex treatment.
