Curvature of the neck in adults and children. Causes, symptoms and treatment

Curvature of the neck in adults and children. Causes, symptoms and treatment
Curvature of the neck in adults and children. Causes, symptoms and treatment

Curvature of the neck, or torticollis, is manifested by tilting the head with turning it to the side. This condition occurs due to the pathology of the bones of the cervical spine, neuralgia or soft tissue damage.

Curvature can be acquired or congenital. This condition is extremely dangerous, as it leads to deformities of the bones of the skull and disruption of the central nervous system. In other words, the curvature of the spine of the neck is the cause of dementia, developmental delays, impaired memory, vision, hearing, and other conditions. Therapy of the disease depends on the causes that caused it, the age of the patient, his general condition and other factors.

Torticollis in children

curvature of the child's neck
curvature of the child's neck

Curvature of the neck in a child most often begins in utero.

The causes may be infectious diseases suffered by the mother, the position of the child's body in the uterus, or abnormalities in the pelvic bones of a pregnant woman. It happens that the curvature is the result of a chromosomal mutation. Types of disease:

  1. Curvature of the neckidiopathic origin. The very name of the pathology suggests that the cause of its occurrence is unknown. True, the force of curvature is extremely small and the position of the head is not fixed. There is a hypothesis that such an influence is a consequence of the position of the body in the womb. However, this form can also be with a clear complication, for example, perinatal encephalopathy.
  2. If a child's sternocleidomastoid muscle thickens or shortens in the process of formation, then he may develop myogenic torticollis. The reason for this situation with the neck is usually the long position of the child across, that is, he pressed his head against the bones of the pelvis for a long time. With such a pathology, the child's head remains motionless, as the muscles thicken and cause pain when moving. In the future, he may develop scoliosis of the spine, the skull is bent, the eyes occupy different heights on it, brain function is disrupted.
  3. Curvature of the neck in infants can be the result of underdevelopment of the cervical vertebrae or their fusion into one bone. This phenomenon is called osteogenic pathology. The head is set very low on the shoulders and loses the ability to turn. Usually, the pathology is not limited to the cervical region, most often the lumbar region also loses mobility.
  4. With the neurogenic component of the pathology, not only the neck is turned to one side, but half of the entire body (leg and arm bent) is skewed to one side. In general, the child can move, but at rest, the muscles return to their usual position and the curvature returns.
  5. When arthrogenic torticollis hasthe place is a congenital defect of the cervical vertebra, namely its rotational dislocation.

Torticollis in adults

curvature of the neck in adults
curvature of the neck in adults

Curvature of the neck can occur at any age. It is usually caused by physical trauma. Such damage to the cervical vertebrae is also called acquired, because it can also occur in infancy, for example, on the first day of life as a result of a birth injury, for example, when strangulated by the umbilical cord. As the child matures, they may fall prey to an infection or cold, which also leads to the curve. Possible positions of the curvature of the neck in adults in the photo below.

photo of torticollis in adults
photo of torticollis in adults

The causes of the curvature of the cervical vertebrae may lie in the following:

  1. A child acquires an adjusting torticollis with a long uncomfortable position of the head in the crib. Pathologies of soft tissues or bones are not observed in this case.
  2. Reflex curvature of the neck is the result of various pathologies, such as otitis media or inflammation of the ear. They cause severe pain, which makes a person involuntarily bend his head towards the affected ear. Also, involuntary curvature is caused by purulent abscesses on the neck with mastoiditis and other similar diseases.
  3. With compensatory curvature of the neck, the patient tries to compensate for the absence of an eye, strabismus, labyrinthitis (disease of the inner ear) by turning the head. This half-turn allows you to increase visibility or reduce dizziness.
  4. When a traumatic injury to the neck is usually a fracture. This phenomenon is extremely painful for the patient. It causes pain not only the position of the head, but also an elementary attempt to touch the injured area. Such an injury may not be accompanied by a fracture of the vertebrae, that is, be the result of a dislocation, but the symptoms remain the same: severe pain and inability to move.
  5. Several infectious diseases can lead to a traumatic phase at once: syphilis, osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis. All this can easily lead to a fracture and curvature of the neck.
  6. Wryneck can be the result of myositis, inflammation of the muscles, as well as inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes of the neck, in its ligaments and soft tissues, chest and spine.

Diagnosis of pathology

neck curvature
neck curvature

How to correct the curvature of the neck, the doctor decides only after an accurate diagnosis. One glance at the patient is not enough for the diagnosis, although the curvature looks quite characteristic. In order to understand why the child has a curved neck, the doctor conducts a survey of the mother about how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded. Were there any abnormalities in hormone tests? It also matters how the baby was born (already with a curvature or it came later). The patient must be examined by a neurologist.

For an accurate diagnosis, modern instrumental methods, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are used. If this is not possible, then a method such as radiography justifies itself.

It should not be forgotten that in case of associated illnesses, it will be necessary to consultwith specialized specialists, for example, with strabismus, you should visit an ophthalmologist, with syphilis - a venereologist, sometimes even a psychiatrist may be needed.

Treatment of pathology

curvature of the neck in adults
curvature of the neck in adults

Treatment of curvature of the neck is the most diverse, the choice of method depends on the type and severity of the pathology. Sometimes conservative or physiotherapy treatment is enough, and sometimes surgery is not enough.

Physiotherapy includes electrophoresis using various drugs (lidase, potassium iodide). Irradiation of the affected area of the neck with ultraviolet rays helps well. Most often, however, therapeutic massage is used, especially for newborn patients.

The patient also takes a number of medications of various effects. The treatment regimen includes pain medications, antibiotics, muscle relaxants, or anticonvulsants.

Usually, treatment with these methods takes at least 6 months, provided they are regular and performed correctly.

If such treatment is ineffective or there is an injury, then a surgical operation is performed. It can affect muscles, ligaments, and even bones.

After the operation, the patient must wear a special neck corset for some time to keep the cervical vertebrae in the correct position.

Therapeutic exercises and position

For young children, the most effective and painless way of treatment is gymnastics. It is useful not only for the neck, but for the entire developing organism. It's easy to do, anyonedeal with it after a few sessions with a physiotherapist.

curvature of the neck in adults photo
curvature of the neck in adults photo

To stretch the neck muscles, you need to put the baby on the table so that his head hangs over the edge. In no case should you let her out of your hands. It is necessary to very slowly and gradually lower your hands with the baby's head to the edge of the table, and eventually beyond its edge. So the muscles will gradually stretch without tearing or injury.

For the same purpose - stretching the muscles, it is necessary in the prone position to turn the baby's head in one direction or the other. Muscle stretching can also be done in an upright position, holding the baby in your arms and holding his head.


neck curvature treatment
neck curvature treatment

In general, the prognosis for neck curvature is positive. Timely therapy, even if it is a surgical operation, restores the cervical vertebrae and soft tissues in full. The only exception is Klippel-Feil syndrome, in which the bones of the cervical spine turn into a monolith.


If the curvature of the neck is left without timely treatment, then a person may develop dangerous conditions, sometimes incompatible with life.

In addition to the visually unaesthetic appearance, which in itself causes psychological trauma in the child, systemic disorders may also occur. For example, mental retardation, impaired vision, hearing, pathology of the musculoskeletal system. And if the patient has a clamping of the trachea, then pulmonary insufficiency and total oxygenstarvation.


To prevent congenital curvature of the neck, the expectant mother must comply with preventive measures. She should definitely be observed by the district doctor throughout her pregnancy, take tests and undergo all necessary procedures. In this case, it will be possible to diagnose the pathology at the very beginning and easily cure it. During pregnancy, you should not eat foods containing preservatives and dyes. Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

To prevent injuries that cause neck curvature, it is necessary to observe safety precautions at work and in sports, and in case of injuries, immediately consult a doctor.


Orthopedics is a separate topic of prevention. Not only the condition of the neck, but also the whole organism depends on how the head lies during sleep. Therefore, the pillow should not be hard or soft, the head should rise 5-7 cm above the mattress. Canvas bags with s alt or buckwheat husks are great for newborns. Pillowcases should be made of fabric that absorbs sweat easily.

curvature of the spine of the neck
curvature of the spine of the neck


Curvature of the neck should not be left without treatment, because the pathology is fraught with serious consequences, sometimes irreversible. At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable.
