The new generation drug "Nurofen" helps to effectively, quickly and without much harm to the body relieve various pains, lower the temperature. It acts gently, so it is available in different forms - for adults and for children. The drug is widely used, and is used for almost any disease, from the common cold to arthrosis, arthritis, sprains.

Can I be allergic to Nurofen? We will try to answer this question in this article.
Medication description
"Nurofen" refers to multifunctional drugs. It is a wonderful antipyretic drug for children and an effective pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent.
This non-steroidal compound is not only used to treat babies. For adults, it helps with rheumatoid pain and colds. Nurofen is a drug available in tablets for adults and in suppositories and syrup for children.
The active substance - ibuprofen combines with blood proteins, and then enters the joint cavity, lingering in the synovial tissue. It is excreted from the body with bile. This facilitates the assimilation of the material and does not greatly affect the composition of the blood, which avoids a negative effect on the liver during filtration.
The composition of the drug includes ibuprofen, which reduces body temperature and reduces pain. For children, an orange or strawberry flavor is added to the product. The smallest patients are prescribed Nurofen syrup, and in difficult cases, rectal suppositories are prescribed. From the age of six, the child can be prescribed pills. For adult patients, Nurofen is prescribed only in tablets.

Despite the many advantages of this drug, sometimes an allergy to Nurofen develops. Negative reactions are extremely rare, and in most cases children are affected. This is due to the incomplete development of the baby's body. Allergy to "Nurofen" is due to the rejection of the drug. With age, the reaction may disappear.
Indications for the use of "Nurofen"
For adult patients, the drug is prescribed for:
- migraines and headaches;
- pain in joints and muscles;
- back pain and arthritis;
- painful periods;
- during the rehabilitation period after operations;
- toothache.
For babies, as we have already mentioned, Nurofen is prescribed for high fever and various types of pain. ToUnfortunately, even the most gentle medicines do not guarantee complete safety. Quite rarely, but patients are allergic to Nurofen. Photos of the manifestations of this reaction are often published by special medical publications.
Can I take antihistamines without a doctor's prescription?
An allergic reaction to this drug is due to the presence of ibuprofen, a chemical substance. In Nurofen tablets, unlike children's forms, a small percentage of analgesics is added, which increase the negative effect on the body of people prone to allergic reactions.
Unfortunately, many are dismissive of allergies, making a huge mistake, because the strongest allergic reaction can be fatal if the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner. According to allergists, today only every tenth allergy sufferer turns to them for qualified help. Many of them self-medicate - relieve unpleasant allergy symptoms with antihistamines, the names of which they have heard in television commercials, or which have been prescribed to neighbors, friends.

If it is not so easy for an adult to harm a medicine that he has prescribed himself, then an incorrectly selected drug can cause serious and sometimes irreparable harm to a child's he alth. This mainly applies to “first” generation drugs, which are now sold without a prescription in every pharmacy.
Medication allergy symptoms
Andadults, and in children, the symptoms of this type of allergy have similar signs. There is only one difference and it lies in the fact that the child reacts faster, no more than two hours after taking the drug. Symptoms may appear in different ways. Urgent action should be taken when the following signs appear:
- redness and rashes on the skin, accompanied by severe itching;
- signs of suffocation, shortness of breath; abdominal pain, colic, flatulence; dry and flaky skin;
- nausea, vomiting, dizziness, migraine.
The manufacturers of this drug guarantee the absence of allergic reactions, citing the fact that the drug does not contain artificial dyes and chemical additives. However, an allergy can develop to ibuprofen. An overdose of the drug may be accompanied by vomiting and abdominal pain, indigestion, the feces will become light, almost white. There may be heartburn and bitterness in the mouth. In rare cases, swelling of the throat or lungs may develop.

Causes of allergies
The main causes of an allergy to Nurofen include:
- reaction to ibuprofen - the active ingredient of the drug;
- flavors, other additives in Nurofen;
- violation of instructions for use of the drug (overdose).
Be aware that Nurofen may be incompatible with some other drugs, so it is advisable to take it under medical supervision.
Allergy to Nurofen inchild, and even in an adult patient, manifests itself quite quickly. For this reason, it is not very difficult to determine it even at home. As soon as the first symptoms of an allergy to Nurofen appear, the drug should be discontinued.
The allergen that caused the reaction cannot be independently determined. You can only understand that this is one of the components of the drug. Or maybe the reaction is caused by some other drug taken in parallel with Nurofen. Therefore, a visit to an allergist is necessary, especially if an allergic reaction develops in a small child. Tell your doctor about what medications you took before the allergy occurred, and get the necessary tests done.
If there are strong arguments that an allergy to Nurofen has developed in a child or adult, the doctor will prescribe laboratory tests. As part of the research, specialists will need a general blood sample for the presence of immunoglobulin to establish a diagnosis. If the level of protein in the blood is exceeded, then the doctor has no doubt that we are talking about the presence of an allergic disease. Tests are carried out on all substances that are part of the drug.
Some skin tests are available for children over three years of age. Extracts of probable allergens in minimal doses are injected under the skin, and the doctor notes the appearance or absence of certain reactions. If redness occurs and papules form, the doctor diagnoses this as a sign of an allergy to Nurofen in a child. You can see photos of symptoms in this article. Only a qualified person can installaccurate diagnosis, identify the allergen that the body rejects, prescribe treatment.

First aid for a child with allergies
If a child has developed an allergy to Nurofen rectal suppositories, then the baby needs to do a cleansing enema. This will help the body get rid of the concentrated irritant. Allergy to Nurofen syrup or tablets also requires immediate gastric lavage of the child. After that, you should give him Enterosgel or activated charcoal.
If there are signs of an allergy to Nurofen syrup in a child, you should immediately stop taking the drug and change the baby into cotton clothes that will not cause skin irritation. For skin rashes and itching, local antihistamines (Fenistil) are prescribed, as well as general drugs (Zodak, Erius, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin). With the development of serious and dangerous conditions, the help of medical professionals will be required. In this case, hormones in the form of injections can be used, and in case of emergency, adrenaline.
With a profuse rash that occupies large areas of the skin, you should regularly rinse the baby's body with cool water, gently wipe the inflamed areas with infusion of chamomile or string. These herbs are good at relieving itching and inflammation. Creams and ointments for burns (intended for children) will moisturize the skin.
Allergy symptoms in adults
They are similar to those that appear in children - skin itching, inflammation and irritation of the skin. In especially difficult casesQuincke's edema or anaphylactic shock may develop, which, if delayed, can be fatal. If such complications are suspected, an ambulance should be called immediately. Medical workers will undertake a number of resuscitation procedures aimed at ensuring the normalization of the cardiovascular system, blood flow to the brain.

Features of treatment
Given that "Nurofen" is one of the most widely used and most effective drugs, it is not easy to refuse it. However, there are many of its analogues, which have a slightly different composition. Only a doctor who knows the medical history of a particular patient can select a suitable Nurofen substitute.
If symptoms persist, it is necessary to take an antihistamine (Tavegil, Suprasineks) at a dosage that corresponds to the age of the patient. Before taking an antihistamine, it must be taken into account that the drug may settle on the previously used sorbent and the desired effect will not occur. For this reason, these drugs should be taken at intervals of 40 minutes.
In addition to the antihistamine group, anti-allergic ointments are used for skin rashes and itching. Before applying them, the damaged areas should be washed with cool water, and an adult should take a shower. When treating a child, it is not recommended to use hormonal ointments - the skin of babies is too sensitive and can easily absorb the medicine, and this is undesirable. ForAllergists recommend such products as Elidel and Fenistil for children.
What can replace Nurofen?
An allergy to children's Nurofen can be quite strong and painful for a baby. An allergist or pediatrician will be able to select a different antipyretic.
- Ibuprofen is the most popular Russian substitute for Nurofen. The drug is produced in the same forms as the original.
- "Ibuklin" - an Indian combined drug, in the composition. which includes two active ingredients - paracetamol and ibuprofen
- Advil is a high-quality German drug. Known for effective and rapid action against acute inflammatory diseases.
- Paracetamol can become a substitute for Nurofen. and other drugs that are based on it.

Children are strictly forbidden to give aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), as this is also the strongest allergen. If the symptoms of an allergy to Nurofen are not too pronounced, and they do not bother the child, try to do without medication. In a day or two after stopping the drug, the allergy symptoms will disappear without treatment.