Removing a rib - is it the kind of beauty that requires sacrifice?

Removing a rib - is it the kind of beauty that requires sacrifice?
Removing a rib - is it the kind of beauty that requires sacrifice?

What women don't invent to become beautiful! They are ready to make any sacrifices - to lengthen their legs (for this they must first be broken), to do all kinds of plastic surgeries, accompanied by serious surgical intervention, and even to remove a few ribs to make their waist thinner. Let's try to understand whether the services to change the appearance that plastic surgeons offer us in abundance are so safe and do not have critical he alth consequences?

edge removal
edge removal

Rib removal: is a graceful waist worth such sacrifices?

One of our contemporaries named Valeria Lukyanova, who lives in Ukraine, became famous all over the world for her unusual appearance, as her facial features and features of the figure are exactly copied from the famous Barbie doll. According to the girl, her current image is the result of painstaking work on herself, proper nutrition and spiritual practices, and there was only one plastic surgery in her life - sheslightly enlarged breasts.

However, you can hear a lot of talk that tends to suggest that the girl has done more than one or two plastic surgeries, and, most likely, she is familiar with such an operation as removing a rib - her waist is so thin. Despite the fact that she already reaches 48 centimeters, the girl is not going to stop there and has already expressed a desire to reduce her already “wasp” waist by another 4 centimeters. But is it really easy and safe to remove ribs?

removing edges consequences
removing edges consequences

The consequences of this operation can be quite sad, like any surgical intervention in the human body. Despite all the possibilities of modern medicine, doctors note that such an operation cannot pass without a trace for the body. After resection of the ribs, various problems with internal organs can begin, such as prolapse of the kidneys, inflammatory processes in the bones, respiratory diseases.

In addition, the removal of the rib is fraught with the fact that subsequently a person will regularly feel a pulling pain when the weather changes, which will have to be removed with analgesics. And what can we say about the long recovery period and psychological stress!

Specialists practicing in modern plastic surgery clinics reassure that during resection of the last, twelfth pair, the rib is not completely removed, but only partially.

rib removal surgery
rib removal surgery

This fact should make it clear that in this case the side effects will not be as pronounced asas when removing more edges. This is enough to form a narrower waist than the patient originally had.

However, it seems that removing an edge cannot be a simple safe procedure anyway.

For girls who, like Valeria Lukyanova, want to make the obsessions of their childhood come true and are ready to do any operation “for the sake of beauty”, plastic surgeons recommend first of all to see a psychotherapist. If this does not help, the first task of doctors is to try to dissuade patients from surgery if they have no visible pathology. Now there is plenty of information on the topic "Operation to remove the ribs" - the photo is not for the faint of heart. Very often, people in pursuit of ideal forms and a beautiful face risk not only irretrievably losing what they have - he alth, but also becoming real horror movie characters.
