Many people refer to low blood pressure (hypotension) as a pathology less dangerous than hypertension. However, existing medical evidence refutes this view. The danger of hypotension is underestimated. This pathology has a diverse negative impact on human he alth and requires close attention.

The occurrence of hypotension is promoted by vascular weakness and lack of tone of the entire circulatory system. It is these phenomena that lead to a decrease in the volume of oxygen entering the body and a deterioration in the operation of all systems. As a result, a person has a constant feeling of fatigue, loss of strength, drowsiness, lethargy and apathy. The patient is tormented by headaches, he quickly gets tired, is not able to concentrate, reacts sharply to climatic changes. All these symptoms clearly indicate low blood pressure. Over time, they can worsen, causing temporary visual and hearing impairment. The patient is often dizzy, fainting occurs. Exactlytherefore, when signs of hypotension appear, everyone should know how to increase low blood pressure.
There are a huge number of proven ways to effectively and quickly eliminate an unpleasant phenomenon. You need to start by improving your lifestyle. At the same time, it is worth remembering that only the restoration of the forces of the whole organism will create the necessary prerequisites for an increase in blood pressure. A hypotonic person should sleep ten to eleven hours a day. A short day's rest is also desirable. You should not overwork yourself physically. Aerobic training, running, walking or swimming will bring benefits.

What will increase the pressure even more? Contrast showers, baths and massages are especially recommended for hypotensive patients. It is important for such patients and diet. Hypotension patients should give up alcohol and smoking. Meals should be frequent (four to five times a day), while not oversaturating the stomach.
What will increase the pressure of food? In the morning, the use of fatty and s alty foods is recommended. Their list includes butter, cheese and fish. The risk of low blood pressure can be minimized by drinking strong black tea or coffee.
In the diet of a hypotonic person, fats and proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements, as well as tonic vitamins (C and group B) should be present.
What will increase the pressure quickly? Celery and lettuce, bitter chocolate and sauerkraut, as well as dry wine and cinnamon will contribute to this.
Increase the pressure of the kidneys and brains,liver and products made from white flour, potatoes and semolina, sorrel and carrots. Useful for hypotensive dishes with seasonings and a variety of hot spices. These may include raw onions, as well as red and black peppers, mustard, cloves and horseradish. S alt is the main pressure-increasing product. Buckwheat, walnuts and spinach are recommended for hypotensive patients. Juices that increase blood pressure - pomegranate and grape. They also need to be included in the menu for hypotensive patients to improve well-being.

What will increase the pressure from folk remedies? Excellent help with hypotension ginger and green tea, tincture of hawthorn, eleutherococcus, echinacea or ginseng. Folk healers also recommend other medicinal herbs that can have a tonic effect.