What is the danger of low blood pressure? A person has low blood pressure: causes of hypotension

What is the danger of low blood pressure? A person has low blood pressure: causes of hypotension
What is the danger of low blood pressure? A person has low blood pressure: causes of hypotension

Few people think about the dangers of low blood pressure in humans. Moreover, in modern society, there is often an erroneous opinion that the antagonist of hypotension - arterial hypertension - really threatens he alth. The development of heart failure, impaired cerebral circulation - the list of negative consequences of hypertension can be continued indefinitely. However, this does not mean at all that low blood pressure does not pose a threat to the patient's life.

What affects blood pressure?

Blood, moving through the vessels, puts pressure on their walls. The presence or absence of the generally accepted normal blood pressure (120/80) is determined by several factors:

  • degree of vascular resistance;
  • cardiac functionality;
  • total blood volume.

Despite the fact that deviations from the standard values in the smaller direction, many do not consider it a pathology at all, since all systems and organs work as expected, than dangerously low blood pressure in humans,doctors have known for a long time.

What does blood pressure say?

In addition to the external manifestations of this condition in the form of general weakness of the body, shortness of breath, dizziness and loss of coordination, hypotension can cause more serious consequences. The first alarm signals received by the patient must necessarily serve as a reason for seeking advice from specialists. In addition, if the danger of low pressure has receded, which quite often lulls the vigilance of patients, this does not mean at all that a recurrence is not expected.

what is dangerous low pressure for a person
what is dangerous low pressure for a person

Blood pressure itself is an indicator that can indicate violations in the work of such vital organs as the lungs, heart, circulatory system. This predetermines the need for regular pressure measurements, especially since its value is not static and constant. You can find out why low blood pressure is dangerous in a person by familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of blood circulation.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure in humans

As you know, when measuring a patient's pressure, doctors draw conclusions about his condition by two values:

  1. Systolic pressure is the upper indicator showing the level of pressure during the ejection of blood into the aorta.
  2. Diastolic pressure - the lower indicator, fixes the moment of blood entering the vena cava.

If the first criterion is able to determine the blood pressure in the process of its transportation through the vessels from the heart to other vital organs, then the second one speaks of itsvalue between heartbeats. At the moment of short-term relaxation of the myocardium, blood pressure is measured.

What pressure is considered normal?

Probably everyone knows that 120/80 is the most common indicator, which is considered an unconditional norm. Although recently, experts have begun to assert with greater confidence that the most comfortable blood pressure for a person is 115/75.

low pressure danger
low pressure danger

It is difficult to determine what critical low pressure is dangerous for a person, as well as to find out the norm for the same person. The fact is that blood pressure, at which the patient's well-being is satisfactory, is a purely individual value. It is almost impossible to establish with accuracy that this particular indicator is optimal for a particular person.

What is low blood pressure?

Meanwhile, doctors around the world consider BP 90/60 unequivocally low. Whether low pressure is dangerous for a person with such indicators depends largely on how he feels at that moment, what the symptoms are.

The most common manifestations of hypotension, in which the thought of pathology immediately arises, is considered:

  • Regular drowsiness, lethargy, rapid fatigue. Any activity (physical, mental) leads to instant fatigue, after rest and a night's sleep, relief usually does not occur.
  • Headaches (cephalgia with reduced pressure often occupies the occipital and temporal lobes; by nature andthe intensity of the pain syndrome is similar to migraine: monotonous, pulsating or dull).
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Frequent dizziness, short-term loss of consciousness, impaired coordination of movements.
  • Irritability, inattention, distraction.

Is low blood pressure dangerous? This can be determined based on the above symptoms. Such signs of hypotension can deliver great discomfort and suffering to the patient. How to avoid it? You can prevent the development of pathology, especially if you are not at risk. But even if this is not the case, it is still possible to help yourself. Reasons for a drop in systolic or diastolic blood count are listed below.

Causes of low diastolic pressure

With reduced diastolic pressure, common signs of hypotension appear in the form of impotence, dizziness and nausea. The ideal indicator is the one that is less than systolic by 30-40 mm Hg. Art. This leads to the establishment of a common norm of 120/80 with a difference of 40 mm Hg. Art. The diastolic value is considered low if the discrepancy between it and the systolic indicator is more than 50 units.

lowest human blood pressure
lowest human blood pressure

Many patients do not immediately detect low blood pressure, regularly suffering from symptoms of weakness. Even fewer people, having discovered a disease in themselves, go to the doctor with this problem, since not everyone knows how dangerous low blood pressure is in a person, especially if such a deviation does not cause significant trouble andinconvenience. A person's well-being at low lower pressure depends on the causative factors that provoked changes in blood circulation. The most common are:

  • heart failure;
  • kidney failure or chronic adrenal disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pain shock;
  • thyroid disorders.

How to prevent hypotension?

It is the low lower pressure that deserves special attention, the reasons for which are indicated above. How to increase the diastolic rate, every person should know. After all, such knowledge might one day be useful to someone else.

Compliance with the rules of a he althy lifestyle, as well as sufficient time outdoors and moderate exercise is the main secret to the normalization of diastolic blood pressure. Regular and full night sleep for 7-8 hours is undoubtedly also an important guarantee of excellent he alth. But taking medication for low diastolic pressure is a serious step that is best done together with your doctor.

What causes low diastolic blood pressure?

What is the danger of low diastolic pressure in a person, if its indicator is able to drop even to the level of 40 mm Hg. Art., interesting to all patients with hypotension. Feeling bad is not everything. The fact is that low blood pressure does not allow delivering the necessary amount of blood to the heart and brain, and with it oxygen. Hypoxia of these vital organsrepresents the main threat posed by low pressure in the blood vessels. Complications such as impaired peripheral circulation and cardiogenic shock are a direct consequence of oxygen starvation.

why low blood pressure is dangerous for a person
why low blood pressure is dangerous for a person

Fainting and stroke are also very likely to develop at critical levels of lower (diastolic) pressure. In addition, a radical restructuring of the structure of the arteries due to the long course of hypotension ultimately leads to the transition of the disease to a more dangerous form of cardiovascular disease - hypertension. In this form, the disease is much more severe.

Causes of low systolic blood pressure

Diastolic indicators below normal indicate the possible development of serious pathological processes, primarily from the cardiovascular system. Meanwhile, low upper blood pressure is often linked to other causes, including:

  • tachycardia, arrhythmia, bradycardia (abnormal heart rhythm);
  • pathological features of the functioning of the heart valve;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • excessive exercise.

The systolic indicator gives detailed information about the intensity with which the heart “pump” pushes blood out. Within the normal range, its value is about 110-120 mm Hg. Art. To understand what low pressure is dangerous for a person and how great the threat is, you can use critical indicators likediastolic and systolic values. With extremely low blood pressure, the patient often loses consciousness. With systolic 60 mm Hg. Art. gradually loses touch with reality, it becomes cloudy in the eyes, the legs become "cotton". It's important to get someone to help you while you can.

what low pressure is dangerous for a person
what low pressure is dangerous for a person

To help the patient, it is necessary to lay him in such a horizontal position that the legs are higher than the level of the head.

Threat low systolic pressure

The lowest pressure in a person is considered critical when its upper values are in the range of 40-60 mm. rt. Art. The patient is already unconscious, and if such pressure remains for 7-8 minutes or more, then the person can leave this world. The heart rate also drops to a minimum and can be 45-60 beats per minute. An emergency call for an ambulance and the arrival of a team of doctors will give the patient a chance for recovery. However, the consequences of the condition he endured can leave an indelible mark on life until the end of his days.

Danger for a pregnant woman

The risk of low systolic blood pressure is also present during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. An acceptable decrease in the upper indicators is considered to be a decrease to 10 mm Hg. Art., and lower - up to 15 units. Blood pressure in pregnant women generally reaches its minimum at 22-24 weeks.

Is low blood pressure dangerous?
Is low blood pressure dangerous?

Thislowering is not considered dangerous either for the fetus or for the expectant mother. Meanwhile, fainting is a common symptom of hypotension in pregnant women. Loss of consciousness often leads to falls, which is a potential threat to the baby. Dehydration, which is often diagnosed in pregnant women, can also provoke a decrease in blood pressure.

Classification of hypotension

Low blood pressure is divided into several types:

  1. Orthostatic blood pressure lowering. Most often occurs with a sharp change in body position (with a sharp rise), when blood flow to the limbs increases, and the heartbeat does not increase. It is characterized by concomitant attacks of dizziness, loss of coordination, in rare cases even consciousness. It is this type of hypotension that is often found in pregnant women, despite the fact that the elderly are considered the main risk group for the onset of the disease.
  2. Postprandial hypotension manifests itself in older patients after eating.
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia is the most common type of hypotonic type of disease. Such a decrease in pressure is observed in patients under hot weather conditions, with overwork, stress, etc. The disease is often found in young people.

Today everyone should know the dangers of low blood pressure in humans. With a rapid heartbeat and pulse, it is difficult for the heart to pump blood through the vessels, which means that the supply of oxygen to the limbs and organs becomes insufficient. To normalizepressure, you need to take a contrast shower and carefully massage the body with a special massage brush. You can’t get carried away with such a famous remedy for low blood pressure as coffee or chocolate: for a one-time relief, this is an excellent solution, but if the decrease in arterial indicators has become regular, you should definitely consult a doctor.

low lower pressure causes
low lower pressure causes

How to normalize low blood pressure?

The specialist will be able to confirm or exclude the diagnosis, prescribe appropriate medications if necessary, and monitor the patient's condition. Self-medication can be life-threatening.
