Modern medicine knows a wide variety of diseases. Some are independent, others are the result of other pathologies. One of the most common ailments are respiratory diseases. They may appear for various reasons. In this article, we will tell you about what acute nasopharyngitis is.
ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision) includes this disease. How it is designated, you will learn further. You will be able to get acquainted with the main symptoms and causes of this pathology, as well as ways to treat it.

General characteristics
Acute nasopharyngitis is an inflammatory process that occurs on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Pathology can have a different nature of origin. Usually inflammation is caused by viruses. Less commonly, the disease is bacterial or fungal in nature. Doctors say that allergic acute nasopharyngitis also occurs. ICD-10 includes this pathology undernumber J-00.
A disease in the acute stage, in the absence of timely treatment, can take on a chronic form. This pathology is much more difficult to eliminate, but it does not have severe symptoms and practically does not bother the patient. Consider the main causes of the disease.
Viral nasopharyngitis
This type of disease occurs most often. It can affect patients of any age. However, children of school and kindergarten age are more often ill. The disease is transmitted through normal contact, like SARS. Acute nasopharyngitis has an incubation period of several hours to 2-5 days. More often, signs of the disease begin to appear on the second day after contact with the carrier.
Viral nasopharyngitis (acute) begins due to inhalation of viruses. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply immediately on the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx. The body's own defenses also play an important role. With a decrease in immunity, the disease spreads quickly and is difficult.
Bacterial disease
Another reason that acute nasopharyngitis can begin is a runny nose of bacterial origin. Often, pathology becomes a consequence of sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis. We are talking about the spread of bacteria, not viruses.
The reason for the onset of bacterial nasopharyngitis may be the use of the same things with an infected person. Usually in this situation we are talking about personal hygiene products (handkerchiefs, towels, toothbrushes, and so on).

Fungal nasopharyngitis
Acute nasopharyngitis in adults and children may have a fungal etiology. Often this is a consequence of untreated stomatitis, thrush and other diseases. Fungal nasopharyngitis often develops due to a decrease in immunity, after prolonged use of antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs.
Fungal nasopharyngitis can be transmitted through saliva when kissing. In children, dirty toys can cause infection.
Allergic form
The reason for the development of allergic nasopharyngitis is the inhalation of polluted air. It can be household dust, tobacco smoke, dry air or any other allergen. A feature of this form of pathology is that it cannot be transmitted to another person.
Acute nasopharyngitis: symptoms
Regardless of what caused the disease and what form it takes, the manifestations are usually similar. The main symptoms of pathology:
- increase in body temperature (a hallmark of the acute course of the disease);
- mucous discharge from the nose, which can become purulent after a few days;
- headache, tinnitus;
- general malaise.
If left untreated for several days, the mucus in the nose thickens and becomes an excellent breeding ground for other microbes. There is a feeling of congestion, swelling. On examination, there is a purulent accumulation on the back of the pharynx and tonsils, inflammation of the Eustachian tube can be diagnosed.

Spicynasopharyngitis: treatment
Depending on the age and condition of the patient, the doctor selects the appropriate drugs to correct the pathology. With a viral infection, it is enough to follow the regimen. If the problem is due to bacteria, then antimicrobials are indispensable.
In addition to oral medications, local remedies must also be used. These are used to treat the surface of the larynx and the nasal mucosa. Often, additional preparations are connected to the treatment: vitamin complexes, a set of beneficial bacteria, and so on. Some patients treat acute nasopharyngitis with grandmother's recipes. However, such a correction is not always effective. Remember that incorrectly selected therapy leads to the development of a chronic type of disease. Consider the main drugs that are used in the fight against inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Antiviral drugs with immunomodulating action
Acute nasopharyngitis most often has a viral etiology. To correct such a disease, appropriate drugs are used. These are the well-known "Arbidol" and "Arpeflu", "Anaferon" and "Ergoferon", "Isoprinosine" and "Groprinosin". They can not only eliminate a viral infection, but also increase immune protection. All medicines described are intended for oral use. However, experts often recommend using local remedies. These are sprays and nose drops "Irs 19", "Derinat", "Ingaron", "Grippferon", "Interferon" and so on. They can be used for both treatment andpreventive purposes.
To enhance the body's resistance, vitamin complexes can be prescribed: "MultiTabs", "Vita Bears", "Complivit" and many others. Always pay attention to the dosage of such drugs. It should be chosen according to the age of the patient and his individual characteristics. Vitamin C plays an important role in enhancing immune defense.

Are antibiotics needed?
If acute nasopharyngitis is of a bacterial nature, then treatment necessarily includes antimicrobial agents. They are appointed only after laboratory tests. To do this, you need to pass a smear from the pharyngeal cavity and nose. After that, the specialist will determine the presence of sensitivity of microorganisms to a particular drug.
Oral antibiotics are usually prescribed based on azithromycin and amoxicillin. These are the funds "Amoxiclav", "Flemoxin", "Sumamed", "Azitrus" and so on. Less often (with the ineffectiveness of the listed ones), antimicrobial cephalosporin compounds (Supraks, Cefatoxime, Ceftriaxone) are recommended. The use of antibiotics continues for approximately 5-10 days. Even with a sharp improvement in well-being, the prescribed course should not be interrupted.
Antibacterial drugs are also injected into the nasal cavity. The most commonly used are Isofra and Polydex. Safer can be called "Protargol" and "Sialor". Also, for the treatment of nasopharyngitis, the drug "Bioparox" was recently used. However, at the moment they are trying not to appoint him.

If acute nasopharyngitis is caused by an allergic reaction, then antihistamines must be added to the treatment. They are available in tablets or drops for ease of use. The most popular trade names are Zirtek, Zodak, Tsetrin, Suprastin, Tavegil and others.
Be aware that these medicines may cause side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue. Therefore, do not engage in responsible affairs during the period of therapy. Or you can consult with your doctor and choose the most suitable regimen for yourself, for example, before bedtime.
Relieve nasal swelling
Acute nasopharyngitis in children is often accompanied by severe edema. Moreover, the younger the child, the more difficult the situation. In babies, the disease often goes to the ear area: an inflammatory process begins, accompanied by swelling. This is why it is so important to use vasoconstriction medications.
The most popular drugs are based on oxymetazoline and xylometazoline. Rarely used naphazoline. The trade names for these drugs are as follows: Snoop, Otrivin, Nazivin, Rinostop, Tizin, and so on. All drugs are used no more than 3-5 days strictly in the indicated dosage. The children are often prescribed the drug "Vibrocil". You can use it for up to one week. The active substance of the drug is phenylephrine. It is also contained in the medicine "Polydex". When combining theseformulations, you must definitely adjust the dose.
Antihistamines will help in some way to relieve swelling of the nasal cavity. However, they do not work as quickly as topical medications.
Rinse the nasal passages
Before applying any drugs to the nasal mucosa, the surface must be rinsed. During the procedure, all pathogens are removed by the fluid flow. As a result, drugs are better absorbed and produce a greater effect.
The washing procedure helps to some extent relieve swelling. S alt solutions draw out excess fluid. You can make your own nasal cleanser. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of s alt in a liter of water. You can also purchase a ready-made remedy in a pharmacy. These are drugs "Dolphin", "Rinostop", "Akvalor", "Physiomer" and so on.
Prevention measures
To avoid infection with nasopharyngitis, you must carefully monitor your he alth. Regularly carry out hygiene procedures to clean the nose. For this, the above medicines are suitable. You also need to humidify the air in the room in which you are. Do not allow the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and larynx to dry out, drink more clean water. Don't forget about nutrition. The benefits of fruits and vegetables are undeniable. Through these products, you can get a lot of vitamins and useful trace elements. Create your regimen. Wake up at the same time, walk more in the fresh air. This will help to prevent the common cold and its consequences -nasopharyngitis.

During epidemics, try not to visit crowded places. In case of forced contact with an infected person, use antiviral agents for prevention. However, this topic must first be discussed with your doctor.
If you feel the beginning of the disease, then you should not try to move it on your feet. Be sure to take medication and stay in bed. Sports also increase the body's resistance, but exercise should be moderate. At the first symptoms of the disease, do not try to eliminate it yourself. Remember that a timely appeal to a specialist is a guarantee of a quick recovery. Don't get sick!