Acupressure for a runny nose. The main massage points for a cold. Treatment of the common cold in children

Acupressure for a runny nose. The main massage points for a cold. Treatment of the common cold in children
Acupressure for a runny nose. The main massage points for a cold. Treatment of the common cold in children

Burning in the nose, the appearance of copious mucous secretions, constant sneezing are well-known symptoms of a runny nose. Causes of its occurrence are viral infections, such as influenza or measles. Congestion can be the result of allergic reactions of the body or a disease such as rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa). Well-known sprays and drops are not always available. In addition, too frequent use of them is addictive. But such a remedy as acupressure for a runny nose is not familiar to everyone, although its effectiveness is quite high.

Energy points

Acupuncture treatment has been known for quite some time. Oriental doctors noticed that there are many areas on the human body, the impact on which with special needles or other manipulations in the region of the so-called acupuncture (vital) points, such as massage, can affect the functioning of certain human organs and change the general well-being of the patient.

acupressurewith a cold
acupressurewith a cold

Each person has places of entry and exit of vital energy that affect the operation of a particular system. These acupuncture points (AT) are located on invisible lines. When exposed to these areas, there is an increase in blood circulation in the organ subject to a certain energy zone.

The principle of Chinese medicine is that the basis of human he alth is the harmony of internal energy. Life forces flow through certain channels through the acupuncture points. And the essence of the treatment is to regulate the quality and quantity of energy passing through the AT by irritating the desired areas. Prolonged exposure to certain points has a beneficial effect on human organs and allows you to recover from the disease.

Acupressure for a runny nose - a way to get rid of the disease forever

Frequently recurring colds, accompanied by nasal congestion, can develop into a chronic form. And with this type of runny nose, it is quite difficult to completely recover and restore the functions of the mucous membrane. In addition, the constant use of drugs (drops or sprays) leads to addiction. As a result, the body stops responding to the constituent components of the drugs, and relief does not occur.

To achieve really visible results in the treatment of chronic forms of the common cold (or if you want to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold), medication therapy should be carried out in combination with other procedures. Acupressure with a cold - a wayenhance the effect of drugs and achieve the desired result as quickly as possible.

cold massage
cold massage

Basic massage rules

1. Treatment should be started when the first signs of the disease appear. In this case, the procedure will give the expected result. And the effect that acupressure will bring with a runny nose will be noticeable after a few days.

2. Warm hands. The procedure should not cause any discomfort. Massage is carried out with warm hands, soft relaxed fingers. Feelings should not be painful. There may be a slight feeling of ache, which appears with the right pressure on the desired point. During the session, it is necessary to ensure that the skin is not injured.

3. The duration of the course of treatment is ten days. Acupuncture points are exposed for 10 minutes, and the procedure is carried out three times a day. The movements are pushing and rotating (clockwise), slow and continuous.

4. The main contraindications are high body temperature (over 37.5°C), irritated, reddened skin in the area of energy points. The inflammatory process of the skin makes the treatment procedure painful and useless, and often leads to the opposite result.

Basic massage points for colds

Massage points for colds
Massage points for colds

The main acupuncture areas that affect the functions of the nose are, of course, located on the face:

- Paired points located at the beginning of the eyebrow (D) on bothside of the bridge. You need to understand that they are located on the supraorbital bone. Patients often confuse these antibodies with those responsible for headaches and eye fatigue. They are under the eyebrow.

- Points located on the wings, or rather on the upper end of the lateral furrow of the nose wing (E). By pressing on this AT, you can feel the lower part of a small bone.

- Points located between the lower borders of the wings of the nose and the upper lip (slightly above the middle) (F).

Massage for children

Babies are particularly susceptible to various infections. A young organism, which has not yet formed its protective functions, reacts strongly to viruses and pathogenic bacteria. And drugs for children are not the best friend. Many mothers try to treat their babies with the help of folk remedies. Therefore, the question often arises as to whether it is possible to do acupressure with a runny nose in children.

Such a procedure is permissible, the main thing is to follow the basic rules for its implementation. Massage is carried out by applying a small force of the fingers to certain areas.

AT, located on the face, the same as described above. But do not take into account only these points. There are other areas on the body that will be beneficial in the treatment of the common cold in both infants and adults. These are symmetrical points located in the middle of the ear, AT located in the center of the parietal region, the place where the neck and head merge.

The points on the hands are between the thumbs and forefingers, as well as on the inside of the wrists. On thelegs, they are located on the surface of the feet, mainly on the heels.

Acupressure for a runny nose in children
Acupressure for a runny nose in children

Massage for babies will not only have a healing effect, it will calm the baby and help him fall asleep. However, when starting the procedure, you need to consult a specialist for contraindications and study the necessary literature so that your treatment does not harm the child.

Trying to get rid of the discomfort that occurs during illness, you should not limit yourself to the use of medicines. Additional procedures will help you recover quickly. Acupressure not only promotes recovery, it activates the vitality of the body and normalizes the energy resources of a person.
