B vitamins are considered essential for the human body. Without his participation, literally not a single physiological process occurs, ranging from the formation of muscle and bone tissues, maintaining the normal functioning of organs and systems, and much more. The first in the list of the most important components that are classified as B vitamins is thiamine - vitamin B1.

The story of the discovery of vitamin B1 (thiamine) is closely related to the well-known beriberi disease (avitaminosis B1) that appears in adults and children with a lack of this vitamin in the body. It was first discovered in the East. The disease manifests itself in conditions such as physical exhaustion, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, and in severe situations, paralysis occurs. What kind of vitamin thiamine is, we will consider in more detail in our article.
The role of vitamin B1
The normal content of vitamin B1 in the body of adults and children supports good he alth, optimism, quickly relieves fatigue andirritability, nervousness, relieves fears, maintains a he althy appetite, and also improves the process of splitting food in the stomach and takes part in the regulation of the digestive tract.
Studying what kind of vitamin thiamine is, please note that it cannot accumulate in the human body on its own. Unfortunately, we do not have hidden reserves from which it would be possible to obtain an additional amount of vitamin in case of its shortage. It must be supplied daily with food, which is not always so easy to do. Vitamin B1 is very brittle, which means that it degrades quickly when processed for long periods of time at high temperatures and in the presence of alkalis.
Once you have determined what kind of vitamin thiamine it is, it is important to understand how to identify hypovitaminosis B1. Diagnosis is based on the determination of a decrease in the content of the vitamin in the blood (in serum below 5 μg / l, in erythrocytes below 30 μg / l), an increase in the permissible level of lactate and pyruvate in the blood, and is also based on the determination of the level of thiamine in the urine.

Low levels of thiamine in urine and blood is not considered evidence of B deficiency1, but rather reflects the amount of thiamine that was ingested with food the day before.
Who especially needs thiamine
Vitamin B needs the most1 young children during intensive growth, especially if they are accustomed to sweets, such as sweets, flour products, sweet tea. Thiamine is also needed by older womenafter 50 years, but also for those diagnosed with a deficiency of this vitamin. About 40% of young people also need an additional supply of vitamin B1, especially those young people who have an “always tired” look, anxiety, depression.
Causes of vitamin B1 loss
Eating only boiled foods, for example, all kinds of cereals, vegetables, vegetable purees, people lose most of the thiamine. Many, on the contrary, eat large amounts of white bread, allegedly “because of the liver” or “stomach diseases”, but in this way they only worsen the situation. Eating white, especially fresh bread, you seem to stuff your stomach with cotton wool. The grain from which flour is made and bread is baked has been bleached so many times, which is why there are no vitamins and microelements left in baking. Frequent consumption of such food leads to early sclerosis, poor memory, urinary incontinence.

If you mainly eat foods like white bread, pies, pancakes, buns, sweets, and other sweets, then your body does not receive vitamin B1, but also increases the need for it several times. Therefore, which foods contain vitamin B1, it is important to study with special attention.
Too much vitamin B1
It is almost impossible to overdose on thiamine, because it is a water-soluble vitamin. Its excess is excreted naturally in the urine or through the esophagus. There is one but! When using synthetic vitamin B1, an allergic reaction may occur, which is accompanied by redness of the skincovers, fever and other unpleasant symptoms. In case of individual intolerance, it is better to stop taking synthetic thiamine, otherwise the likelihood of anaphylactic shock increases.
Signs of vitamin B1 deficiency
What is this vitamin thiamine and what happens to the body when it is deficient? The absence of only one of these elements can lead to serious disorders in the body. And the following symptoms testify to its absence:
- drastic weight loss;
- lack of appetite;
- colitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine);
- digestion problems (e.g. diarrhea);
- neuritis (inflammation of the nerve);
- tired and irritable;
- deterioration of short-term memory;
- oppressed and depressed mental state;
- loss of sensation;
- weakness;
- decrease in visual acuity;
- clouding of consciousness;
- hallucinations;
- inability to absorb new information;
- pain in the heart.

Vitamin B deficiency1 does not occur in people who live in Western countries. Thiamine deficiency is thought to be several times more common in children than in adults.
What foods contain vitamin B1
Vitamin B sources1Vegetable sources: soybeans, legumes, cereals, whole grain bread, sunflower seeds, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, kale, parsley, spinach. Animalorigin: pork, beef, fish, eggs and offal. Let's single out almond nuts, the benefits and harms for the body of which were studied in Babylon and Ancient Greece. Like other foods on our list, almonds prevent the development of diseases that are directly related to the lack of B vitamins, such as polyneuritis.

To meet the daily requirement of this vitamin in the diet is enough:
- 200g oatmeal;
- 200g pea porridge;
- 200g brown rice;
- 50g sunflower or almond seeds;
- 250g beans;
- 50g beef liver;
- 100g veal;
- 2 medium chicken eggs;
- 50g spinach;
- 100g broccoli.
In order not to suffer from a lack of this vital vitamin, avoid long heat treatment, do not abuse sweets, alcohol and coffee drinks. Remember: the daily requirement of vitamin B1 (thiamine) is from 1.1 to 2.5 mg. However, its amount depends on the rhythm of life and physical activity, your age and gender. Thiamine is also destroyed at low temperatures. So when you freeze peas, their vitamin B content1 decreases.
Daily Vitamin Value
Daily intake of vitamin B1, that is, the amount of thiamine needed by the body, directly depends on the form of the vitamin. In multivitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies, B1 is part of thiamine chloride, and unlike bromine compoundsit is much better absorbed.

The amount of daily dose also depends on body weight, physical activity and emotional state of the person. On average, you need to take 1.3-1.5 mg per day. However, this is not a strict rule, but simply a recommendation from doctors. In the process of remission, that is, recovery from a serious illness or after pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the dosage. The need for vitamin B1 in athletes and in pregnant women can increase up to 2.5-3 mg.
Daily consumption of a large variety of fruits, salads and vegetables provides the required amount of thiamine. But if there are a lot of fried and boiled foods in the diet, then vitamin B1 needs to be taken extra.
Drug and food interactions
To date, there are not many studies on the interaction of thiamine with all kinds of medicines. However, it is known that contraceptives and antibiotics significantly reduce the absorption of thiamine in injections into body tissues. Therefore, before using certain medicines, you should consult your doctor.
Like other vitamins, thiamine also has food friends and enemies. The first group includes nuts, sesame seeds, cocoa, fresh spinach and other foods rich in magnesium. This element helps vitamin B1 go into an active form, after which it begins to perform important functions in the body. Note what protects thiamine frombreakdown into harmful compounds - vitamin C.

The list of "enemies" is also considerable:
- Black tea and coffee. Caffeine and thiamine enter into a special reaction with each other. Under the influence of caffeine, vitamin B1 is converted into a compound that will be difficult for the body to digest. This leads to indigestion. However, this is quite rare when a person drinks large amounts of tea and / or coffee daily.
- Thiaminase enzyme is present in raw seafood. Studies have shown that eating freshwater fish and shellfish quickly destroys thiamine in the body. But cooked seafood and fish do not cause vitamin B deficiency1.
- Alcohol abuse and smoking impair the absorption of thiamine.
- S alt is also considered the "enemy" of vitamin B1. Therefore, it is better to s alt dishes just before eating.
- The enemy of thiamine is also nicotinic acid, because it quickly destroys it. In addition, doctors do not advise taking thiamine with vitamins B6 and B12 at the same time. This is because they make it harder to convert B1 to the active form.
Dose forms
Vitamin B1, which is produced by the pharmaceutical industry, is classified as a drug. It is made in different options:
- in tablets;
- in powder form;
- injection solution for vitamin B1 in ampoules with different concentrations of the maincomponent.
The first two options are consumed immediately after a meal. If there are problems with digestion or there is an urgent need to administer significant doses to quickly restore he alth, thiamine injections are prescribed - intramuscularly or intravenously. Solution for injection can be purchased at pharmacies. The price of thiamine in ampoules ranges from 25 to 30 rubles for 10 pieces.