Palmar erythema - symmetrical redness of the palms: causes and treatment

Palmar erythema - symmetrical redness of the palms: causes and treatment
Palmar erythema - symmetrical redness of the palms: causes and treatment

Palmar erythema may be due to liver problems. As a rule, the first sign of such an ailment is reddening of the palms. It is worth noting that in some cases, such symptoms may appear on the feet of a person. But basically, palms are more susceptible to this defect, and therefore you can often hear the second name of this disease - “hepatic palms”. It is this dangerous symptom that will be discussed in our article.

What is erythema?

Palmar erythema is a consequence of any pathologies that make themselves felt by reddening of the skin. As a rule, this defect appears as a result of an excessive rush of blood into the capillaries. It is important to understand that such a symptom is quite dangerous, and if a person notices a change in his palms, then you need to urgently be alarmed. What does erythema look like? Photos of her symptoms can be seen in the article.

palmar erythema
palmar erythema

It is worth noting that the manifestationerythema may not always indicate the presence of a disease in the human body. This symptom can manifest itself in an absolutely he althy person, and, as a rule, after a short period of time, this phenomenon disappears on its own. But if the redness does not disappear for a long time, then this is a pretty serious reason to visit a doctor. Palmar erythema does not bring pain to a person, but this does not mean that such a symptom can be ignored. It is important to understand that this symptom appears due to problems with the liver.

What diseases can cause "liver palms"?

It is possible to determine that the patient has precisely “liver palms” by one sign: when you press on the affected area of the skin, the rash temporarily disappears, and then reappears. If a person really has this disease, then you should pay close attention to the condition of the liver. It is strictly forbidden to ignore this symptom.

Palmar erythema: causes

Let's look at what causes disease. Liver defects that may present with palmar erythema:

  • for liver cirrhosis;
  • for chronic viral hepatitis;
  • with toxic hepatitis;
  • for liver failure;
  • with alcoholic liver disease.
erythema of the palms
erythema of the palms

It is worth noting that there are a number of other diseases in which erythema may appear. Therefore, it is very important to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

First symptoms of the disease

For whatsigns can determine that a person has erythema? The photo clearly shows them. Basically, the reddening of the palms of a person has a symmetrical shape. And the rashes themselves resemble a small-spotted or bitmap pattern. The places of manifestation of the rash are the palms, in rare cases the feet. As described above, this condition manifests itself in chronic liver diseases. Sometimes a symptom of this disease can be observed in pregnant women.

As a rule, in addition to reddening of the palms, the patient shows severe fatigue, general weakness of the whole organism, and also a low temperature. People who have liver problems become irritable and may experience severe headaches, sleep disturbance, and excessive sweating.

erythema symptoms
erythema symptoms

Here are the symptoms of erythema. Sometimes, hepatitis of various types may not appear at all, especially in cases of chronic course. Then the reddening of the palms may be the only sign of hidden internal processes. Therefore, such a symptom should serve as a signal for a person to urgently seek medical help.

Palmar erythema in children

In most cases, erythema in children indicates the development of hepatitis. Basically, this disease begins gradually. Signs of the emerging disease may initially be systemic or hepatic. But with the further development of this disease, both groups will begin to appear.

Systemic features include the following:

  • skin rash;
  • fever;
  • arthralgia.
symmetrical reddening of the palms
symmetrical reddening of the palms

Hepatic symptoms include the following:

  • pain under the ribs, which tends to grow;
  • palmar erythema is manifested by the appearance of spider veins;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headaches;
  • severe fatigue.

As a rule, the first liver symptoms appear in the child. Therefore, if at least one of the above symptoms appears, parents should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. Do not forget that hepatitis in children can quickly take on a chronic form, in which exacerbations occur a couple of times a year.

Diagnosis of disease

First of all, with the manifestation of palmar erythema, you should consult a dermatologist, since this is a skin rash that can be of a different nature. Most often there is a symmetrical reddening of the palms. A dermatologist will be able to pinpoint the origin of the rash. Diagnosis begins with the fact that the doctor performs a detailed visual examination of the patient to determine the type of erythema. Based on the visual examination, he refers the patient to the appropriate specialist.

palmar erythema in children
palmar erythema in children

Then the person must donate blood for biochemistry, general urinalysis and bacteriological culture from the nasopharynx. With the help of these tests, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause that caused the appearance of erythema. It should be noted that in some cases a person will need tobiopsy. Such manipulation is necessary in that situation, if there is a suspicion of a malignant neoplasm. Even if a person is sure that he is absolutely he althy, if such a symptom appears, it is worthwhile to urgently seek help. It is important to understand that liver problems are much easier to fix at the very beginning of their development.

Treatment of disease

Palmary erythema itself is not curable. Only the reason for which it appeared is eliminated. Therefore, therapy provides for the deliverance of a person from the underlying ailment, which served as a provocateur. And since erythema is a sign of liver disease, this organ is treated accordingly.

After diagnosing and establishing the true cause, the specialist prescribes adequate therapy for this disease. It is important to understand that its duration directly depends on how timely the patient asked for help. If a lot of time has been lost, then the treatment process will be delayed for a long time and will be carried out directly in the hospital.

As for getting rid of the rash, the doctor may recommend the following rules:

  • if necessary, bed rest should be observed;
  • mandatory exercise prescribed by the attending physician;
  • strict adherence to diet;
  • minimize the consumption of foods that cause an allergic reaction.
  • completely get rid of all bad habits.
palmar erythema causes
palmar erythema causes

Prescribed antihistamines forredness removal. Antibacterial agents reduce inflammation. Various antiseptics are also often used.

Folk treatments

Erythema may resolve more quickly if mistletoe tincture is taken along with medication. To prepare, you will need 10 g of mistletoe fruits, which must be crushed. The fruits are poured with 500 ml of pure alcohol. Insist remedy for about a month. After the end of the period, the tincture is taken diluted with water. It is necessary to dilute 35 drops with water and drink 1 time per day.

If a person has decided to treat hepatic diseases with the help of traditional medicine, then you should definitely consult a doctor first. Alternative methods quite often give a positive result, but in order to avoid possible complications, it is still worth getting a consultation. We must not forget that the attending physician must know about all the means used by a person. This will help in case of complications.

Possible Complications

If erythema of the palms appears, then a visit to the doctor should be mandatory. If you ignore such a sign or try to cure only the problem that has appeared on the skin, this can lead to complications, and in some cases, death. Do not forget that erythema is a consequence of chronic liver pathology. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, a person runs the risk of being treated for an illness for a long period in a hospital.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures include a whole set of rules that must be strictly followedobserve. From now on, a person with liver problems must completely change their lifestyle.

Such measures include the following rules:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • complete cessation of alcohol and smoking;
  • proper nutrition.
erythema photo
erythema photo

The he alth of a person is only in his hands, and it is important to understand that if liver problems have been identified, then the time has come to take maximum care of your own body. Chronic diseases of this organ tend to worsen a couple of times a year, so it is extremely important to completely change your own lifestyle. From now on, fatty foods should be banned. This rule also applies to citrus fruits, as well as hot spices and smoked meats. It is these products that act in a destructive way on the human liver.


A he althy liver is, first of all, a guarantee of human longevity. It is important to understand that this organ performs a huge number of tasks that are vital for the human body. And if the first signs of the disease appear, then each person is simply obliged to seek appropriate help. This is the only way to save your own he alth, and sometimes life.
