Our eyes are very sensitive. They are prone to various infections and pathologies. Redness in the corners of the eyes should alert, especially if it is accompanied by various uncomfortable sensations: itching, pain, tearing, discharge. Such signs are a reason to consult a doctor to identify the causes of the violation, which can be very diverse.

Why the problem occurs
The causes of redness of the corner of the eye are divided into several categories:
- Mechanical. Violation occurs under the influence of various irritating factors: dust, aerosol, smoke, strong wind or too bright light, prolonged eye strain, injury, foreign body.
- Physiological. This category includes the expansion of the eye vessels, while the work of the organ is not disturbed. Provoking factors can be severe fatigue, drinking alcohol, sneezing, excessive exercise, irritation from wearing incorrectly.fitted contact lenses or glasses.
- Pathological. These include eye diseases, which can be inflammatory and non-inflammatory. It can also include diseases of other organs that lead to the development of disorders, for example, diabetes mellitus, intoxication with poisons, hypertension, etc.

If the outer corner of the eye is reddened
External manifestations at the same time resemble the consequences of mechanical impact. In addition, the violation may be accompanied by peeling of the skin, soreness and discomfort. Redness in the corners of the eyes on the outside is less common than on the inside. Usually redness of the skin of the eyelid. The cause of the problem may be an allergy to cosmetics, as well as various pathologies.
Most often the violation occurs as a consequence of:
- Angular conjunctivitis affecting the corners of the eyes. Pathology can be allergic or bacterial in nature. Additionally, there are other signs: a feeling of dryness, a foreign object in the eye, lacrimation, purulent discharge. The skin may be covered with minor cracks, with blinking the pain intensifies.
- Ocular herpes. The patient suffers from pain, fear of light, eyelids swell.
- Marginal blepharitis. The disease is accompanied by swelling of the upper eyelid, burning and itching, crusting.

Why does the inner corner of the eye turn red
The reason for thisAn unpleasant phenomenon can be, in addition to the above, many other diseases.
Redness in the corners of the eyes from the inside occurs as a result of:
- Dysfunction or inflammation of the lacrimal duct. At the same time, the eyelids become very red, the patient suffers from significant discomfort in the corners of the eyes. Obstruction of the lacrimal canal also manifests itself with similar symptoms, but this condition is also accompanied by severe lacrimation.
- Dacryocystitis. With this pathology, the lacrimal sac becomes inflamed. In addition to redness of the outer corner of the eye, there is a discharge of pus, the skin swells.
- Ingrown hair. If the ciliary hair grows under the skin, redness and pain appear. It is not possible to solve the problem on your own, the help of a specialist is needed.
A child has a problem
Children's eyes are sensitive. Redness occurs suddenly, most often for physiological reasons such as:
- excessive tension;
- crying or sneezing;
- dust ingress;
- colds.
Redness in the corners of the eyes in a baby can be triggered by a blockage of the lacrimal canal. The formation of a septum between the tear ducts and the nasal cavity occurs in the eighth month of pregnancy. When a baby is born, it ruptures, but this may not happen, which will lead to the accumulation of excess fluid inside the lacrimal canal. This disorder is called neonatal dacryocystitis.

Allergic diseases or reduced immunity can lead to a problem. As a result of such pathologies, conjunctivitis or blepharitis develops, and sometimes uveitis (inflammation of the vascular membranes of the eye) is a formidable disease that can provoke blindness.
If the problem does not go away within three days, the symptoms increase, pus appears, the baby complains of pain and cramps, it is necessary to show him to the pediatrician. If necessary, he will recommend a visit to the optometrist. It is necessary to immediately contact a medical institution in case of double vision, blurred vision.
Non-pathological causes of redness in the corner of the eye in an adult
In addition to diseases, an unpleasant problem can be caused by a wrong lifestyle. Modern people cannot imagine themselves without computers; we often sit behind them until the very night, straining our eyes. As a result, the development of dry eye syndrome or computer vision syndrome is possible, which are the causes of redness and burning of the corner of the eye, soreness and other unpleasant manifestations, such as intolerance to sunlight.

Associated symptoms of disorder
The appearance of additional signs will depend on what exactly provoked the redness. But there are general symptoms that accompany the pathological process in any form:
- presence of redness;
- lacrimation;
- light sensitivity;
- visual impairment;
- soreness anddiscomfort.
However, there may be specific manifestations characteristic of a particular pathology, such as:
- pus discharge;
- crusting and sticking of eyelashes;
- pain in the head;
- increased body temperature;
- flies or spots before the eyes;
- resi in the corner of the eye;
- pain on eye movement;
- puffiness of the eyelids;
- Itching and burning sensation.
First aid at home
First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the possible causes of the violation:
- reduce stress;
- remove the foreign body;
- rinse eyes.
When the inner corner of the eye becomes red, a compress with cool water or decoctions of medicinal plants will help. You can apply a tea bag to the affected area. Perhaps the use of eye drops with a moisturizing effect or vasoconstrictor drugs.

If redness of the outer corner of the eye is detected, the use of warm compresses, cleansing of pus, the use of antibacterial and antiviral agents, immunomodulators is effective, but only after consulting a specialist.
Diagnostic measures
After the onset of a symptom, you should definitely visit a doctor to determine the exact cause and choose the right treatment tactics, since many pathologies manifest similar symptoms, it will not be possible to distinguish them yourself at home.
The ophthalmologist will conduct an examination and interviewpatient for clarification:
- duration and nature of symptoms, intensity of manifestations;
- the patient has chronic ophthalmic diseases, infectious pathologies, allergies.
Also, the specialist will ask what the patient did before visiting the doctor, whether he uses contact lenses or glasses.
Examination is carried out using the method of lateral illumination, with which it is easy to detect redness of the skin of the eyelids, examine the conjunctiva, eyeballs, sclera.
If necessary, the doctor will refer to:
- allergist;
- traumatologist;
- neurologist.
Treatment methods
Therapy will depend on what caused the disturbance. The problem is often fixed with:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- topical antibiotics;
- painkillers if needed;
- antihistamines.
Ointments are most often applied at night. Doctors do not recommend the use of bandages, as this can lead to infection.
From folk remedies, it is recommended to use warm lotions from decoctions:
- daisies;
- sage;
- St. John's wort.
For the treatment of a small child, it is better to use a decoction of chamomile, which has almost no contraindications. The tool is used to wash the eyes, which relieves irritation, prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms. For older children, a mint decoction is suitable, from which therapeutic compresses are made.before bed.
Additionally, your doctor may recommend physiotherapy treatments such as:
- UHF;
- sollux lamp.
If the cause of the violation was a serious injury, you may need surgery, after which medication is also prescribed.
Prevention measures

To protect yourself from the occurrence of redness in the corners of the eyes in the future, you must:
- Stay hygienic. Wash off cosmetics before going to bed. Remember to wash your hands regularly.
- Take breaks while working at the computer, warm up for the eyes.
- Timely treat all diseases, and it is better to prevent their occurrence.
- Protect your eyes from injury and damage.
- Take care of the prevention of eye diseases.
- Proper use of contact lenses.
If you notice redness in the corners of your eyes, do not self-medicate. Many diseases have similar manifestations, and only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, if there is a problem, seek advice from an ophthalmologist.