Anhedonia - what is it? Symptoms, treatment, causes

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Anhedonia - what is it? Symptoms, treatment, causes
Anhedonia - what is it? Symptoms, treatment, causes

Video: Anhedonia - what is it? Symptoms, treatment, causes

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One of the mysterious and severe psychological diseases of a person is anhedonia. What is it, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disorder, who is at risk, the article will tell.

Anhedonia: deciphering the concept

The very concept of "anhedonia" was introduced with the light hand of Dr. Theodule-Armand Thibaut. He proposed this term in 1886 to explain a number of symptoms inherent in hepatic encephalopathy. Later, Breuler and Kraepelin adopted it to describe mental disorders in patients with schizophrenia.

But the concept of "anhedonia", what it is in the understanding of modern psychology and psychiatry, was justified and accepted a little later. The name itself comes from the Greek "hedonism" - pleasure. The prefix "an" speaks of denial, which means that anhedonia is the inability (medical psychology distinguishes full or partial forms) to enjoy, respectively, and the lack of desire for it. This applies both to the physical side (pleasure from sex, food and other bodily pleasures) and moral (joy from certain social contacts, art objects, favorite activities).

This violation isa sign of an unhe althy state of mind and can be either a symptom or a separate illness preceding or adjacent to major depression or other disorders.

Anhedonia is also associated with a violation of the production of dopamine - a series of hormones that cause a feeling of pleasure and / or satisfaction.

what is anhedonia
what is anhedonia

Who is at risk

Often anhedonia as a symptom occurs in patients with such pathological mental states:

  • schizophrenia and paranoia;
  • anxiety disorder and depersonalization.

Features of a person is that she loses the ability to sensibly assess herself and her position, gets captured by a deceptive impossibility to control her own actions.

Also at risk are people who have experienced very severe stress and are in the stage of severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

Anhedonia is also characteristic of many forms of depression, from relatively mild seasonal to clinical.

Medical psychology refers to the risk group of the disease as people prone to high self-esteem, and individuals who are not confident in themselves and their abilities.

Anhedonia can develop in former or current drug addicts as a consequence of the fact that narcotic substances fed the body with false dopamines, and the body of such a person stopped producing its "pleasure hormones".

Also, in some cases, this disorder can occur after long-term use of antipsychotics, since the side effect is almosteach of them - a decrease in the production of dopamine.

Anhedonia. Symptoms

The symptoms of this disorder depend on the form and stage of the disease.

Our article has the nature of a review, and not a narrowly medical work, so we will omit anhedonia as a consequence of psychiatric diseases.

Let's talk about a disease independent or concomitant with depression.

According to the American Psychiatric Association in 2013, anhedonia is recognized as the main sign of diagnosing depression.

Personal characteristics at the initial stage of the disease imply an apathetic state and the rejection of previously pleasurable activities. If we are talking about a sexually active patient, then his intimate needs become less and less, and eventually disappear. Human activity is decreasing, which is understandable. If a person does not get pleasure and satisfaction from their activities, the value and priority of these activities decreases. Hence the next symptom - passivity and unwillingness to do something. It would seem that if a person does nothing, he does not get tired. But the next symptom of anhedonia is pathological (unhe althy) permanent (permanent) fatigue. A sick (or ill) person does nothing, because he does not receive pleasure and satisfaction from his activities. Personality is in a vicious circle, the exit from which is not expected. From this grows severe depression, and as another of the dangerous consequences - suicidal thoughts.

medical psychology
medical psychology

Causes of disease

Among the causes of anhedonia weselect two volumetric groups:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

The first group includes specific physiological disorders of the body. In the vast majority of cases, these violations are observed in the endocrine system. That is, there is a failure in the production of certain hormones - dopamines. In this case, both a serious examination and an integrated approach to treatment are necessary.

Psychological causes of the disease can be associated with mental disorders (they can be revealed by tests in psychiatry and various studies, which we will not dwell on, because this is already a branch of deep psychiatry).

The psychological cause of the disease can be depression or severe mental stress.

personality traits
personality traits

Is it necessary to treat?

Speaking of treatment, we mean the disease as an element of depression or an independent disorder. If we are talking about anhedonia as a symptom of mental disorders of the personality, the treatment of a psychiatrist is definitely necessary here.

Anhedonia can have both psychological and physical roots (see the section on the causes of the disease). Physiological, in most cases, require drug therapy, including hormonal. Psychological ones can be stopped with the help of a specialist and under his guidance at home. In any case, a clear diagnosis and consultation of professionals is necessary.

psychiatric tests
psychiatric tests

Anhedonia treatment

Medicine does not stand still in the field of psychology andpsychiatry.

Anhedonia - what is it? A symptom of a mental disorder, a consequence of a hormonal failure or an independent disease. Treatment depends on the definition in each case.

The first type, as we have said, is treated by psychiatry. Patients can be socially dangerous and isolated from society.

In case of hormonal problems, adequate intervention by an endocrinologist is necessary, since the disease may be associated with a malfunction of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland.

And, finally, anhedonia as an independent disease. This does not necessarily require medical treatment, but it is almost always necessary to visit a psychologist.

anhedonia treatment
anhedonia treatment

How not to get sick

Because you are mentally he althy, do not use drugs and are not at risk, this does not mean that you do not have a chance of getting sick with a disease called anhedonia. What it is, we already know, the question remained open: how not to get sick?

Firstly, it is worth remembering the ability to enjoy life. It's not hard to find a reason to be happy. If you and your family are he althy, your loved one is nearby - these are reasons for joy. Have you completed your successful / not quite project? This is also a reason to rejoice, because if it is successfully completed, it will bring a reward, and if you didn’t complete it exactly the way you wanted, it will become a lesson and another step towards success.

Hormons of joy - endorphins - are produced and replenished not only with the help of hormonal levels or drug supplementation. contemplation of the beauty of nature,interacting with your favorite animals (especially cats that teach you to be happy and even treat depression) promotes the production of dopamines and protects you from developing anhedonia. Do not forget about sports. Physical activity stimulates mental activity, and rest after muscle work in itself brings pleasure.

anhedonia symptoms
anhedonia symptoms

Instead of conclusions

Psychiatry tests easily detect illness. Also, with their help, an experienced doctor can understand what is at stake: an independent disease or a symptom of a serious mental disorder. But in no case do not confuse medical tests with psychological tests, which the network is full of. The former are designed for diagnosis, while the latter are for the entertainment of readers.

Anhedonia is a disease that deprives a person of joy. The ability to enjoy activities is the main source of inspiration; in its absence, a person loses the desire to do something, falls into apathy and depression. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of the disease in yourself or your loved ones, you should immediately consult a doctor before time is lost, and with it the chances of a successful cure.
