Estrogen cream for the intimate area: review, indications for use, rules of use

Estrogen cream for the intimate area: review, indications for use, rules of use
Estrogen cream for the intimate area: review, indications for use, rules of use

An unbearable feeling of dryness in the intimate area appears in most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It should be noted that women react to this problem in different ways.

Some people prefer to endure discomfort, ignore pain. Other women, on the contrary, rush to see a gynecologist to help fix the problem. How to increase the female hormone - estrogen?

As a rule, dryness in the vagina is considered one of the manifestations of menopause. But sometimes itching appears in young girls. If such a situation has arisen, then it is not recommended to select products for the care of intimate areas, focusing on the advice of friends or relatives.

Only an experienced doctor will help you find an effective hormonal medicine that will eliminate all unpleasant symptoms.

cream with estrogens for the intimate area
cream with estrogens for the intimate area

Causes of dryness in the intimate area

If there is a feeling of dryness or itching in the vagina, then you should not let everything take its course. Sohow a lack of physiological lubrication is a symptom of a problem. It indicates hormonal disruptions that exhaust the body.

Factors that can provoke vaginal dryness in the fairer sex:

  1. Climax (the process of the decline of a woman's reproductive functions).
  2. Woman's recent hormonal treatment.
  3. Incorrectly selected oral contraceptive.
  4. Birth.
  5. Allergy to care products.
  6. Nervous turmoil.
  7. Depressive disorders.

What creams contain estrogen?

Where does the hormone come from

In young girls, dryness in the vagina is a symptom of the disease or an "addition" to childbirth. If a woman has not yet given birth, and the itching in the vagina has been haunting for more than a week, then you should visit a doctor. It is possible that the girl has some kind of disease of the female genital organs.

In women after fifty, dryness in the vagina is a harbinger of menopause. The amount of lubricant produced is sharply reduced. The reason is the lack of estrogen in the patient's body.

The female hormone is responsible for the elasticity of tissues, as well as blood flow to the uterus and vagina.

When there is a shortage of estrogen, the walls of the vagina become thinner, their sensitivity increases. Sexual relations with the opposite sex do not bring pleasure, but only pain and annoyance, since the lack of natural lubrication is a direct path to violations of the tissues of the vagina.

female hormone estrogen how to increase
female hormone estrogen how to increase

What can be done

Urepresentatives of the beautiful half of humanity, whose age is about fifty years, the feeling of itching, tingling, discomfort in the vagina is a sign of the extinction of the reproductive function.

What creams with estrogens for the intimate area exist, you will learn from the article. Dryness in intimate areas can be triggered by a significant decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood.

With the onset of menopause, the level of this hormone decreases sharply. You can mitigate the negative effects of menopause by using estrogen-containing delicate zone care products.

Modern pharmacology can offer women a huge amount of hygiene products that eliminate irritation and tingling in the intimate area. Estrogen creams for menopause can help heal vaginal fissures.

Reproductive fading is not a reason to forget about sex life.

estriol cream
estriol cream

How to fix the problem

Doctors say itching and tingling in delicate areas is a problem that can be fixed. A special vaginal cream containing estrogen will help to cope with discomfort.

What creams with estrogens for the intimate area are effective for menopause? When choosing a hormone-based remedy, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Helms with a neutral pH level are the most effective option.
  2. In addition to estrogens, the product should contain other substances that help moisturize and relieve irritation in intimate places. These components are panthenol and aloe extract.
  3. Cream should not contain perfumes.
  4. Hypoallergenic should be preferred.

Don't be in a hurry to get a cheap lubricant. Such a cream will briefly relieve itching in tender areas. Only a female cream for the intimate area with estrogen can eliminate atrophy of the vaginal mucosa.

A woman may notice a slight burning sensation long before changes in the menstrual cycle and the appearance of hot flashes. After menstruation disappears in a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, unpleasant symptoms intensify.

Thinning of the vaginal mucosa can lead to infection. In most situations, a woman with hormonal changes had candidiasis. A woman at this age can "cling" to cystitis.

ortho ginest cream
ortho ginest cream

What remedy will help eliminate discomfort in the intimate area

List of most popular estrogen drugs:

  1. "Estriol".
  2. "Divigel".
  3. "Evalgin".
  4. "Dermestril".
  5. "Ovestin".
  6. "Femistron".
  7. "Ortho-Ginest".

Some women are interested in how to apply the product on problem areas. As a rule, hormone-based drugs that are designed to combat dryness are sold with a special tip that looks like a miniature flask.

This is a dispenser whose applicationwill simplify the procedure for introducing the drug into the vagina. It is necessary to use such drugs after taking a shower.

evalgin cream
evalgin cream


The drug belongs to the group of drugs that stabilize the hormonal background, eliminate the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and also eliminate the signs of menopause. "Estriol" helps to regenerate the epithelium of the vagina and normalizes its microflora.

The drug normalizes the condition of the vagina, eliminates the results of atrophic changes during menopause in women and enhances the protective functions of the vaginal epithelium to infections. The medicine has a restorative, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Estriol cream is prescribed for use in atrophic processes of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, severe signs of menopause in women, during rehabilitation after surgical interventions on the genitals, infertility, urinary disorders, dyspareunia, urinary incontinence.

Estriol should be injected into the vagina three times a day at 0.5 milligrams for three weeks, and then at 0.25 mg once a day for two weeks.

During drug therapy, it is necessary to constantly undergo a medical examination with a full list of diagnostic procedures.


Don't know how to increase the female hormone - estrogen? "Evalgin" is a substitute for the natural female hormone. It is used to correct a deficiencyestrogen in women during menopause. Effective in the treatment of urogenital diseases. With atrophy of the epithelium, it eliminates these disorders, helps restore the natural microflora of the vagina, thereby increasing the resistance of the vaginal epithelium to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Unlike other estrogens, "Evalgin" interacts with the nuclei of endometrial cells for a short amount of time.

Thus, no need for progestogens and no withdrawal bleeding in the postmenopausal period.

The use of "Evalgin" in intimate areas ensures optimal bioavailability of the drug. The drug is also absorbed into the blood, which is manifested by an instant increase in plasma estriol concentration with a maximum value one to two hours after use.

Cream "Evalgin" must be injected into the vagina before bedtime using an applicator at 0.5 mg per day. With atrophy of the mucous membrane of the lower urinary tract, which is provoked by a lack of estrogens, one intravaginal application of the cream is carried out daily for two weeks until the symptoms are relieved. Further, the concentration of the drug is gradually reduced to maintenance.

One intravaginal cream is given every day for two weeks prior to surgery. After surgery, one injection is given twice a week for two weeks.


Designed for vaginal use and elimination of unpleasantconditions that occur in women during menopause and postmenopause, provoked by a lack of estrogen.

The drug is used intravaginally at a dose of 0.5-2 grams once a day, depending on the stage of the disease. "Femistron" can be used externally, with itching of the genitals. Therapy is started with a low dosage, given the short duration of the drug.

Application of Femistron cream should be cyclic. People with severe symptoms need to use oral medications at the same time, given the short duration of the course of therapy, in order for the vaginal mucosa to adapt to the drug. People who have taken estrogen-containing products should have regular check-ups as recommended by their doctor.


The drug has a selective effect, as a rule, on the cervix, vagina, vulva, provokes increased proliferation of the epithelium of the vagina and cervix, activates its microcirculation, and also helps to restore the epithelium with its atrophic changes during premenopause and menopause.

In addition, Ortho-Ginest cream stabilizes the pH of the vaginal microflora, increases the resistance of its tissues to infections, and affects the quality and quantity of cervical mucus. The effect on the endometrium is negligible.

The cream is applied intravaginally, 0.5 milligrams per day daily in the first weeks of therapy with a gradual transition to maintenance dosing.


lack of estrogen
lack of estrogen

According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug is considered an anti-menopausal agent. It is used for women in the complex therapy of somatic and hormonal disorders, which are provoked by the age-related involution of the functional activity of the reproductive system.

After applying the gel to the skin, its active ingredient after the evaporation of ethanol is almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream. The active substance is evenly distributed throughout the tissues of the body.

When "Divigel" is applied to the skin area, estradiol is almost completely absorbed into the blood and does not linger in fatty tissue. When applying the gel to a large area of the skin, the bioavailability of the active ingredient decreases.

The main indication for the use of Divigel is menopause, which is accompanied by a decrease in the level of estrogen in a woman's body and the appearance of appropriate symptoms. In addition, the drug is used for hormone replacement treatment for various pathological processes in the female genital area, in which the level of estrogen is lowered.


estrogen preparations
estrogen preparations

The cream is considered an estrogenic drug for topical application with subsequent general action. It is used for hormone replacement treatment in postmenopausal women.

According to the instructions for use, it is known that "Ovestin" is used by introducing it intovaginal cavity once a day, usually at night. To do this, the applicator, which is included in the package, is screwed onto the tube. After unscrewing the cork, the contents are squeezed into the applicator. After that, the applicator is removed and inserted into the vagina, and then pressed on the piston. The content of one application is 500 mg of cream.

The active ingredient "Ovestin" estradiol is considered a substitute for the female sex hormone estrogen. During the use of a drug for the treatment of estrogen deficiency in a woman's body, the active substance has several pharmacological effects:

  1. Improves the functional state of the mucous membrane of the structures of the urogenital tract, helps to reduce dryness.
  2. Promotes the regeneration of the normal microflora of the intimate zone.
  3. Restores the pH of the vaginal mucosa.
  4. Increases the resistance of the cells of the genitourinary system to infectious and inflammatory processes, thereby eliminating itching, soreness during sex, and reducing the possibility of developing a genitourinary infection.
  5. Prevents the occurrence of urinary disorders, in particular urinary incontinence.

The active component of the drug "Ovestin" has a short period of pharmacological action. After applying the cream, estradiol is almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream.

According to the instructions for use, it is known that it is evenly distributed in tissues and organs, metabolized in the liver with the formation of inactive productsdecay, which are excreted, as a rule, by the kidneys with urine. The excretion of metabolic products begins already 2 hours after the application of the cream and lasts approximately 18 hours.


How long can I use these products for the intimate area? For young women who have diseases of the reproductive system, an estrogen-containing cream usually becomes a temporary remedy. Mature women may need longer therapy.

When purchasing a cream that eliminates the burning sensation in the vagina, you must remember that you should not rely on its pharmacological properties. Before using hormonal drugs, you must give up the following habits:

  • Drinking coffee, tea.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.

If you follow these recommendations, then the problem of dryness in the vagina will not reappear.

Reviews about drugs containing estrogen are usually positive. There is a positive effect of creams as a supportive agent during menopause.

In addition, women leave feedback that confirms that these drugs help reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

It is also noted that the cream is easy to use. Doctors' testimonials indicate that hormonal drug therapy is effective.
