Almost every person in his life suffers from a sore throat. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used to treat this common condition. In addition, patients often use traditional medicine as an addition to the main treatment. For example, propolis has proven itself well for angina. Gargling or treating the tonsils with a liquid solution of this substance brings excellent results.
Causes of sore throat

This disease occurs as a result of infection of the body with streptococci. Sometimes tonsillitis is caused by staphylococci and pneumococci. Symptoms of angina are sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and high fever, sometimes reaching thirty-nine degrees. In addition, the patient very often feels weakness, body aches, drowsiness and headache.
In order to make a diagnosis, the doctor should examine the patient's throat. Sometimes laboratory tests are prescribed, as a result of which a smear is taken for examination.
How to cure
Most often, antibiotics are prescribed for angina, as thisthe disease is dangerous and in case of untimely treatment threatens with complications. In addition, the patient is definitely recommended to use solutions for gargling, taking antipyretics and painkillers, as well as vitamin complexes.
Folk remedies for sore throats
As folk remedies, herbal teas are often prepared from chamomile, linden flowers, plantain, St. John's wort and so on. In addition, a solution of soda with a few drops of iodine, aloe juice, calendula tincture, sea buckthorn oil, and the like have proven themselves to be excellent. No less effective are bee products. For example, the patient is advised to drink warm tea with the addition of one teaspoon of natural honey, as well as gargle with propolis.
Composition and origin

At its core, propolis is the glue that bees use to decorate their homes. They isolate the cracks from the cold and the penetration of other insects and small animals. Propolis contains juice and pollen of plants, as well as bee saliva. It has a rather unique composition that is able to fight various bacteria and microbes. It contains trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese and sulfur. Scientists are still studying the composition of this substance and each time they find new useful properties in it.
Use for throat

In order to get rid of pain and speed up the healing process, you should gargle with water or alcohol tincture,suitably diluted in water. Some people recommend simply chewing a piece of the product throughout the day with short breaks. The use of propolis for angina:
- Reduces puffiness.
- Excellent pain relief.
- After using it, redness and irritation subsides.
- This substance helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and also quite effectively removes toxins that accumulate during the treatment.
- Treatment of tonsillitis with propolis promotes healing of the tissue of the throat, which is almost impossible to do with any pharmacy remedy.
It helps the body strengthen its protective functions and thus contributes to a speedy recovery. It allows the body to fight the disease on its own, and therefore strengthen its own immune system. After treatment with this bee product, a person feels a surge of strength and energy. Due to the presence of a huge amount of useful substances, among which microelements, tannins, flavonoids and so on stand out, the patient does not feel exhausted, as is very often the case after recovery.
How to cook

In order to make a water composition, you will need propolis, which is kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for three hours. Next, the cooled product is rubbed on a coarse grater and only after sufficient grinding, it is poured with a small amount of water. After infusion, the composition is filtered through cheesecloth and used for its intended purpose.
To make alcoholtincture, you will need medical alcohol. After the bee glue is crushed on a fine grater, it is transferred to a dark glass container and poured with alcohol. The composition should be infused for one and a half weeks in a dark and slightly cool place. The tincture should occasionally be taken out and shaken a little. The already prepared medicine is filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a new container.
Composition and properties of pharmacy tincture

As a rule, this drug is sold in a convenient dark glass bottle. The use of propolis tincture for sore throat in a pharmacy version is practically no different from a home remedy. In addition to bee glue, it contains ethanol alcohol. It has a brown tint and a pleasant aroma. Use the drug for inhalation, treatment of purulent otitis media, tonsillitis and pharyngitis. With its help, the tonsils and the mucous membrane of the throat are treated.
According to the instructions, rinsing with propolis for angina is done twice a day for two weeks. It is not recommended to use this remedy for the treatment of children under the age of three. Sometimes the drug calls for unwanted effects. For example, treatment for too long may cause stomach irritation, loss of appetite, and skin rashes.
How to rinse properly
Pharmacy or homemade alcohol tincture is diluted in a small amount of warm water. To rinse with propolis tincture for sore throat, you will need one teaspoon per hundred or one hundred and fifty milliliters. Gargle with the resulting composition for two to three minutes.after which they take a break for three or four hours. The procedure is repeated for several days.
Aqueous solution, as a rule, is not diluted in water like alcohol. A well-strained composition is slightly heated in the microwave or in a water bath and used for treatment. Doctors also advise chewing a piece of bee glue between rinses.
Drink with milk

It is extremely useful to use an aqueous propolis tincture for sore throat with milk. Such a medicine is very often prepared for young children from the age of three. The milk is first boiled and cooled slightly. Further, only one teaspoon of propolis diluted in water is added to it. This amount will be quite enough for one hundred or one hundred and fifty grams of milk. After mixing thoroughly, the composition is given to the child to drink. Immediately after taking the medicine, the baby should lie down for a while, as this remedy has pronounced antipyretic properties and causes sweating.
Sweet medicine
Sometimes parents resort to tricks and slip sugar cubes soaked in a solution of bee glue to their babies. With angina, the baby holds a sweet dessert in his mouth and is treated at the same time. This method allows you to prevent the occurrence of coughing and stop the pain in the throat. And also children like a mixture of honey with an aqueous solution. They happily sip sweet medicine with warm tea.
Lubricating the tonsils

Not only gargling with propolis whenangina gives a good result. A cotton swab is moistened in an aqueous solution and the tonsils are wiped. Thus, purulent accumulations are removed and breathing is cleansed. In addition, you can prepare a mixture of high-quality butter and a pre-dissolved piece of propolis. Cotton swabs are dipped into the mixture and applied to the sore throat.
This composition is also called propolis oil. It can also be prepared in other ways. For example, one hundred grams of a creamy product is mixed with ten grams of propolis crushed on a fine grater. Next, a jar with the composition is placed in a saucepan where water is poured. Moreover, water should not cover the lid of the jar. The saucepan is heated over low heat. As it warms up, the components dissolve, and the beneficial substances of propolis pass into oil. The composition is filtered and poured into a new, pre-prepared container. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.
With herbal tea
Treatment of sore throats with the help of a decoction of herbs with the addition of a few drops of propolis on alcohol for sore throats has proven to be excellent. For example, you can brew the following composition. For a half-liter thermos, you will need one teaspoon of chamomile, linden, plantain and calendula inflorescences. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water and an hour later they begin treatment. The broth is poured into a cup and as soon as it cools down a little, a small amount of honey and a few drops of alcohol or water (for the treatment of children) tincture are added. Tea is drunk throughout the day in small quantities.
How to make an inhalation
It should be noted that such procedures cannot beto children under the age of six. It usually goes like this. A small amount of alcohol tincture is added to a cup of boiling water. The patient bends over the container and covers his head with a blanket. For some time he breathes warm fumes. Steam, which is formed from hot water, well envelops the entire surface of the throat and penetrates into the upper respiratory tract. It is highly undesirable to use boiling water, otherwise you can burn the mucous surface. Instead of water, you can also make a decoction of medicinal herbs.
Helpful tips
In order for the treatment to bring only benefit and not cause inconvenience, some recommendations should be followed.
- You can not use alcohol tincture for sore throat in its pure form. It is intended exclusively for dilution with any liquid. For example, you can use warm milk, herbal tea, or plain warm water.
- A piece of bee glue should be slightly warmed in a cup of hot water before being put into the mouth.
- At angina, as a rule, a lot of pus is formed. Therefore, it is recommended to first cleanse the mucosa with a weak saline or alkaline solution and only after that proceed with propolis treatment.
- Sometimes alcohol tincture causes excessive dryness of the mucosa. This can cause increased pain. In such cases, you should switch to an oil solution or use a solution prepared with water.
Even though propolis has medicinal properties for angina, sometimes its action is not enough to completelyconvalescence. Do not rely only on folk remedies. Otherwise, the patient runs the risk of acquiring a lot of additional problems.