Rules for hardening by the sun, air and water. Rules for hardening children and adults

Rules for hardening by the sun, air and water. Rules for hardening children and adults
Rules for hardening by the sun, air and water. Rules for hardening children and adults

Hardening is a complex of recreational activities. Thanks to them, the body's resistance to the influence of adverse weather and climatic conditions of the living environment increases. Next, consider some of the rules and techniques of hardening.

hardening rules
hardening rules

General information

Following the basic rules of hardening, a person trains the body's defenses, preparing them for timely mobilization. Procedures contribute to the normalization of the emotional sphere, making a person more balanced, restrained. In addition, mood improves, overall tone, performance and endurance increase. For the most effective use of natural factors, you should follow the basic rules of hardening.

Impact intensity

It should be increased gradually. At the same time, the intensity of the hardening effect should be sufficient for the body to be able to respond to it. Reduced loads reduce the effect, excessive ones provoke overload or significant braking. All this prevents hardening. Specialists are notit is recommended to start the procedure with swimming in the hole or rubbing with snow. They can cause serious harm to he alth. At the initial stages of the procedures, the body has a certain reaction from the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems. With regular repetition, the response begins to gradually weaken. The subsequent application of the procedures does not have a hardening effect. In this case, you should change the duration and strength of the effect on the body.

hardening rules for children
hardening rules for children


The hardening rules provide not only control over the intensity, but also the continuity of the procedures. Regularity implies systematic repetition throughout life. In this case, the interval between procedures should not be longer than the duration of the last course. Short but frequent hardenings are considered more effective than rare and long ones. It is advisable to fix the frequency of procedures in the daily routine. This recommendation is also contained in the rules of hardening for children. At a younger age, it is much easier to accustom a child to the systematic implementation of procedures. Fixing the frequency of hardening in the daily regimen, it is important to remember that the cessation of a 2-3-month course leads to the disappearance of the effect after 3-4 weeks. in adults and 5-7 days in children. The procedures should be suspended if any disease has appeared. After recovery, you must again begin to follow the rules of hardening. For children, adult support is very important in this case. The systematic conduct of procedures by parents isgood example.

Individual features of the organism

The hardening rules are not only the direct technical implementation of procedures. When drawing up a schedule for their implementation, individual characteristics of the organism, susceptibility to certain influences are taken into account. Therefore, despite the fact that there are basic rules for hardening a person, you should consult a specialist for advice before starting the procedures. This is especially important for those who start training for the first time. Taking into account the characteristics of the body, the doctor will develop an individual program. A specialist can make adjustments to the hardening rules for schoolchildren or the elderly. In the future, constant self-control is needed to regulate the intensity and frequency of procedures.

basic hardening rules
basic hardening rules

Other hardening rules

When performing procedures, use as many factors as possible. It can be, for example, cold and heat, ray energy, water, and so on. When applying several influences throughout the day, it is necessary to take breaks between them. Each subsequent procedure begins only after the restoration of normal body temperature. A prerequisite, which includes the hardening rules, is the sequence of procedures. Before the start of the lesson, you should warm up with more gentle workouts. It could be a rubdown or a foot bath.

More information

If the above rules are not followed, you can not only not achieve the expected effect, but alsoharm the body, provoking hypothermia and other pathological conditions. You should also be aware that there are a number of contraindications to the implementation of hardening procedures. In particular, such training is not recommended for fever, circulatory failure of 2-3 degrees, acute mental disorders, hypertensive crisis, bleeding. Contraindications also include colic (renal and hepatic), extensive burns, asthma attacks, food poisoning.

air conditioning rules
air conditioning rules

Air hardening rules

The impact of natural factors improves the functioning of all body systems. Hardening with air has a particularly beneficial effect on the course of endocrine, digestive and endocrine processes. In addition, the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is stimulated, changes occur in the morphological composition of the blood. There are several types of air baths, depending on the temperature:

  • Hot (over 30 degrees).
  • Warm (over 22°C).
  • Indifferent (within 21-22 degrees).
  • Cool (around 17-21°C).
  • Moderately cold (about 13-17 degrees).
  • Cold (about 4-13°C).

It is advisable to combine being outside with active movements. For example, in winter it can be skiing or skating, in summer it can be outdoor games.

hardening rules for schoolchildren
hardening rules for schoolchildren


Experts advise starting to take air baths in the room whentemperature not lower than 16 degrees, regardless of the season. You can only go outside after a certain time. The room must be well ventilated. The body is exposed and left in such a room for no more than 3-5 minutes. At the beginning of the course, this is the most optimal time. Subsequently, the duration is increased. While taking cool and especially cold baths, you should run on the spot, walk, gymnastic exercises.

Outdoor treatments

After the body is prepared, you can go to the open air. Baths are taken in calm places, protected from direct rays. Begin the procedure at a temperature of about 20-22 degrees. The duration of 1 air bath is no more than 15 minutes. The duration of subsequent hardening is increased by 10-15 minutes. Cold baths can only be taken by trained people. The duration of the procedures is 1-2 minutes, followed by an increase to 8-10. Air baths should be started no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after, and completed - 30 minutes before. before meals. One of the important conditions for achieving the result of hardening in air is the use of clothing that suits the weather and allows free circulation of air currents.

basic rules for hardening a person
basic rules for hardening a person

Exposure to rays

Solar infrared radiation has a pronounced thermal effect on the body. It contributes to additional heat production. As a result, the activity of the sweat glands increases, evaporation from the skin increases. Vessels of the cover expand, develophyperemia of the skin, increased blood circulation. Due to the influence of infrared radiation, the effect of ultraviolet radiation is enhanced. UV radiation is predominantly chemically active and has a significant biological effect. Due to its influence, the production of vitamin D is enhanced. It, in turn, prevents the development of rickets in children. In addition, ultraviolet rays improve blood composition.

Expert Tips

As the rules of hardening by the sun say, you need to take sunbaths in the morning. At this time it is not too hot. At the same time, the air is clean and fresh. Also, experts recommend taking baths in the evening, before sunset. In the middle lane, the best time for tanning is the period from 9 to 13 and from 16 to 18 hours, and in the south - from 8 to 11 and from 17 to 19. The first baths are taken at a temperature of at least 18 degrees. Their duration should not be more than five minutes, followed by the addition of 3-5 minutes, gradually the time is brought to an hour. You should not sleep while taking baths. The eyes should be protected with dark glasses, and the head with a hat.

hardening rules and techniques
hardening rules and techniques

Water treatments

The most common forms of hardening at home include rubdowns, douches and foot baths. These procedures are performed at home. Rubbing is done with a towel, sponge, sheet or a special mitten moistened with water at a temperature of 34-36 degrees. The impact is carried out sequentially: on the arms, back, then chest and legs. Next, with the help of a dry towel, the body is wiped toslight redness. Every 3-5 days the water temperature should decrease by 1-2 degrees. until reaching 10-12 degrees in 2-3 months. Sometimes it is recommended to bring the temperature to 22-24 degrees. Rubdowns are also carried out for 2-3 months. With a favorable course, you can proceed to a further decrease to 10-12 ° C. To enhance the effect of hardening, the procedure is recommended to be carried out with an open window or window. At the same time, the air temperature should not be too low.
