Thrush: treatment, drugs that can help

Thrush: treatment, drugs that can help
Thrush: treatment, drugs that can help

According to ongoing research, most modern women at least once in their lives had to deal with a disease such as thrush, or candidiasis. At the same time, a recurrence of the disease was observed in almost half of the cases. The presence of this disease, in addition to the discomfort caused by burning in the vaginal area, can also lead to a deterioration in family relationships. And here a logical chain is immediately built: "thrush - treatment - drugs that can help."

For local treatment, vaginal creams, suppositories and suppositories are used (active ingredients: clotrimazole, itraconazole, metronidazole in combination with miconazole). For systemic exposure, fluconazole is most widely used. To create the optimal concentration, it is enough to take 150 mg of fluconazole once (1-3 tablets). It is worth noting that in no case should you self-medicate, you should immediately consult a doctor. With the wrong therapy, the disease can become chronic.

thrush treatment drugs
thrush treatment drugs

Before you begin to act in the sequence "thrush -treatment - drugs that help get rid of it, "it is necessary to understand what causes this disease, to understand its nature. The causative agent of this disease is yeast-like fungi, of which there are about two hundred species today. And they can be located both in the vagina and on the mucous the lining of the mouth or in the intestines.

Women who are malnourished, with a deficiency of vitamins in the body, taking a large number of medicines, especially antibiotics, without doctor's recommendations, are predisposed to candidiasis. Patients predisposed to such a disease include people suffering from tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, who have had inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, before the sequence "thrush - treatment - drugs to combat it" arises, any person should pay attention to their he alth, this will help prevent the disease.

Studies show that women are most prone to getting candidiasis while taking contraceptives, at the beginning of menstruation and during pregnancy. This is explained by a change in the hormonal balance, which is inevitable at these moments in the female body. Taking antibiotics in large quantities can also deal a blow to lactic acid bacilli, which just inhibit the growth of yeast fungi. Therefore, in order to break the destructive chain "thrush - treatment - drugs to combat yeast-like fungi", it is necessary to take medicines only on the recommendationdoctor.

No less unpleasant is thrush in infants, the treatment of which is difficult due to restrictions in taking medications for this category of patients.

thrush in infants treatment
thrush in infants treatment

In infants, the first sign of the disease is a whitish coating in the mouth, but even after it is removed, redness remains. At first, thrush in infants does not pose a danger, its treatment comes down to hygiene, mandatory boiling of nipples, pacifiers. If the baby is breastfeeding, then wipe the nipples with a solution of baking soda.

thrush in infants treatment
thrush in infants treatment

If it was not possible to get rid of the disease on your own, you need to contact the local pediatrician, who will prescribe treatment. These can be both general antifungal drugs and special ointments and liquids.
