The modern pharmacological industry offers a wide range of intestinal tablets. Such drugs have a variety of specific effects: some drugs are able to normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, others have an antibacterial effect, and others are used to prevent various diseases. Of all the abundance of medicines, only a specialist will help you choose exactly the medicine that suits the patient individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body and general condition.

Main indications for use
In clinical medicine, many pharmacological agents for the intestines are used, which are absolutely safe and have no contraindications. Nevertheless, any medicine must be purchased strictly according to the doctor's prescription. For internal use, a certain dosage of a particular drug is prescribed, taking into account the specificdiseases, laboratory tests and the patient's condition.
Intestinal pills are available in the following range:
- laxatives and antidiarrheal medicines;
- anti-inflammatory and antibacterial;
- drugs that help restore intestinal microflora;
- antacid and enzymatic;
- enterosorbents;
- antispasmodic;
- preventive medicines.
In cases of an infectious lesion of the intestine, it is necessary to take antibacterial tablets from the intestine, for example, Neomycin and Alfa Normix. For the treatment of intestinal infections at elevated temperatures and other symptoms of inflammation, it is antibacterial medicines that are used. It must be remembered that antibiotics only treat a bacterial infection, not a viral one. When choosing such a drug, one should take into account its indications for use and the recommendations of a specialist. Antibiotics to treat intestinal infections include:
Effective Italian drug "Alfa Normix" (active element - rifaximin), which is used to treat infections of the digestive organs caused by pathogens that are sensitive to the drug

Inexpensive Russian drug "Neomycin" is a bactericidal and antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of effects. A medication is indicated for the treatment of infected duodenal ulcers, as well asused for heartburn
Which pills for intestinal pain help?
Pharmacological drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are able to eliminate the causes of the development of the inflammatory process in the early stages of the disease. Mesacol tablets are considered quite effective, which are an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent that is prescribed for a variety of intestinal diseases. This medication is prescribed for Crohn's disease, as well as some forms of ulcerative colitis. In addition, there are analogues of this medication, identical in composition and effect. Such anti-inflammatory drugs include "Pentas", "Asakol", "Samezil".
Means for stool normalization
In order to establish the process of defecation, they use such tablets from the intestines as prokinetics, which, in addition to resolving stool disorders, also relieve bloating in the intestines. Often, the inflammatory process is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, for example, stool disorders and painful bowel movements, nausea and vomiting, a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen. In such cases, it is necessary to take certain medications (prokinetics) that help improve intestinal motility.
Such medications in tablet form include: "Gastropom" and "Brulium". The drug "Brulium" is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system in adults and, in addition to the main effect, has an antiemetic effect.effect, relieves abdominal pain and bloating.

Pills for colon cleansing
It is extremely important to regularly cleanse the intestines, in which toxins and toxins that accumulate on the intestinal walls over time are removed from the body. For cleansing purposes, a variety of laxatives are used, which not only relieve constipation, but also contribute to weight loss (cleansing and washing the intestines). Such medicines include medicines in drops "Picolax" and "Guttalax", as well as a laxative medicine in tablet form "Senadexin" (the active element is senna extract). Conversely, signs of diarrhea can be managed with antidiarrheal medications. Fixing agents - "Ftalazol" and "Loperamide". These medicines help when inflammation of the colon develops, as well as diarrhea symptoms (help to fix the stool).
Very popular tablets for intestinal microflora.
Prebiotics and probiotics
The use of any antibacterial medication is accompanied by the use of medical products in order to restore the balance of intestinal microflora. These medicines include:
Probiotics that populate the gut with beneficial bacteria. These funds include: "Bifidumbacterin", "Linex", "Bifiform". Pharmacies offer a wide range of such products based on live bacterial starter cultures Good food, Vivo. Gut microflora tablets are available without a prescription

Prebiotics that promote the reproduction and growth of these beneficial microorganisms, thereby helping to restore the altered balance of microflora. These medicines include syrups "Portulak" and "Laktuvit". These drugs are absolutely safe for the body, have no contraindications, however, people with high blood sugar are not recommended to use such drugs due to their glucose content
Antacids (coated)
Medications of this nature help to eliminate high acidity in the digestive tract. The action of antacid pharmacological preparations is aimed at stopping the initial cause of such disorders - high acidity in the stomach. Due to the enveloping property, these drugs are intended for the treatment of acid-dependent pathologies of the digestive system. This category of medicines is divided into substances absorbed into the blood and those that are not absorbed into the bloodstream. The first group of antacids include: baking soda, Rennie. Non-absorbable antacids are: Almagel, Maalox, Gastal.

Enzyme preparations
Pills to restore the intestinal microflora, of course, are important, but in some cases, enzyme preparations are indispensable.
Enzymes are prescribed for patients who have impaired intestinal absorption of nutrients and gastrointestinal motility. Enzymes help reducepain syndrome in the abdomen associated with a violation of the digestive processes, the elimination of flatulence and the establishment of metabolic processes (processing and assimilation of food). An example of enzyme drugs that treat the mucous membrane of the colon and normalize the processes of digestion of food are Mezim Forte, Pancreatin, Digestal, Festal and their analogues.
What other intestinal pills are effective?
Substances that are able to absorb harmful toxins and safely remove them from the body are called enterosorbents. Such medications have a pronounced neutralizing effect on poisons and chemicals in the intestinal cavity, they act effectively and very quickly. The most common enterosorbent in clinical medical practice is activated carbon. It is used for various poisonings, as well as for cleansing and washing the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. Enterosorbents "Smecta", which is produced in the form of a powder, and "Enterosgel" in the form of a paste for oral administration are very common for the same purposes.
Pills to normalize the intestines should be prescribed by a doctor.
Medicines of an antispasmodic nature are used for spasms and pain in the intestines. Such medicines quickly stop spasms of internal organs and pain. These are medicines that help fight functional gastrointestinal disorders, diseases of the urinary tract and genital organs. In theirthe number includes tablets that have quite popular names: Drospa Forte, No-shpa, Spazmolgon, Baralgin, Ketanov. For children at an early age, Plantex powder, Infacol or Bobotik drops are used for this purpose, which relieve intestinal colic, flatulence and constipation.
Preventive medicines
Adults and children who have a tendency to develop intestinal dysbacteriosis are recommended constant prophylaxis and the use of tablets for bowel function. These medicines include prebiotic and probiotic preparations, as well as dietary supplements and food products, the composition of which is rich in the content of favorable bacteria. All medicines must be safe and reasonably effective. In addition to them, various vitamin complexes and other drugs are used to prevent pathological processes and maintain immunity, the active element of which are extracts of medicinal plants.

Gut recovery pills are inexpensive and available to everyone.
Best Herbal Products
Herbal medicines include a whole list of homeopathic remedies prepared from natural raw materials (plants and fruits), without chemical dyes and additives. Such medicines include: "Bio-Max", "Litovita", "Mumiyo". "Multitabs". For example, the Litovit herbal remedy, despite the fact that it has appeared relatively recently on the pharmaceutical market, is very popular,because it contains only zeolites and bran. Due to the high content of vitamins, it favorably affects the functioning of all digestive organs, improves metabolic processes and is prescribed for various pathological processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. A biologically active substance called "Mumiye" has a worldwide distribution and a long history. They can cure dozens of diseases and use them for preventive purposes (to strengthen immunity, lose weight, etc.).
How to choose a drug?
When selecting suitable tablets for the stomach and intestines, you need to focus on:
- age of patient;
- price;
- manufacturing company (it is better to give preference to time-tested pharmaceutical companies);
- laboratory results and other examinations;
- he alth status (lactation and pregnancy, the presence of chronic pathologies);
List of common indications for bowel medications:
- In order to provide first aid in case of poisoning - enterosorbents. The best medication for this condition is activated charcoal.
- For intestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea - the drug "Ftalazol".
- To restore the intestinal microflora, the most popular drug is Linex.
- Restoration of acid-base and water balance is carried out with the help of the drug "Rehydron".

Functional bowel disorders and other troubles, probably, every person faced. Therefore, medicines for the treatment of acute intestinal diseases should always be present in the home first aid kit, which help to quickly eliminate pathological symptoms and signs of disorders and avoid all kinds of complications in the future.
Numerous reviews of these medicines contain information about the most effective tablets for the intestines. At the same time, products containing live bacteria have remained the most popular for many years. Patients note that during poisoning, infectious diarrhea, as well as pain or the use of antibiotics, such drugs play a very important role and help to quickly normalize the condition of the fleets and stools. With diarrhea, patients very much praise the drug "Ftalazol", which has been produced by pharmaceutical companies in our country for more than a dozen years and has a very low cost.
Among antacids, the most popular drug is Maalox, which has a pleasant taste and is also inexpensive.
We reviewed the list of colon pills.