Will "Analgin" help with a headache? Can "Analgin" be given to children? The action of "Analgin" with other drugs

Will "Analgin" help with a headache? Can "Analgin" be given to children? The action of "Analgin" with other drugs
Will "Analgin" help with a headache? Can "Analgin" be given to children? The action of "Analgin" with other drugs

Many are wondering if Analgin will help with a headache. It is one of the most common signs of various diseases. Such sensations can be caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from overwork and stress, ending with a severe pathological change in the body. Depending on the factors that cause headaches, doctors use certain drugs and drugs to eliminate and treat it. One of the most popular medications for this disease is the well-known "Analgin". It was first synthesized in 1920, and its main active ingredient is a substance called metamizole sodium. To find out if Analgin will help with a headache, consider the indications for taking this medication.

headache injection analgin papaverine
headache injection analgin papaverine


First of all,these are:

  1. Having a migraine, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, or menstrual discomfort.
  2. Post-surgery spasms.
  3. Fever due to colds.

Many people wonder if Analgin anesthetizes. Yes, it is a good analgesic. The drug is produced in several dosage forms - in the form of tablets, suppositories and injections. The latter variety is mainly applicable in medical institutions. But pills are used more widely. And in general, most people in the house will always have this medicine in the medicine cabinet.

Will "Analgin" help with a headache?

As already noted, the active substance of the drug in question is sodium metamizole. It is this chemical compound that prevents the excessive synthesis of prostaglandins. Due to this, the intensity of the pain impulse decreases.

is analgin possible for children
is analgin possible for children

The effect of "Analgin", as a rule, begins half an hour after its use. The peak of activity is usually observed after two hours. Some doctors argue that analgesics are extremely detrimental to the general condition of the heart. However, it must be said that metamizole is completely cleaved by the liver and excreted by the kidneys, without exerting any effect on the heart muscle.

"Analgin" helps with pain in the head, but can have a negative effect on the hematopoietic system if a large amount of the drug is used intravenously. With prolonged use, a person may experience thrombosisalong with agglutination of red blood cells and an increase in blood density.

analgin for headache dosage
analgin for headache dosage

Can children have Analgin?

In the event that this drug for pain in the head is given to a child (for example, at a high temperature), then it is advisable to prefer suppositories. For these purposes, manufacturers indicate on the packaging the dependence of the dose on age, so that it will be difficult for parents to make a mistake. In addition, the medicine in the form of suppositories quickly dissolves in the child's body, without causing any harm to the stomach.

Is it possible for "Analgin" to children, it is better to check with the doctor, since situations are different. Those under ten are not recommended to use pills. On the Internet, there is often advice that if a child has a headache and a fever, then you need to give him Ibuprofen and Analgin. Indeed, the effect will be very fast. But many children may be allergic to a similar combination in the form of a rash. Therefore, it is better to combine Analgin with Paracetamol.

action of analgin
action of analgin


When taking "Analgin" for a headache, we must remember that this drug is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. The presence of bleeding and blood pathologies like anemia.
  2. Liver and kidney problems.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Presence of pathologies of the respiratory system (bronchial spasms, aspirin asthma, and so on).

Similar reactions

It must be emphasized that although this medicineis a fairly effective headache medication, its use is strictly prohibited in some countries. This is explained by the risk of certain side effects: renal impairment along with anuria, nephritis, urticaria, low blood pressure, and so on.

Overdose and precautions

The dosage of "Analgin" from a headache must be strictly observed. The term of taking this medicine is no more than seven days. In case of its excess in the body or too long use, the following phenomena may develop: nausea along with vomiting, clouding of consciousness, respiratory paralysis, drowsiness and delirium. In such situations, it is necessary to call a doctor to carry out activities aimed at cleansing the body.

does analgin anesthetize
does analgin anesthetize

"Analgin" with other drugs

When combined with analgesics, which are antipyretics, as well as with non-steroidal drugs, mutual enhancement of the toxic effect is likely. When combined with an inducer of microsomal liver enzyme, the effectiveness of the active ingredient "Analgin" may decrease.

In the case of simultaneous use with indirect anticoagulants, oral hypoglycemic drugs and "Indomethacin", their activity is enhanced due to the influence of metamizole sodium. Caffeine enhances the action of Analgin.

Against the background of simultaneous use with phenothiazine derivatives, severe hyperthermia is likely. Sedatives and anxiolytics increase analgesicthe effect of the active substance "Analgin". In combination with oral contraceptives and tricyclic antidepressants, the metabolism of metamizole sodium is disturbed, and its toxicity increases. And when used with Cyclosporine, the concentration of this drug in the blood plasma decreases.

When using "Analgin" in combination with pitofenone hydrochloride, the pharmacological effects are mutually enhanced, which may be accompanied by a decrease in pain, as well as relaxation of smooth muscles and a decrease in temperature.

injection of analgin with diphenhydramine dosage for adults
injection of analgin with diphenhydramine dosage for adults

When breastfeeding

To the question of whether it is possible to "Analgin" with GV from a headache, doctors will answer unequivocally. This remedy during feeding, exactly like other preparations based on it, for example, Sedalgin, Tempalgin and Pentalgin, are prohibited due to the high probability of an allergic reaction. In addition to this, a negative effect on the hematopoietic system of the mother and child is possible. Thus, "Analgin" during lactation should not be used in any case.

What is the dosage for adults of injections of "Analgin" with "Dimedrol"?

How to use "Analgin" with "Dimedrol"?

When the drugs in question are intended to be administered to adults, there is no need for strict adherence to safe dosing. It is believed that it is necessary to enter 0.3 milliliters of "Analgin" and 0.2 "Dimedrol" at a time. Exposure to this complex solution lasts six hours, so injections are too frequentthere is no point in exercising.

In the event that after the introduction of funds, improvement in well-being does not occur within thirty minutes, then this is the reason for immediate medical attention.

The dosage for adult injections of "Analgin" with "Dimedrol" must be correctly calculated, but it can be difficult to do. It is worth noting that it is advisable for adults to give their preference to injections of this combination (although there are tablet versions of these medicines) because with such treatment, the mucous membrane of the digestive system, kidneys and liver is less stressed.

"Analgin" with "Papaverine"

Also used are headache injections "Analgin" with "Papaverine". The combination of these drugs in the process of treatment and elimination of painful discomfort should be used in the following proportions: 2 milliliters of Analgin solution and the same amount of Papaverine.

will analgin help with headache
will analgin help with headache

Alcohol Compatibility

The annotation for this drug states that it is impossible to use "Analgin" with alcohol in any case. And all because the drug in question enters into a pharmacological interaction with ethanol. In fact, it turns out that they only enhance the properties of each other. Why is it dangerous? First of all, the toxic effect of alcohol increases.

This means that the joint drinking of "Analgin" and alcoholic beverages is likely to cause severe intoxication along with poisoning. The nervous system is especially affected. The combination of "Analgin" withethanol can also produce a pronounced inhibitory effect, which will appear as severe drowsiness, weakness, lethargy.

It is also possible that the opposite reaction to the action of "Analgin" in the form of strong excitement, anxiety, confusion of consciousness. Even a small dosage of alcohol, which was drunk with Analgin, can lead to the development of severe intoxication. Poisoning is usually accompanied by symptoms such as nausea with vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, chills, incoordination, high blood pressure, loss of consciousness and convulsions.

How long can you drink alcohol after "Analgin"?

So, it is strictly forbidden to drink the described medicine with alcohol, since this explosive mixture can lead a person to dangerous consequences. But what time interval should be observed between the use of these funds? In order to answer this question, we must refer to the pharmacokinetics of the described drug.

The fact is that immediately after use, "Analgin" is quickly absorbed from the digestive system into the blood. And therapeutic effectiveness is achieved in about twenty to thirty minutes and continues for another couple of hours. The concentration of the drug is reduced to minimum values after nine to twelve hours. That is, after such a period of time after "Analgin" you can drink alcohol.

Is it allowed to use medicine in the morning as part of a hangover, when the head hurts so badly that you can not do without painkillers? The more it wasdrunk, and the higher the strength of the drinks, the longer the alcohol will be excreted. So, 100 milliliters of cognac will leave the body in about four hours, and the same amount of vodka in seven. You can take "Analgin" only when there is no trace left of ethanol in the body.

Thus, we found out if Analgin will help with a headache. This drug can be safely called the most popular pain medication on the pharmaceutical market. People use "Analgin" under different circumstances. But it can definitely be argued that they should not be treated if they drank alcohol the day before, otherwise it can lead to very serious consequences.
