Stomatitis in adults. Treatment at home is quite real

Stomatitis in adults. Treatment at home is quite real
Stomatitis in adults. Treatment at home is quite real

Diseases of the oral cavity are one of the most common among other diseases. One of them is stomatitis in adults, the treatment of which requires a competent approach.

stomatitis in adults home treatment
stomatitis in adults home treatment

Stomatitis is a disease in which the mucous epithelium of the oral cavity becomes inflamed and affected. There is an opinion that this is a childhood disease, but there is also stomatitis in adults, the treatment at home of which is quite real. Such factors can lead to such a disease, such as:

  • poor quality dentures or unprofessional fitting;
  • lack of vitamins in the body - beriberi, which is more common in winter;
  • use of pastes and other oral hygiene products containing sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • smoking;
  • vomiting, blood loss, diarrhea, prolonged high fever leading to dehydration, etc.
stomatitis in the mouth treatment
stomatitis in the mouth treatment

All these factors, many of which at first glance have nothing to do with the oral cavity, lead to such a disease as stomatitis in adults, treatment inat home which is widely discussed by dentists.

The most common types of stomatitis in adults are:

  • chronic herpetic;
  • aphthous;
  • Vincent's ulcerative necrotic stomatitis;
  • prosthetic.

Depending on the type, there may be signs of the disease and complaints of stomatitis in the mouth, the treatment of which may also differ. The main indicators and methods of treatment are similar. Stomatitis in adults (treatment at home is not always possible) in case of serious forms requires medical attention.

There are many common signs of stomatitis. The first is severe pain in the mouth while eating. The second is the appearance of a slight swelling and ulcerative formations. The temperature can also rise sharply, lymph nodes increase. The third sign can be called bad breath, increased salivation and the fact that the gums begin to bleed.

how to treat stomatitis at home
how to treat stomatitis at home

The final diagnosis of a disease such as stomatitis, the treatment of which is often lengthy, can be made after a blood and saliva test. At home, you can fight the disease by rinsing your mouth with various solutions, for example, furacilin or potassium permanganate, as well as hydrogen peroxide and rivanol. Applying a swab dipped in a solution of medicinal herbs to the sore spot is suitable. It is advisable to repeat the rinsing procedures approximately every three hours. In addition to them, for example, antiviral ointments (oxolinic or tebrofen) can be prescribed. Will come in handy andfortifying agents. Folk remedies are also perfect, for example, the use of various herbal infusions. Thus, the question of how to treat stomatitis at home, you can find a number of answers. True, it is possible to be treated with such methods only with the permission of a doctor.

So, today, stomatitis is quite common in adults, home treatment of which is simple and affordable. If you start treating it at an early stage, the effect will be visible almost immediately. But first you should consult a doctor.