To be a mother, to grow life in yourself and rejoice, realizing that there is your continuation, that there is a copy of you … This appointment of the weaker sex gives unthinkable advantages. At the same time, many put off this event, pursuing a career, travel or life for pleasure. Therefore, there are many questions about ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy without depriving yourself of pleasure. One of them is to have full sex on certain days when it is impossible to get pregnant. Are such expectations justified?

For a woman, knowledge about the functioning of her reproductive system and the mechanisms of pregnancy is very important. Gone are the advice of midwives, the willingness to give birth at least every year and to freely have sex. Understanding what is happening in a woman's body is important for those who really want to get pregnant, but cannot, and for those who wish to avoid pregnancy. In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation, it is worth remembering something from anatomy and physiologyfemale body.

Every month, follicles (one or more) mature in the ovaries of a woman, the rupture of which releases an egg into the fallopian tube. If a female cell encounters a sperm along the way, it will be fertilized. Under favorable circumstances, it will continue its movement into the uterus and gain a foothold there. This is how pregnancy occurs. If not, the egg is released from the uterus with menstruation. Soon the female body will again prepare the egg for fertilization. It is clear that this process is cyclical. The conclusion suggests itself: when ovulation has not yet occurred, the woman is absolutely protected. It is worth using a special system to calculate when ovulation occurs, and everything will become clear. On the one hand, this is exactly what happens. And the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation will be negative. And how many young girls in such confidence do not protect themselves in the first few days! And how many of them became mothers!
If everything is so clear, and you can clearly calculate on which days after menstruation you can get pregnant, why does practice contradict these logical conclusions? This happens because too many factors are not taken into account. These include:
- regularity of the cycle (if the cycle is irregular, then it is generally impossible to calculate safe or, conversely, the most productive days);
- the possibility of maturation of not one, but several eggs;
- sperm lifetime in the fallopian tube (some researchers say two days, others increase thisup to a week).

If a woman has an irregular cycle, then it is generally impossible to answer in the affirmative the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation, since ovulation can occur in a few days, and the sperm cell will wait for its egg. In addition, it is important to consider that nature arranged the female body in such a way that it is looking for an opportunity to get pregnant. Immediately after menstruation, ovulation can occur, especially in those who have not come into contact with sperm for a long time. If there is no permanent partner or contraceptives are used, then unprotected sex can cause a hormonal surge, which will contribute to fertilization.
One way or another, the chances of getting pregnant are at any time of the monthly cycle. It happens that this happens under the most unfavorable conditions, but nature knows better. We can conclude that it is impossible to be absolutely sure that the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation is answered only in the affirmative. Therefore, if you realize your destiny to be a mother, wait for this moment. If you have other plans, and at the moment you do not want to change them, use protection at any time during your hormonal cycle.