Many diseases and pathologies can be overcome with the help of special physical exercises. This is a special kind of therapy. If you choose the wrong technique, classes can do harm. Therefore, physical exercises are prescribed by a doctor after making an appropriate diagnosis. In order to prevent, you can perform different complexes. They will help to avoid the appearance of pathologies in the future. Corrective exercises deserve special attention. They will be discussed further.
General characteristics
Corrective exercises have been used in medicine for a long time. This is one of the effective methods of restoring posture. Exercise affects every system in the body. It allows you to strengthen muscles, tendons, and bones. This enhances blood circulation. This leads to the normalization of metabolic processes, improvement of the internal organs.

The he alth of the entire musculoskeletal system depends on the posture of a person. This, in itsturn, affects the operation of all other systems. Therefore, it is so important to pay a lot of attention to he althy posture. This issue is especially important for children. In the process of their growth and development, their musculoskeletal system is constantly changing. At this age, it is much easier to correct your posture than when you reach adulthood.
It is worth considering that problems with the spine can also occur in adulthood. Corrective exercises are prescribed for both children and adults. Of course, it will be more difficult to correct posture after 18 years of age than when working with kids. However, nothing is impossible. To achieve your goal, you will need to spend a little more time and effort. However, this will more than pay off in the future. Proper alignment of the spine, strengthening the back muscles will help to avoid a number of serious diseases, such as the development of an intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, etc.
The purpose of the gymnastics
The purpose of corrective exercises is to restore the balance of muscle tension. If they are too tight, they will need to be relaxed. If their tone is too weak, they will need to be strengthened. It is the muscles that support the spine, allowing it to take the correct position.

Corrective exercises can be very different. They are performed both with shells (fitball, dumbbells, tourniquets, gymnastic sticks, etc.), and without them. If the patient has no contraindications or the exercises are carried out as a preventive measure, he can perform them at home on his own. In other casescomplex exercise therapy is prescribed by a doctor. In some cases, it can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
The presented approach allows you to align different curvatures, give the posture the right look. Muscles become strong. They, like a frame, support the spinal column. This avoids the development of various ailments. If no action is taken to eliminate pathologies in the spine, this can lead to a decrease in the mobility of the musculoskeletal system. Over time, a person can become disabled. Only a complex, expensive operation can help him.
In order to prevent such negative impacts, you need to pay due attention to your posture. The more a person monitors the position of his body, the faster it turns out to get rid of pathologies.
The impact of gymnastics on the body
The purpose of corrective exercises is to create conditions in the body in which all systems will work harmoniously. They allow you to correct various pathologies of the spine. Muscles in the process of performing gymnastic exercises undergo a number of changes.

Gymnastics stimulates increased blood supply to the tissues. This leads to strengthening of the muscles and bones, as well as the tendons that were involved in the course of a particular movement. Scientists have found that during sleep in the human body flows 12 liters of blood through every kilogram of muscle. And during training, this figure increases to 56 liters. At the same time, at the time of physical activity, the muscles absorb 20 times moreoxygen.
This results in increased strength, endurance as well as muscle mass. The tendons are also strengthened. The tissues of bones and ligaments thicken. In the process of active work of the muscles, the movement of lymph and blood through the vessels becomes faster.
Corrective gymnastics is characterized by a whole range of positive effects. Exercise can strengthen the work of the cardiovascular system and lungs. This leads to an increase in the blood that circulates in the body. Along with this, the nutrition of all cells becomes more complete, active. This activates the processes of regeneration, the development of all tissues.
Deep breathing has a positive effect on the lungs. The alveoli are expanding. Gas exchange in the lungs improves. All the muscles of the skeleton, the heart are strengthened, metabolic processes are accelerated. Fats burn more actively. Digestion, endocrine glands work more actively. This leads to positive changes throughout the body.
Receptions of exercise therapy can be prescribed in combination with other methods of treatment. In many cases, this can be self-treatment. It allows you to avoid the use of medicines and other methods of treatment that are unsafe for the body.
General recommendations
Corrective exercises are used for various posture disorders. Since in each case the pathologies are purely individual, gymnastics is selected in accordance with the type of deviations from the norm, the stage of development of the disease. The characteristics of the patient's body are also taken into account.

Exercise will need to be done every day. At the same time, theircarried out in the morning and evening. It can be a simple complex that consists of just a few exercises. It can be performed as a morning exercise. It is necessary to adhere to the established sequence of movements. They are performed a certain number of times.
Class lasts 15-30 minutes. It includes not only corrective, but also general strengthening exercises. Particular attention is paid to the large muscles of the back, as well as the abdominals.
A special pace must be followed when performing corrective gymnastics. Exercises are done slowly or at an average pace. Sharp jerks should be avoided. In the process of training, be sure to monitor your breathing. It must be deep. The workout begins with light, warm-up exercises. Only after the muscles are prepared for physical exertion, strength exercises are performed.
The load should increase gradually. The very first lessons should be short. The number of repetitions of movements should increase gradually. If a person is untrained, you need to choose light exercises. Gradually increase the load.
Load selection
Corrective gymnastic exercises should be performed with a gradually increasing load. The effectiveness of the impact depends on this. The number of repetitions is chosen depending on the exercise. Each has a minimum and maximum quantity.

Each exercise affects a particular muscle group. Depending on the state of he alth, as well as physiologicalfeatures select not only the type of movements, but also their number. The impact in the presence of pathology should be targeted.
The doctor who prescribes the procedures knows exactly the structure of the muscles, and establishes the causes of the violations. After that, he can choose a set of procedures that are required in a particular case. The approach is always individual. This allows you to work out the right muscles with the required force.
In the process of performing corrective physical exercises, you need to gradually move from easy movements to more complex ones. The load must be dispersed. Therefore, movements for different muscle groups alternate. First, gymnastics is performed for the upper and lower extremities, then for the back, abdominals. After that, they move on to working out the muscles of the neck, pectoral muscles.
After carrying out intense, power movements, be sure to pay attention to breathing procedures.
Each set includes 8-16 exercises. The choice depends on the type of exposure, the preparedness of the muscles. Gradually increase the number of movements during each exercise.
Rules for compiling complexes
Corrective exercises for children and adults are selected in accordance with certain rules. The first in the complex should be a movement that is aimed at creating the correct posture. This position of the body must be felt, and then held throughout the workout. So the muscles remember how to support the back.

After that, perform exercises that allowwork out large muscle groups. This is a load that is directed to the back, shoulders, abs, and also legs. Such gymnastics has a general strengthening effect on the body.
After strength exercises, they perform movements for a sense of posture. This allows you to alternate the load, as well as maintain the correct position of the back during the entire complex.
After that, there comes a time when a correction is made. The complex should include from 4 to 6 such movements. Special corrective exercises are carried out only after proper muscle preparation. Otherwise, the impact of exercise therapy will not be effective enough.
After the correction is done, postural sensation exercises are performed again. This position of the back must be maintained throughout the day. This needs to be monitored. The more a person pays attention to their posture, the faster the first positive changes will be visible.
Some of these exercises (especially for getting your back in the right position) should be done throughout the day. Strength exercises and correction are carried out only in combination with other movements.
Formation of correct posture
A set of exercises for corrective gymnastics necessarily includes movements that form the correct posture. There are enough of them. A few popular movements are discussed below.
First you need to stand with your back to the wall. The back of the head, heels and buttocks should touch its surface. The muscles should tense a little. This state must be remembered. It is kept during training. Furtherthe person moves away from the wall and holds this body position for a few more seconds.

You can also, moving away from the wall, make a few swings of your arms, legs and torso. After that, they again become in the correct stance. To do this, again approach the wall.
During the gymnastics, several times after strength and corrective exercises, you need to approach the wall, checking the position of the body.
One of the possible exercises could be the following. Standing against the wall, you need to raise your arms through the sides, and then alternately bend your legs at the knees. After that, they squat several times (also near the wall). Then they rise on their toes, while maintaining the correct posture. After that, the correct posture is checked while standing sideways near the mirror.
Strengthening back muscles
The set of corrective exercises also includes movements that allow you to strengthen your back muscles. They are present in almost every set of gymnastic movements.
First you need to lie on your back. The legs are bent at the knees, and the elbows are on the floor. Make a deflection in the thoracic spine. In this position, you need to fix for 5 seconds. The muscles are then relaxed. The same exercise is performed with the pelvis. He is also lifted for 5 seconds.
Next you need to lie on your stomach. The fingers are crossed behind the back. Raise your shoulders and head. Hands are pulled back and bend. After that, they relax. This exercise can also be supplemented by raising not only the shoulders and head, but also the legs.
If a person is trained,make the previous exercise more difficult. Both hands are placed behind the head and in this position they raise the arms, legs and head from the floor. Then, in the same position, the arms are spread apart or pulled forward. You can lift dumbbells, a ball or a gymnastic stick with your hands.
Exercises for stretching the muscles of the lower back
Correction exercises for posture include movements that are aimed at stretching the muscles of the lower back. Sitting on a chair, you need to lean forward. The chest touches the knees. After that, slopes are performed, but the legs should be as wide apart as possible. You need to try to lean as low as possible.
Then sit on the floor. Perform forward bends. The legs are extended. You should try to reach your knees with your forehead. Next, in the same position, you need to bend one leg at the knee. She is taken back. They stretch to a straight leg, trying to touch their forehead. Then the position is changed.
Strengthening the muscles of the lower back
Corrective exercises for scoliosis or other disorders of the spine include several movements that can work out the corresponding muscle groups. Often, the complexes include exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower back.
You need to lie on your back and bend your legs. The pelvis is raised and held in this position for several seconds. In this case, you need to rise on your toes. The pelvis is moved to one side and the other.
After that, you need to rest and perform a similar movement again. But, having raised the pelvis, you need to take side steps in one direction and the other.
After that, you need to lie on your stomach. Alternately raisestraight legs. The next exercise is done in the same way, but the legs are alternately taken to the sides. After that, you need to rest a bit. The next exercise is also performed lying on your stomach. Hands hold on to the ankles. Next, make a deflection in the back. You need to pump back and forth in this position.
Next you need to get on all fours. The back is arched upwards, holding it in this position for several seconds. Then it is bent down. They also remain in this position for a few seconds.
Having considered the features of corrective exercises, as well as the methods of prescribing exercise therapy, one can understand the importance of using such approaches in the process of treating and preventing deviations in the back. This helps to prevent the development of a number of more serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which gradually develop in the presence of an incorrect position of the spine.