Correct posture is the main guarantee of gaining and maintaining beauty, due to which activity in actions will be increased. And this means that all internal organs will work smoothly, and most importantly, correctly. Any violation of posture will lead to various and quite serious diseases associated with the spine. In this article we will talk about exercises for even posture. Recommended to absolutely everyone!
Complex of physical exercises for posture: formation and correction
Many people have no idea that the spine also needs constant care. In addition, each person should give their own back the necessary attention. But, as a rule, this begins to happen only when severe pain is felt. But it is this symptom that makes it clear that problem areas already exist, and they need to be cured.
It is worth remembering that the correct functioning of the internalorgans can only be carried out when the body receives a full blood circulation, so even at an early age it is worth thinking about how to make posture exercise a common thing for children.
If in the process of life only one of the vertebrae is compressed, then the person begins to limp. Due to this, the appearance of the disease will be provoked. It will be possible to correct the crooked posture at any age. But for this you will have to completely change the main way of life, as well as completely reconsider your own habits and outlook on life.

Besides this, you will need to use certain exercises necessary for posture at home. At their core, all of these exercises are simple, so you can do them yourself.
Main causes of poor posture
Irregular posture function is often formed only due to degenerative diseases of the entire spinal column. Often, any curvature in the spine can be laid down in childhood. The main problems that provoke the appearance of a disease in the spine:
- Injury sustained during childbirth.
- Microscopic lesions in the spinal column.
- Genetic diseases.
- Obesity.
- Uncomfortable mattress, causing complete discomfort.
- Working activities carried out in a sitting position, as well as in an uncomfortable position of the body.
- Frequent wearing of bags on one shoulder.
- Inconvenientshoes.
- Excessive exercise.
Such disorders in children usually occur more often than in adults. This can also be explained by the fact that their spinal section develops much faster, and after that it is formed only in a certain segment.

In addition, disorders in young children can occur due to the deformation of cartilage tissues, which are at the level of cartilage transformation into real bones. But all these factors can be fully subject to possible restoration with the correct setting of posture and subject to certain conditions. That is, virtually anyone with spinal defects should regularly perform corrective exercises.
How to determine the correct location of the vertebrae
The correctness and beauty of posture, in particular, will play the highest role in a person's life. Any omission of the shoulder joints, as well as stoop, relaxation of the hanging belly - all this will speak of laziness and, of course, the inability to take care of oneself.
With the correct posture, the body and head of a person will be only at the same level, that is, vertically. On both sides, the shoulders will be located only at the same height. The shoulder girdle should be slightly deployed. The spinal system must be free of curvature.

If a person does not have any problems with posture, then he can straighten his spine with particular ease. It is not difficult to identify the curvature of posture. But for this it will be necessary to stand with your back to the wall covering and lean against it. The feet in this case should be brought together and pressed to the floor. Have someone put their hand between the wall and the lower back. If the hand passes freely, then it will be possible to assume that the posture in this case is even.
Consequences of curvature
If the curvature of the spine has already been detected, then we recommend that you read the list below - this is a very likely future if no action is taken.
Even with a slight curvature of the spinal system, you can get:
- Full change in functional data relative to the diaphragm, followed by deterioration in breathing.
- Hemodynamics are noticeably deteriorating.
- The intensity of blood circulation changes, and in the limbs it noticeably decreases.
- Basic brain tissue exposed to possible hypoxia.
- Ligaments in this case undergo ossification.
- Muscles will be tense.
- There are periodic pains in the legs, feet, head, and also in the entire chest.
- Sleep disturbance occurs.
- Nerve endings may be pinched.
- Programming of osteochondrosis appears.
List of exercises
Physical exercises with incorrect posture will need to start with a complete strengthening of the spinal system. To do this, you will have to do a whole range of exercises, where both the muscles of the back and the whole body can be involved.

Exercise for correct posture:
- Push-ups from the floor. The entire body is strengthened, as well as the muscles in the shoulder part. Start with two sets and do 15 reps each time.
- Lie on the floor, and in the meantime, straighten your arms to the sides, then raise your head. At the same time, the toes of the legs will need to be pulled towards you. In the same position, you will have to do five approaches and all this with a basic interval of 30 seconds.
- Sit on a chair, put your hands behind your head, then bend most of your back, and after five seconds you will need to relax.
- Castle. Stand up straight, put your hands behind your head and then lock into the lock. In a similar position, you will have to strain them, then relax again. Five approaches should be done.
- Lie on your back, and stretch your arms along the body, then raise your shoulders. During the exercise, do not take your legs off the floor, and do not bend. Hands can hold the body a little. Perform all these actions while holding your breath. Do 10 times.
The exercises below are already for people who have passed puberty, but still worry about their posture.
Exercises to prevent disorders:
- Lie on your stomach, wrap your arms around your ankles and then try to tilt your head more towards your limbs. The body must be tense. Hold the position and then relax. Do at least five times.
- Lie on your stomach, arms should be straightened along the body, legs bent and lifted as high as possible. Hold back the originalposition within a few seconds. Repeat 10 times.
An effective version of gymnastic exercises to correct posture
One of the more effective systems for the spine consists of exercises:
- Stand up straight, then put your feet shoulder-width apart, inhaling, lean forward, then touch the floor with your fingers and, exhaling, straighten up.
- In the same starting position, put your hands on the back of the head, and in the meantime, try to take your elbows to the side, bend your chest slightly, and perform circular turns of the body.
- Being in the starting position, while the arms will need to be extended to the sides, inhaling the air, turn your body to one side, then take your hands back with a lighter chest deflection, and, exhaling, you should return to the previous position.
Yoga Therapy
All major body postures as well as physical yoga exercises will be channeled into actual back work. Some of them are considered lightweight and easy to perform. Yoga for all beginner athletes will consist in the correct sitting, where the performer will be forced to straighten his back. This situation should become commonplace for many.
A simple posture correction exercise at the workplace:
- Sit up straight, while the chin should be lowered to the chest, the shoulder blades should be brought together and then relax.
- Stand up, then do random hand movements.
- Stand up straight and stretch up.
- Try to putbooks on your head and sit like this or just walk around the room.
Thus, thanks to yoga, your back will find a better position, and after that it will completely stop curving with wrong movements.
Yoga for complete straightening of the entire spinal system in adolescents
Scoliosis is most common in teenagers. Parents in this case are often scared and not in vain, since the disease in its advanced form can be life-threatening.

Here are some exercises for posture at home from the arsenal of yoga:
- Press your whole body from the back of your head to the very heels to the floor, then take a few "steps" with your feet, but at the same time try to maintain the position.
- Make circular movements with your shoulders, and then try to bend down to the floor, raising your hands up. At the same time, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lower them.
- Lie on your stomach, then lift your arms and legs up.
More difficult exercises are best done in the presence of a trainer.
Can teenagers go to the gym?
Many experts do not recommend heavy sports until the age of 14-16, because until that time the human body is just adapting to the external environment. Of course, you can physically load a child up to this age, but no doctor will advise you to do this, because serious consequences are possible. It is recommended that a teenager be examined by a specialist, after which his physical education group will be determined.
What will help?
For children, posture exercises are what they should start their morning with, so if you do not have a home horizontal bar, we strongly recommend that you purchase or make one. The horizontal bar develops many muscle groups, from which not only the posture will be even, but also the shoulders are strong.
Gym to help
To fully straighten your own posture at home and for its prevention, you will need to fully strengthen the muscle corset in the back. When training in the gym, you need to take this seriously.
This exercise is performed on a special simulator that will not cause the spine to deform. In this case, you should lie on your stomach, and put a towel roll under your hips. Stretch your arms in front of you, and as you exhale, lift your upper body. The simulator is adjustable for any height, so you should correct it for yourself. When performing the exercise, keep your hands behind your head or in front of you, enclosing them in a lock. In order to completely avoid injury in the process, the movements must be slowed down.

A set of exercises for posture:
- Sit on the simulator, fix your legs, and use your hands to pull its handle behind your head. It is very important to keep your arms at the same level with the body, and then take them up.
- Now you have to stretch from the lower block to the lower back in a sitting position. So, for this you need to sit on the simulator, with the help of your legs rest against the very footboard. In addition, in this state, the back will need to be kept straight. Pull the block to the waist area,after that you will have to straighten your legs at the knee joints, and when straightening them, you should try to stretch forward, but only with the body.
This exercise will work for many. It is done on the Gravitron. Pull up exactly as much as your muscles allow, in addition, you will need to do this strictly according to a certain method. You should not burden yourself and your body with more load than it can handle.
Be careful in the gym
In no case should a teenager be left in the gym without supervision, because he can seriously harm himself with excessive load and earn a hernia. Sign up only for specialists, they will create a unique method for preparing back muscles, namely exercises for correcting posture. This warning applies not only to adolescents, but also to adults who overestimate their capabilities.

Also, do not forget about posture exercises at home, they will definitely help you keep fit outside the gym, for example, at work, school, etc. The main thing is not to forget that everyday training is the key to success.
In closing
We hope that after reading this article you understand how precious your he alth is. Try to spend as much time outdoors as possible, do exercises for even posture, because the body is just as adapted to movement as possible, rather than passive pastime at the table.