Breathing exercises: exercises to improve he alth

Breathing exercises: exercises to improve he alth
Breathing exercises: exercises to improve he alth

Respiratory gymnastics is one of the most effective ways to bring our physiological and physical condition in order. Breathing unites the mind and body. Exercise can help us relax, overcome insomnia, learn to control feelings of anxiety… They are good for improving attention, and also allow us to drive away negative thoughts. In this article, we will look at various methods of breathing exercises, find out why and how they work, consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises


Using a variety of breath control and breathing techniques to calm the body and soul is nothing new. This has been practiced in Buddhist culture and in the East for centuries. You need to know that these exercises are also based on breath control techniques. At the same time, the practice of deep breathing activatesparasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the involuntary work of the body, if we are at rest. The practice of shallow or shallow breathing also stimulates the sympathetic system, which is responsible for activating various organs.

The sympathetic system is activated when we are under stress and also causes what is generally known as "fight or flight". Our task today is to learn how to “remove” such states by using different breathing techniques. It must be understood that of all human reactions, breathing (and blinking) is one of those that we can consciously control. This is a certain path to the autonomous system of the human body, through which we transmit messages to our brain. We will look at several types of breathing techniques that can be used on a daily basis, as well as in specific, specific situations.

Clavicular or clavicular breathing

This type of breathing is also called upper chest. Since this variety belongs to the chest type, being superficial, the chest does not allow the lungs to expand in the way that happens with deep breathing.

Let's take a look at the breathing exercises. Place your hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, then breathe normally. See which of your hands rises higher. If it is located above, then you have clavicular breathing, if the one below is abdominal (diaphragmatic, abdominal). Some people raise their hands. If you are like this, breathing is correct and sufficient.deep.

The purpose of breathing exercises
The purpose of breathing exercises

At the same time, clavicular breathing is completely ineffective, since the most powerful blood circulation that our body provides with oxygen occurs just below the lungs. This means that if a person uses only clavicular breathing, little oxygen enters these areas. Since this is shallow and fast breathing, the blood is enriched with a small amount of oxygen, and this, in turn, leads to a lack of nutrients in the tissues.

The virtues of clavicular or clavicular breathing: these breathing exercises allow us to get oxygen very quickly, which means they can be useful when we are in a hurry.

Disadvantages of clavicular, or clavicular, breathing: this type of breathing is not particularly effective, and if used for a long time, it can lead to incorrect functioning of the body as a whole, the brain, and also to stress.

Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing

This type of breathing is also known as deep or abdominal breathing. In this case, the muscles of the diaphragm are activated, while air enters the upper and lower regions of the lungs. You will see that your stomach is rising. The name comes from here. Such breathing exercises seem unnatural and strange to many. Probably due to the fact that a completely flat stomach is now in vogue, and many people, especially girls, hold back their abdominal muscles, thus preventing deep breathing. Since childhood, we are accustomed to hearing from grandmothers and mothers the phrase "Pull in the stomach." In addition, the reasoncontractions of the abdominal muscles (a nervous tic that occurs in the abdomen) can be stress and constant tension. Consequently, more and more people are now practicing clavicular breathing, which further increases tension and anxiety.

Pluses of abdominal breathing: this respiratory gymnastics for the abdomen fully provides the human body with oxygen, while allowing it to fully work. Heart rate and blood pressure decrease.

Cons: this type of breathing has no cons, except for one thing - this technique needs to be learned, since not everyone knows it automatically.

Costal or thoracic breathing

Also known as costal or chest breathing. It involves the intercostal muscles, with the help of which the chest expands. This type of breathing is not usually used on its own as it is part of a mixed or full method.

Breathing exercises reviews
Breathing exercises reviews

Full breath

It also has a large number of names - mixed, abdominal, costal-diaphragmatic, costo-abdominal, lower costal. With this breathing (inhalation with a full chest), air enters the body through the nostrils, goes through the nasopharynx, bronchi and trachea and completely fills the lungs, which increase significantly in volume. It should be borne in mind that with deep breathing, the chest and stomach rise slightly, the diaphragm zone is activated.

Benefits of Full Breathing: This breathing exercise helps the body to relax and calm down. organismreceives a significant amount of oxygen, blood pressure and heart rate decrease, cortisol (“stress hormone”) in the blood decreases.

Disadvantages of full breathing: While the deep or abdominal breathing technique can be brought almost to automatism, it cannot be done with the full method. This technique is difficult to apply, especially if you have never used it before. This technique is the basis of various breathing exercises. Let's take a look at some of them.

Anxiety and relaxation exercises

Before you do it, find a comfortable place. Sit quietly, straighten your back, put your hands comfortably. In this case, the room should have dim lighting and a pleasant temperature. Concentrate and also focus on your breath and thoughts. Are you very aroused or annoyed?

Full Breathing Technique

One of the most effective techniques for dealing with anxiety is to breathe deeply. But it should be borne in mind that in order to properly perform this breathing exercise, you need to know what types of breathing exist. How to do the exercises correctly?

Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Breathe in such a way that only the hand lying on the chest rises. Now hold the air and exhale through your mouth. Repeat several times.

Then, on the contrary, breathe in such a way that only the hand located on the stomach rises. In this case, the chest should not move. Repeat exercise.

Now try to breathe in turn in such a way that initially risesa hand located on the stomach, and then - lying on the chest.

Once you have mastered this technique, start breathing deeply using 2 types of breathing at the same time. Make small pauses between exhalation and inhalation. However, they should last the same amount of time.

Asymmetrical Breathing Technique

The next useful technique for relaxing and eliminating anxiety is a quick inhale and a long exhale. Try to breathe in such a way that the exhalation is 5 times longer than the inhalation. This is an incredibly effective exercise, as the heart rate accelerates on inhalation and slows down on exhalation. Therefore, by holding the exhalation, we enhance these effects.

Resistance breathing

Respiratory gymnastics with resistance is to create resistance on exhalation. This is easy to do in many ways: for example, exhaling through the teeth, closed lips, a tube, or by singing air. On the exhale, we can make the sound "Om" or just vibrate the cords a little. This sound resonates with the head and chest, thus creating pleasant sensations and allowing us to let go of fatigue.

Breathing exercises for the abdomen
Breathing exercises for the abdomen

Dynamic Breathing

There are breathing relaxation techniques that require a little imagination. So, on the inhale, imagine a pleasant wave that covers you completely up to your feet. Feel every part of your body and at the same time, if you feel tension somewhere, try to remove it. As you exhale, imagine the wave receding.

How can you know that you are completelyrelaxed? It can be argued that this has happened if you feel warmth or a slight tingle in your fingertips.

Symmetrical breathing

To improve sleep, place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your stomach. Inhale through your nose four times, using a four-beat breath, and make sure that it is the stomach that rises when you inhale. Then - a four-stroke exhalation. If possible, on the exhale and inhale, try using 5-6 cycles. Then you can do a few simple exhalations and inhalations and return to 4 measures. You can repeat such cycles 5-6 times.

This technique will help you relax in any situation, but it is especially useful before going to bed. By counting your own exhalations and inhalations, you drive away unwanted and restless thoughts that may prevent you from falling asleep. If you do not like to count, you can replace the numbers with words (inhale / exhale, inhale / exhale). In addition, you can reduce the number of measures if you have a lot of 4.

Fractional breathing

This technique resembles the previous one, however, it is necessary to hold your breath. To do this, use a 4-stroke inhale, then hold the air for 4 cycles, after which - a 4-stroke exhalation. Then breathe normally 2-3 times and repeat again.

To improve attention

Such gymnastics helps to increase concentration and attention. Therefore, we will be better at work or study, and better at controlling negative thoughts.

Technique for improving attention

This technique is very effective for increasing attention. Grab for itnose with the index finger and thumb of one hand so that the fingers are on the nostrils. As you inhale, gently close your nostril. Open the closed nostril as you exhale and close the other one at the same time. To make it easier for you to visualize this, you can imagine that your hand is tightly wrapped around your nose in the shape of the letter C and at the same time you move your index finger and thumb alternately left and right, opening and closing your nostrils in turn.

There are different variations of this technique. You can alternate the nostrils through which you exhale and inhale, starting from left to right and in the opposite direction. To begin with, you need to inhale only through the left nostril, and exhale through the right, and then - only inhale through the right and exhale only through the left. This way of breathing allows you to concentrate, increase attention and fill with energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to practice it before going to bed.

Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises

Children's breathing exercises

Teaching children to control their breathing and apply relaxation and relaxation exercises is one of the best investments in the full development of your baby. Encourage and support the child, let him regularly and consciously practice breathing exercises, this should become a habit for him. Teach him some breathing techniques and how they work. It will be great if you have breathing exercises right in kindergarten.

Breathing flowers: imagine that you are inhaling the fragrance of a fragrant flower, inhale it through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, removingthis tension. Stop for a walk and smell the flowers you like best.

Breathing bees: you need to lie down or sit comfortably and cover your eyes. Close your ears and breathe through your nose. Make your vocal cords vibrate with the "mmm" sound. This sound inside the human body is very soothing, while children really like this exercise.

Rabbit breathing: you need to take 3 quick and short breaths and then slowly exhale. Have your child repeat this after you. Tell him that you are little rabbits who must use their scent to find their own food. This technique is very useful for children.

Buteyko method

Buteyko breathing exercises is a kind of he alth-improving system, the basis of which is the restriction of deep breathing. At the same time, the author called it "self-suffocation." Buteyko believed that many diseases develop due to excessive ventilation of the lungs, as well as a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. These factors lead to metabolic disorders and tissue respiration.

The goal of breathing exercises in this case is complete recovery, which is achieved by increasing the concentration of CO in the blood2, as well as reducing the body's need for oxygen.

The traditional Buteyko breathing technique is performed through the nose in the following sequence:

  1. 2 seconds - shallow breath.
  2. 4 seconds - exhale.
  3. About 4 seconds pause with a full breath hold with a further increase. The gaze is directed straight up.

Korpan gymnastics

Breathing gymnastics Korpan Marina provides her followers with two directions: bodyflex and oxysize. Both methods already in the very first weeks of training give amazing results.

The essence of bodyflex is that you need to combine deep breathing exercises for weight loss along with exercises aimed at developing body flexibility. At the same time, it is advisable to do gymnastics in the early morning.

Most of all, the bodyflex weight loss technique is effective for women who are overweight and are not ready for he alth-improving loads and sports for some reason. The main thing here is to “recharge” with the desire to become he althy and beautiful and lose weight.

Breathing exercises Korpan
Breathing exercises Korpan

Good habit

In order to master such gymnastics and understand that it actually helps you, you need to do it regularly. How can I improve my workout routine?

Find a quiet and cozy place where you can lie or sit comfortably. Do not be sad if you do not immediately succeed in doing the exercise correctly. Learn gradually, no one is perfect right away.

First, try exercising daily for 5-10 minutes. There will be a desire, increase this time. Don't set ambitious goals right away. At the same time, always do it at the same time. In this way, you can quickly turn breathing exercises into a habit.

Some people don't like this kind of activity, as it is uncomfortable for them to control their breathing. If you think that this is not for you, you can try to practiceprogressive relaxation and yoga.

Methods of breathing exercises
Methods of breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics: reviews

It should be noted right away that the reviews of these classes are very mixed. Some argue that because of the classes, their well-being has changed, and with it their mood and quality of life. Others say that it is impossible to practice every day, and without regularity there is no efficiency. Still others are sure that all this is nothing more than a fashion trend that has nothing to do with he alth.
