This article will look at the symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis in adults.
This disease is a serious inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Such a disease can affect even deeper tissue (cartilage). Often, acute laryngitis is one of the manifestations of otolaryngological pathology. Next, we will find out which medications and home healing techniques are suitable for eliminating the disease.
Treatment of acute laryngitis should be timely and comprehensive.
The main symptom is the appearance of hoarseness up to aphonia (that is, the absence of a sonorous voice). In addition, the following manifestations are usually observed:
- Having a dry throat.
- Appearance of tickling, scratching.
- Occurrence of dry barking cough.
- The appearance of pain in the throat or neck, which may increase significantly during swallowing or talking.
- The appearance of enlargement and soreness of the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes.
- Maybethe occurrence of deterioration in general well-being, along with weakness, fever, most often no more than 37.5 degrees. In the presence of a severe form, an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees is possible, combined with a pronounced deterioration in well-being.
- Other symptoms may be present in the form of a runny nose, nasal congestion.
- Edematous laryngitis is characterized by shortness of breath combined with a sensation of a lump in the throat.
- The phlegmonous form and abscesses of the larynx (purulent type of disease) are characterized by severe pain along with impaired swallowing (we are talking about choking, including liquid food).

The incubation period, as a rule, runs from several hours up to several days. The symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis are interrelated.
Forms of pathology
The following types of this disease are distinguished:
- Catarrhal laryngitis (this form will be discussed in more detail below) is a superficial inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.
- The infiltrative type manifests itself as edema of the larynx, the leading symptom is shortness of breath with difficulty breathing.
- Development of phlegmonous laryngitis, we are talking about a purulent lesion of the submucosal layer, which can spread to the adjacent tissue of the neck.
- The occurrence of chondroperichondritis of the larynx, which is a serious disease, against which inflammation can spread to the cartilage of the larynx.
- A localized form of acute laryngitis includes an abscess (the presence of an abscess located on the cartilage,which closes the entrance to the larynx).
Now let's find out what are the main reasons that affect the occurrence of the disease in question. The symptoms and treatment of acute catarrhal laryngitis are described below.
There can be a lot of reasons for the development of this pathology, for example:
- Consequence of contact with a patient with SARS.
- Getting hypothermia of the whole body or certain areas (head, legs, etc.).
- Due to breathing cold air.
- Infectious pathologies, for example, influenza, which is an acute viral disease characterized by severe intoxication in the form of weakness, weakness, aching muscles and joints, headache, fever up to 40 ° degrees. Whooping cough (an acute bacterial infection that causes a paroxysmal spasmodic cough) can cause laryngitis.
- Due to inhalation of irritants (caustic or hot vapour, very dusty air).
- A foreign body entering the larynx (for example, a fish bone).
- The result of vocal cord overexertion (due to strong crying, prolonged loud speech, especially in the cold).
- Smoking along with alcohol abuse.
- Spread of an infection from adjacent nearby organs (nose, paranasal sinuses, palatine tonsils, teeth).
- Against the background of esophageal reflux, when there is a reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. For this reason, irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx may occur. The manifestation of heartburn, belching is not excluded.
- The occurrence of allergies.
- The presence of chronic pathology, along with reduced immunity, contributes to the development of the disease.

Before treating acute laryngitis, an examination is necessary. As part of the diagnosis, patients are assigned the following studies:
- Analysis of complaints and anamnesis of pathology. In this case, the doctor is usually interested in whether the patient is worried about hoarseness, sore throat, shortness of breath. It is necessary to understand how long ago these complaints arose, whether hypothermia, contacts with patients with acute respiratory viral infections, and voice loads preceded their development.
- Performing a general inspection. As part of the external palpation, the larynx may be painful, the lymph nodes are often enlarged. In severe laryngitis, inflammation can spread to the tissue of the neck, which can be manifested by its swelling, redness.
- Laryngoscopy is performed using a laryngeal mirror or special endoscopes. Attention is drawn to the color of the mucosa (in the presence of acute inflammation, it is usually very reddened), there is swelling, mucus or pus in the larynx. In addition, it is important to analyze the width of the glottis (whether there is difficulty in breathing), impaired mobility of the larynx, limited swelling abscesses.
- You may also need to see a therapist.
Treatment of acute laryngitis
As part of the treatment, doctors prescribe the following therapy:
- First of all, patients are advised to limit the vocal load, it is better to give the cords complete rest. Need to talkin a calm voice, whispering is completely contraindicated, since with such speech the load on the larynx is even higher.
- It is recommended to exclude hot, spicy, cold and s alty foods with alcohol from the diet.
- Recommended to refrain from smoking.
- The indoor air must be humidified.
- Inhalation with anti-inflammatory antibacterial drugs is prescribed. Inhalations using mineral alkaline water are considered effective.
- In the otolaryngologist's office, drugs are infused into the larynx using a special syringe.
- Patients are prescribed antibiotics if needed.
- Physiotherapy is being performed, such as electrophoresis (moving particles of a medical component under the influence of an electric field).
- At the stage of remission of the disease, if there are complaints of hoarseness, breathing and voice exercises are prescribed, a lesson with a phonopedist is possible.
- Treatment of edematous laryngitis and abscesses of the larynx, as well as complicated forms that are accompanied by the development of stenosis (narrowing of the lumen and impaired passage of air into the respiratory canal), is performed in a hospital.
- In the presence of edematous laryngitis, antiallergic, decongestant and hormonal medications are prescribed.
- In an emergency, in case of suffocation, a tracheotomy is performed (an incision of the skin and underlying tissue on the neck and insertion of a special tube into the trachea).
- Abscess of the larynx is opened surgically, usually with local anesthesia.

If the symptoms of acute laryngitis in adults are not treated on time, serious complications may develop.
Complications and consequences
Various complications are possible, for example, the transition of pathology into a chronic form. With severe laryngitis or allergic edema, suffocation is possible. Purulent types of pathology can lead to the development of the following severe complications:
- The occurrence of phlegmon of the neck, when purulent inflammation of the tissues is observed.
- Development of mediastinitis, which is inflammation of the mediastinum (space in the middle regions of the chest cavity).
- The appearance of sepsis, when the infection spreads throughout the body through the blood.
- The appearance of a lung abscess, which consists in the formation of a cavity with pus in this organ.
The time of treatment of acute laryngitis depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
In the framework of prevention, first of all, it is necessary to be protected from otolaryngological pathologies:
- It is important to avoid hypothermia and drafts.
- Requires a he althy lifestyle in the form of outdoor activities, sports and the like.
- Hardening is no less necessary.
- You need to avoid contact with patients with otolaryngological pathologies.
- Use of personal protective equipment (we are talking about masks, gauze bandages, respirators) during contact with patients.
Among other things, as part of treatment and prevention, you will need:
- Coursemultivitamins and immunomodulators (drugs that affect the local immunity of the nose and throat) during the cold season.
- Compliance with the voice mode (it is necessary to avoid excessive speech loads, not talking for a long time in the cold).
- We must give up bad habits.
- Prevention and treatment of stomach diseases.
- Do not inhale irritants (caustic or hot fumes, very dusty air).
- Avoid getting foreign bodies into the larynx (such as fish bones).
- Treatment of allergic pathologies.
Below are medications for treating acute laryngitis in adults.

Overview of drugs
Drug treatment for a disease such as acute laryngitis is prescribed depending on the patient's symptoms:
- In the presence of pain and sore throat, it is advisable to use locally working antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of Tera-flu sprays, along with Ingalipt, Givalex, Angilex, or Strepsils lozenges, " Faringosept", "Trysils" and "Decatilen".
- In the case of a dry, paroxysmal, painful cough, codeine-containing antitussive drugs, such as Sinekod, are suitable.
- Against the background of a dry cough, expectorant herbal medicines are suitable. For example, Prospan contains ivy extract. The medicine "Alteika" has an extract of marshmallow, and in "Gerbion" there is an extract of plantain.
- On the backgroundproductive cough to thin sputum will certainly fit mucolytics. For example, preparations based on Ambroxol (this is, first of all, Ambrobene and Lazolvan). Medications with acetylcysteine - "ACC" and carbocysteine - "Flyuditek".
- If bacterial infections are suspected, an antibacterial topical agent called Bioparox may be prescribed.
What other drugs are used?
Typically, these are the following drugs for the treatment of acute laryngitis in adults:
- In the presence of severe laryngeal edema, patients are prescribed antihistamine antiallergic drugs - Lorano, Cetrina, Zodaka and Alerona.
- In order to improve immunity, multivitamins such as Alphavit, Multitabs, Duovita and immunomodulatory drugs, for example, echinacea extract along with Ribomunil, can be prescribed.
- Doctor MOM syrup contains an extract of medicinal plants with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator, expectorant effects. The drug is recommended for use in the presence of laryngitis, accompanied by an unproductive cough. Sputum discharge improves, dry cough is translated into a productive form. It is used by adults and children over the age of three. What else is used in the treatment of acute pharyngitis and laryngitis?
- The use of vegetable lozenges "Doctor MOM". This form of medication contains plant extracts that have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties. Lozenges arethe best choice for colds with dry cough among adults and are suitable in cases of lecturer's laryngitis, including.
- Doctor MOM ointment is suitable when laryngitis is accompanied by headaches or muscle discomfort in patients. This ointment helps to relieve these symptoms. The essential oils that are in its composition are distinguished by antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The ointment can be prescribed to children from three years old and to adult patients too.
It is worth noting that acute laryngitis does not act as a banal cold at all, but is a serious illness that can lead to dangerous complications. In this regard, it is very important to start therapy in a timely manner.

Treatment of acute laryngitis at home
When treating laryngitis at home, you can use the following proposed recipe for folk methods:
- When laryngitis occurs, the onion is rubbed on a grater and the gruel is placed in boiling milk, the product does not need to be boiled, but simply strained. Drink it warm at night. Repeat this for several days. Treatment of acute laryngitis with folk remedies can be very effective.
- When hoarseness appears or the voice sits down, or disappears altogether, take 100 grams of carrots and boil in 0.5 liters of milk, filter and drink a little. In the presence of laryngitis, rinsing with fresh cabbage juice helps. It can be drunk in small sips.
- Using multipleoranges a day is an excellent tool to help prevent colds and flu, and at the same time, a quick recovery.
- In the presence of acute laryngitis, a decoction of dried apples is very effective. It is taken in half a cup in hot form with honey twice. Treatment of acute laryngitis with folk remedies should be under the supervision of a physician.

A warm chamomile bath should be accompanied by inhalation of the vapors of this plant. Such treatment is very useful at the initial stage of colds and acute respiratory diseases. For this, 400 grams of inflorescences are poured with a bucket of boiling water, insisted for an hour and a half, filtered and poured into a bath. The water temperature is from thirty-eight to thirty-nine degrees. The duration of such treatment for acute laryngitis is ten to fifteen minutes.
About the catarrhal form
Catarrhal laryngitis is a disease of the larynx, which is characterized by an inflammatory nature and is usually manifested by an acute clinic in the form of sore throat, fever and general malaise.
This form of the disease is a widespread ailment that happens at least once in everyone's life. Such laryngitis is found in adults and children, it does not depend on gender. It is worth saying that it is the catarrhal type of laryngitis that is considered the mildest form downstream, since it manifests itself with not very pronounced symptoms and is often not accompanied by any complications.

True, this does not mean at all that such a disease in this form can be launched and not paid attention to the treatment of acute catarrhal laryngitis. Despite the fact that the disease almost never leads to complications, it can develop into a chronic stage, which will be much more difficult to get rid of. This should not be forgotten, and in the event of the appearance of the first symptoms of such a disease, one should begin to apply those methods that allow one to get rid of the disease. High-quality and fast therapy of catarrhal laryngitis is carried out today in any clinic. The main thing is not to neglect the help of specialists.
We covered the symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis.