Each person tolerates fever differently. Some can do daily activities at 38 degrees, while others at 37.2 cannot get out of bed. But, by the way, it is generally not recommended to bring down the temperature up to 38 degrees. However, there are also cases when, due to the presence of a chronic disease, fever is generally contraindicated for a person. We will not dwell on how to lower body temperature with the help of pharmaceutical chemicals, in other words, pills. Instructions for their use are included in each box. Let's talk about how to lower body temperature without the use of drugs. After all, there is such a category of people who cannot accept them, this includes small children.

Ways to lower body temperature without drugs
These methods are suitable for both adults and children of all ages. If you are determined to bring down the temperature, then act!
Stage one
The patient should be given hot tea or a fruit drink of raspberries, lemon and currants with honey. The first sign of the beginning of a decrease in temperature after taking this drink is the appearance on the bodysick sweat. But far from always this remedy is enough to lower the temperature. If the fever has not subsided, but continues to grow further, you must proceed to the next method.

Stage Two
Undress the patient completely and wipe his body with alcohol or vodka, leave to lie for some time without clothes until completely dry. For a person, this procedure is not entirely pleasant, since rather quickly he will begin to feel a strong cold. But its efficiency is very high. The high efficiency is explained by the fact that due to the rapid evaporation of alcohol, the temperature decreases. In the case when the question arises of how to reduce the high temperature in a child, this method has no equal. It is for this reason that this method is widely used in children's clinics. Especially when you need to lower the patient's body temperature very quickly without the use of drugs.

Stage Three
In the event that the first two methods did not help you or you simply could not use them, there is another very effective method for fever. Open your home first aid kit and check what antipyretic is there. Insert a suppository into the anus (you can paracetamol). If there was no such thing in the house, but there are only tablets, then you need to take one, put it on the edge of a paper sheet, cover it with the free side of the paper on top, knock with any hard object, grinding it into powder. Then pour it into a glasswarm boiled water (100 grams). You need to mix well. In an enema, collect the contents and inject the patient into the anus. And even though the procedure is generally unpleasant, the effect of it will follow immediately. The drug from the rectum is absorbed immediately. The waiting time for the start of its action is only a few minutes. This method is very good for patients who have not eaten for a long time.
Stage Four
After the effective impact of one of the above methods, the patient must be laid down, covering him with a blanket, and create good conditions for sleep.