Effective and safe choleretic drugs

Effective and safe choleretic drugs
Effective and safe choleretic drugs

Bile is a biological fluid that is formed as a result of the process of the liver cells. Like all other biological processes in the human body, the outflow of the secretion of the gallbladder must be constantly carried out during meals, otherwise serious he alth problems may arise. If there is stagnation, then after the examination, specialists prescribe choleretic drugs to patients.

The role of bile in the process of the body

A person has a small sac called the gallbladder under the liver. It is he who serves as an accumulating vessel, from where the release of biological fluid occurs during food intake. As soon as food enters the stomach, a substance is released from the gallbladder, which then passes into the duodenum and simplifies the mechanism for digesting food.

The main functions of the bile secretion:

  • stimulation of the process of digestion of food, improvement of intestinal motility;
  • promotes better absorption of nutrients, vitamins;
  • breakdown of fats and removal of various toxins and other decay products.
congestion of bile in the gallbladder
congestion of bile in the gallbladder

The liquid itself is darkbrown, yellow or greenish in color and bitter in taste. If the gallbladder is disrupted and bile stasis occurs, such a violation can be identified by a number of specific symptoms:

  • bitter in the mouth (even on an empty stomach);
  • possible vomiting of bile, which occurs, as a rule, with an empty stomach (signals a strong accumulation of secretion);
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea;
  • itching of the skin and feet;
  • yellow skin tone;
  • periodic swelling around the neck and chin;
  • throat problems (itching, hoarseness, belching);
  • whitish coating on the tongue;
  • discomfort in the region of the heart (especially after eating);
  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervous state and exacerbation of fears (mainly at night).

Ignoring the symptoms can only aggravate the disease and lead to consequences such as the appearance of sand and stones in the bladder.

Causes of the disease

The main detrimental factors that directly affect the functioning of the gallbladder include:

  • increased nervousness,
  • instability of the emotional background;
  • consumption of cholesterol food;
  • unbalanced diet, lack of a rational diet;
  • very low physical activity;
  • overweight;
  • taking specific medications;
  • weak abdominal muscles.

Here I would like to analyze separately such a reason for the violationoutflow of bile, like an inflection of the gallbladder. Cholagogue drugs with this diagnosis are also prescribed. But first, about the pathology itself.

So, the inflection of the gallbladder is a common pathological condition of the anatomical shape of the organ. As a result, there is a violation of the functions of the organ - a decrease in synthesis and a deterioration in the excretion of secretions, stagnation of bile, etc.

The inflection can be congenital (the onset of pathology occurs in the fifth week of the gestation period, when this organ is formed in the embryo) or acquired. And if in the first option it is hardly possible to do something to prevent pathology, then in the second option, the person is often guilty himself.

Causes of acquired inflection in an adult:

  • an increase in the digestive organ or nearby (kidney, liver);
  • hypermobility of the bladder;
  • violated (or its complete absence) diet - either starvation or overeating;
  • eating fatty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • kink under the influence of physical exertion, in particular weight lifting, a fixed state in a sitting position, sharpness of movements;
  • obesity;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages (especially carbonated);
  • omission of internal organs with sudden weight loss (due to diets as well).

No list of symptoms is usually given for disorders caused by this cause. But if the deformation of the organ is obvious, then the signs include:

  • constipation/diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • attacks of nausea/vomiting;
  • heartburn/burping;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • bloating and heaviness after meals;
  • excessive sweating.

At the same time, dull pain can radiate not only to the right side, but also to the collarbone, spine and even to the cervical region.

stomach ache
stomach ache

The degree of kinks also varies, and depending on the state of neglect, symptoms may intensify. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of stagnant bile

When there is a malfunction of the gallbladder and the removal of its secret, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it.

As medical practice shows, specialists use complex therapy, combining diet, physical culture and taking choleretic drugs.

Medications are designed to eliminate pain syndromes, simplify the mechanism of throwing the substance, prevent the recurrence of the disease, and block secondary pathologies.

Prescribing choleretic drugs for bile stasis are classified into three groups:

  • cholespasmolytics;
  • cholekinetics;
  • choleretics.

Each group of the listed is assigned depending on the mechanism of action of active substances, as well as depending on the method of application of the drug.


Cholespasmolytics group

Drugs in this group have different origins and are aimed at reducing spasms (tonus) ingallbladder and bile ducts (including intrahepatic), facilitating the excretion of bile into the intestines.

These choleretic drugs are prescribed for stagnation of the secret and are called:

  • reduce biliary spasms;
  • reduce sphincter spasms;
  • eliminate pain in the liver;
  • improve the process of excretion of bile when spasms in some areas.

Cholespasmolytics are usually prescribed as an immediate aid for various diseases of the liver and nearby organs. Such drugs are taken in short courses. Their main goal is to relieve pain during increased activity of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. indications for use:

  • gallstone disease;
  • hepatic colic;
  • dysmotility of the biliary tract;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholestasis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • painful spasms due to tumor growth.

In this group, drugs are divided into subgroups:

  • vegetable - "Holagol" and various tinctures: mint, St. John's wort, lemon balm, marigold flowers, arnica, elecampane and more;
  • artificial (derived synthetically) - "Papaverine", "Aminophylline", "Duspatalin", "Drotaverine", as well as their analogues;
  • anticholinergics (drugs that block or weaken the effect of acetylcholine, which is responsible for the presence of excitation of the nervous system) - "Atropine", "Metacin", "Platifillin", "Besalol",Spasmolytin.
gallbladder treatment
gallbladder treatment

Cholekinetic group

The choleretic drugs of this group are designed primarily to restore the function of contraction of the bile ducts, thereby returning the increased tone of the bladder. Such funds are prescribed for chronic forms of cholecystitis and hepatitis, gastritis (provided that the level of hydrochloric acid secretion is zero or lowered), before duodenal sounding.

What of this group is prescribed for bile stasis? Cholagogue preparations "Berberis plus", "Sorbitol", "Xylitol", "Holosas", "Flamin", "Mannitol", "Magnesia".

Choleric Group

This category of drugs is aimed at improving the functional abilities of the liver, increases the volume of bile. Medicines of this group are prescribed for:

  • cholestasis;
  • violation of the stool (constipation);
  • chronic form of liver disease (steatosis, hepatitis);
  • chronic inflammatory processes and biliary dyskinesia.

Choleretics are also divided into subgroups depending on their origin:

  • True - these preparations include an extract of natural bile from animals, plant extracts and biologically active substances of animal origin. The most famous means: "Hologon", "Aplohol", "Holenzim", "Liobil".
  • Artificial (they are based on components that were bredchemically) - combined drugs that have antibacterial, antispasmodic and antiphlogistic effects. Representatives of this subgroup: Osalmid, Tsikvalon and Nicodin.
  • Vegetable (with choleretic action) - aimed at reducing the viscosity of the bile secretion, activating its secretion and emissions. At the same time, they affect the functioning of the liver, bringing it to normalization. The list of choleretic herbal preparations of this subgroup is quite large, but the most popular are Hofitol, Febihol, Insadol, Travohol.

They also distinguish a type of medicinal medicines that are designed to reduce the index of supersaturation of bile with cholesterol. Such funds are prescribed mainly for the prevention of the formation of stones in the gallbladder, in addition, they help to dissolve existing ones. Bright representatives of this group: "Ursolit", "Ursodeks", "Urdoks" and "Livodex".

Also, choleretic drugs are divided according to the method of application, regardless of the group. Here the gradation takes place according to the principle of taking the medicine, that is:

  • on an empty stomach, 15-30 minutes before a meal (this category includes all drugs, tinctures, decoctions of plant origin) - can stimulate the secretion of food glands;
  • during meals - drugs with gastric juice substitutes;
  • after meals - preparations with bile substitutes.

And here a very important nuance will be precisely the time interval for taking medications. Recommendeddrink the drug at the same time. Do not worry: each drug has its own instructions for use, which clearly spell out the algorithm for taking.

treatment method
treatment method

Therapy of acquired disease

If the bend is congenital, there is no special need for therapy. The patient can even live with such a diagnosis all his life and not experience any discomfort. But a person with an acquired form of the disease necessarily needs treatment.

In case of inflection, choleretic drugs are prescribed with antispasmodic and choleretic effects. Only a doctor can choose an effective treatment program, taking into account the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. At the same time, the program should be comprehensive and include, in addition to medicines, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and a special diet.

What drugs to take for biliary inflection? There are a lot of choleretic drugs, so we list only those that doctors usually prescribe to their patients:

  • "Gepabene". The main goal is to support liver functions, remove bile secretions, and relieve pain.
  • "Allohol" - its basis is cattle bile, nettle and garlic extracts, which stimulate the production of fluid in the gallbladder and improve the function of the ducts.
  • "Flamin" is a complex drug with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, analgesic and antispasmodic action.
  • "Odeston" is an excellent remedy that relieves pain syndromes, promotes the release of bilesecret, but has side effects and contraindications, which must be taken into account before using the drug.
  • "Hofitol" - helps to organize the protection of the liver, eliminate the stagnation of bile, and also relieves pain.

Ursofalk (and its analogues) is often prescribed for stagnation in the gallbladder with choleretic drugs. But it is usually taken in cases where gallstones are found.

Chile-expelling drugs for children

It should be borne in mind that the treatment of gallbladder diseases in an adult will differ significantly from the treatment of children. And here, not every drug is suitable.

In general, medical practice tries to exclude such cases when children under 12 years of age are prescribed drugs to improve the outflow of bile. By the way, like pregnant women. But if the situation is such that drug therapy will do more good than harm, they resort to taking medication. The doctor will calculate the dosage individually based on the body weight and condition of the baby.

So, with problems with the bile, a small patient will be disturbed by symptoms that are almost the same as those observed in adults, namely:

  • loss of appetite;
  • presence of a whitish coating on the tongue;
  • loose stools/constipation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching with bad smell;
  • bitter in the mouth;
  • very poor tolerance to physical activity;
  • headaches, fatigue and lethargy;
  • pain in the right side and so on.

If, after the examination, the ailment is confirmed and the baby cannot avoid taking medications, you should still know what choleretic drugs are not forbidden to him. The choice is not so small.

flamin from stagnation of bile
flamin from stagnation of bile

For example, Holaflux is a herbal choleretic drug prescribed for chronic forms of cholecystitis, disruption of the bladder and its ducts. Helps facilitate the flow of bile. They release this medicine in the form of a herbal collection so that you can prepare it in the form of tea (which makes it very easy for the baby to take the medicine). Instructions for use confirm its safety, as the drug has no side effects.

But the herbal preparation "Cholagogum" can be prescribed to eliminate the main symptoms, and during recovery after therapy. Available in capsules, which contributes to the rapid dissolution of active ingredients directly in the stomach.

What else helps the outflow of secretions during stagnation? A good choleretic drug is Allohol. Also a natural remedy. It affects the functioning of the liver, improving the release of bile. In addition to herbal ingredients, it contains dry animal bile.

"Holenzim". Combined preparation that contains enzymes that promote digestion. It includes, like the previous preparation, dry animal bile mixed with herbs.

"Flamin". This drug is simply the favorite of many parents who confirm its effectiveness. The herbal preparation containsimmortelle, which stimulates the release of fluid from the bladder. The forms of its release simply have no boundaries: ointments, tablets, teas, suspensions. Parents also emphasize that this medicine should still be taken from 5 years old.

Barberine tablets are contraindicated only for pregnant women. A herbal remedy is produced in tablets, which include the active substances of the roots and leaves of barberry. Cholagogue with antispasmodic effect.

"Odeston" is prescribed for children aged 10 years and over. A wonderful herbal medicine that comes in the form of tablets. Its task is not only the synthesis and release of bile secretion, but also the prevention of the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Medicines for pregnancy

In cases where a woman is carrying a fetus, choleretic drugs during stagnation in the liver are selected with the exception of the possibility of stimulating uterine contractions. An equally important nuance is the possibility of transporting the drug through the placental barrier.

Doctors usually prescribe such drugs: Holosas, Atropine, Papaverine, magnesia and valerian are also in demand.

Medication forms

The bulk of the choleretic drugs taken for stagnation of bile in the gallbladder is presented in the form of tablets and herbal preparations. But there are other dosage forms: suspensions and powders.

syrup Holosas
syrup Holosas

The group of suspensions includes the following drugs:

  • "Holosas" - is produced in the form of brown viscous syrup(dark yellow) shade. The suspension has a very pronounced rosehip aroma, since the active substance of the drug is the fruits of this plant. The excipient is sucrose. The drug is contained in dark glass bottles of 130 and 300 ml.
  • "Ursofalk" is a homogeneous suspension of white color, which has a persistent lemon flavor. Small air bubbles are acceptable. The active substance is ursodeoxycholic acid. It goes on sale in dark glass bottles, the volume is 250 ml.
  • "Hofitol" is a thick solution based on water, which includes an extract of field artichoke leaves (active substance). Has an orange scent. The drug solution also goes on sale in dark glass containers with a volume of 120 ml;
  • "Cholagol" is a medicine in the form of drops that are taken orally. The volume of a dark glass bottle containing a drop solution is 10 ml. Comes with a dropper dispenser. The composition of the drug includes several active ingredients, such as: essential oils of mint and eucalyptus, frangulomodin, turmeric root, magnesium salicylate. The peculiarity of these drops lies in the method of taking the drug - before eating, you need to drop up to 10 drops per 1 piece of refined sugar (and so three times a day). With severe colic, the dose can be increased to 20 drops at a time.
drug ursofalk
drug ursofalk

What other choleretic drugs exist? When bile stasis in the gallbladder, doctors often prescribe drugs in powder form, for example:

  • "Decholine" is a drug in the form of a colorless powder that dissolves perfectly in water. It tastes bitter. The volume of the sachet is 5 g. Also on sale you can find 5-20% solutions for intravenous injections. The solution has a slightly alkaline reaction. Able to increase the secretion of bile within 3 minutes, maintaining its effect for about 3 hours.
  • "flamin" - small granules of various shapes of light yellow color (gray with a yellow tint is allowed). It is odorless, but allow for a slightly perceptible specific aroma. The granules are contained in paper packages weighing 1.38 grams. The active ingredient is flamin (flowers of the sand immortelle).

Regardless of the form of the drug being produced, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist before starting therapy. Only a qualified doctor will be able to prescribe a suitable choleretic drug that will help to cope with the disease. Finally, we list the most popular remedies, based on patient reviews.

The best choleretic drugs

A person suffering from bile stasis tries to eliminate the cause of his poor he alth as soon as possible. Sometimes you can cope with the help of folk remedies, but more often it happens that people do not pay attention to body signals and ignore the first symptoms. In advanced cases, an integrated approach with the use of drugs is required. Of course, we are talking about the safest and most effective choleretic drugs. With stagnation of bile in the liver or gallbladder, from the entire range, the first thing to do is often prescribed"Alloloch". Its advantage is a low price, but the effectiveness of this does not decrease. The popularity of the product is due to its natural composition with the addition of animal bile. In addition, "Alloloch" improves the digestive process in general.

allohol tablets
allohol tablets

"Odeston" is also popular, despite the fact that it belongs to the category of synthetic products. Its active substance is hymecromone, which acts on the mechanism of bile ejection. Prevents the formation of stones in the bladder. But you should be careful when using it, as the drug has a number of contraindications.

But "Flamin" is the idol of those who give their preference to natural and herbal preparations based on various herbs. Its advantage is that it acts in several directions at once: it improves the production of bile, tones the gallbladder, eliminates spasms in the ducts, is able to thin the secret, and has an antibacterial effect. It has a positive effect on the entire functioning of the digestive system. But it has some contraindications, which are also worth considering and discussing with a specialist before starting therapy.

Any of the listed choleretic drugs can normalize the outflow of secretions and the activity of the gallbladder as a whole. But will this effect last? Here, as luck would have it. Do not be treated, hoping for a chance! If you find symptoms that indicate stagnation of bile, contact a medical institution for timely and professional help.
