Types of asthma, classification and diagnostic features

Types of asthma, classification and diagnostic features
Types of asthma, classification and diagnostic features

Of all respiratory diseases, it is bronchial asthma that has the greatest variety of forms and types. Among the main signs, wheezing with wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing fits can be distinguished. Despite the similarity of symptoms, the main principle of diagnosis is the identification of provoking factors.

Regardless of the type of asthma, all the therapeutic methods used are the same, but in the presence of complications, the treatment regimen may vary slightly.

Classification of disease by etiology

According to their occurrence, doctors distinguish such types of asthma as endogenous, exogenous and mixed origin. With an exogenous form, the signs arise as a result of irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs with allergens coming from the external environment. These include:

  • animal wool;
  • dust;
  • mold;
  • plant pollen.

Endogenous typedisease occurs in response to changes that occur within the body. Provoking factors include diseases of a non-infectious and infectious nature, stress and nervous disorders.

Feature of asthma
Feature of asthma

If attacks occur as a result of exposure to several stimuli, then this type of disease is a mixed type.

Atopic form

Atopic asthma is associated with exogenous factors. The attack occurs as a result of exposure to the epithelium and wool of animals, plant allergens. This is an obstructive type of chronic disease.

Genetic predisposition has a primary role in the development of the disease. This type of asthma is very common, and doctors note a progressive increase in this pathology. It often occurs in men and begins to develop at about 10 years of age. Among the main causes of the disease can be identified such as:

  • animal wool;
  • house dust;
  • mushroom spores;
  • drugs;
  • plant pollen.

Despite the fact that the clinical picture of all types of the disease is approximately the same, there are certain differences. Atopic asthma is characterized by the occurrence of precursors, in particular, such as sore throat, runny nose. After that, characteristic symptoms begin to increase, namely:

  • red eyes;
  • suffocation;
  • unproductive cough.

Breathing becomes hoarse and difficult on exhalation: the patient takesforced position for better air access.

Even during remission, inflammation persists on the walls of the bronchi. If the course of the disease is prolonged, then the changes become irreversible.

Infectious form

The infectious type of asthma differs from the allergenic one in that in the second case, swelling of the mucous membrane and spasm occurs when tissues are irritated by an allergen. The infectious type of the disease develops when bacteria and viruses enter the respiratory system. In many cases, pathogens become the cause of the onset of the development of allergies. They make the mucosa more permeable, weaken the body, which often leads to a chronic course of the disease.

This form of asthma is quite rare in children. It is mainly observed in people aged 30-40 years. However, the more often a child has colds, the higher the likelihood of obstruction in the future.

cardiac asthma
cardiac asthma

In patients with this form of asthma, complications develop faster and more often, in particular, such as heart failure, emphysema, pneumosclerosis. The attack occurs as a result of damage by bacteria and the course of respiratory diseases. Among the main manifestations, one can single out fever, fever, and when coughing, sputum with pus impurities. Shortness of breath is already permanent, and the attack is aggravated by weakness and fever.

Atypical shape

There are several types of asthma that are not included in the usual classification. These include aspirin and professional. The aspirin form develops as a result of asthma, the presence of polypous formations, as well as the intake of certain medications.

As a result of ongoing pathological processes, a polyectomy begins, against which asthma develops. In the presence of these diseases, a person begins to take anti-inflammatory drugs that provoke cell sensitization. The attack can last for 2 hours. The complexity of the treatment lies in the fact that such patients are contraindicated in the use of certain drugs, as they can further increase inflammation. Anaphylactic shock may be a complication.

The occupational form of the disease is associated with the specifics of work. Asthma often develops in people who work with substances that release immunoglobulins. This group includes substances such as:

  • metals, polymers;
  • flavored oils;
  • allergens of biological origin;
  • resin and sawdust;
  • coal dust;
  • concentrates for the manufacture of medicines and vaccines.

The pathogenesis of such a disease is associated with the constant presence of irritating elements in the respiratory system. As a result, the metabolism deteriorates. Since tissues are constantly exposed to irritation, they begin to atrophy. The main principle of therapy is the exclusion of contact with an infectious agent.

Non-allergenic form

Non-allergic asthma ICD 10 J45.1 differs in that it occurs when exposed to various stimuli. To the mainprovoking factors include:

  • smells of paints, alcohol solutions, perfumes;
  • cold air;
  • changes in temperature and changing weather conditions;
  • laughter and sharp exhalation.

Despite the fact that this type of disease does not depend on provoking factors and proceeds like all other forms of asthma, its main difference lies in the provoking factors.

In the later stages of the course of the disease, a person begins to experience a very strong fear of an attack. That is why during the treatment, an allergist, a pulmonologist, a therapist, as well as a psychotherapist work with the patient.

Shape of physical tension

Many asthma sufferers experience flare-ups after exercise, and for some, this factor becomes the main cause of the attack. Symptoms in this case are mild and last about 10-15 minutes, and in some cases, can last for an hour.

exercise asthma
exercise asthma

According to studies, the main cause of an attack is irritation of nerve endings. Sometimes the reflex can be triggered by a change in temperature, which is observed with increased breaths.

Other forms of the disease

There are also other types of disease, among which it is necessary to highlight infectious-allergic asthma. The cause of its occurrence is the chronic presence of infection in the respiratory tract. This form of asthma is often diagnosed in adult patients and is veryrarely in children. The presence of constant inflammation becomes the main cause of changes in the anatomical structure and functions of the bronchi, namely:

  • reducing their volume;
  • muscle gain;
  • increased pathological response to a stimulus.

Such changes lead to very serious breathing problems. After a while, signs of an allergy begin to develop. Remission is replaced by periods of exacerbation, during which one can observe the course of many pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Mixed asthma occurs under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors and has signs of both of these types of disease.

Using an inhaler
Using an inhaler

The cardiac form of the disease is characterized by the fact that attacks occur only in adult patients who suffer from heart failure or related chronic heart disease. During its course, there is no decrease in the lumen of the bronchi. Breathing is difficult, however, this occurs as a result of the occurrence of cardiac pathologies.

Nocturnal asthma is characterized by shortness of breath and feeling unwell during sleep. The causes of this form of the disease have not yet been fully studied, there are only a few hypotheses regarding its origin.

Unspecified asthma ICD 10 J45.9 occurs mainly in old age. Its main causes have not been fully established, however, experts believe that it is formed against the background of a prolonged inflammatory process in the bronchi.


According to the severity of asthma, there are such as:

  • intermittent;
  • light;
  • moderate;
  • severe persistent.

When intermittent asthma attacks occur quite rarely, less than 1 time per week. When determining the severity, the occurrence of seizures during sleep is taken into account. They can be no more than 2 times a month. At the same time, it should be noted that the performance remains within the normal range.

Mild severity is characterized by much more frequent attacks. In the daytime, they can be up to 1 time per week, and at night - 2 times a month or more. At this time, the patient's he alth deteriorates sharply, he sleeps poorly, fatigue and weakness are noted.

When moderate asthma occurs, the symptoms of the disease are observed daily. At night, attacks can be more than 1 time per week. In a severe degree, a person completely loses his ability to work, and attacks are observed daily.

Main symptoms

Patients need to understand very precisely how asthma starts. Symptoms of the course of the disease may be as follows:

  • constant debilitating cough;
  • loud wheezing with a whistle;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • choking.

When an adult has an attack, he has to breathe through his mouth. At the same time, the neck, shoulders and torso are very tense. When the airways narrow, inhaling is much easier than exhaling.

Asthma symptoms
Asthma symptoms

Whenbronchospasm from the lungs does not completely exit the air and there is a slight swelling. When an adult suffers from asthma for a long time, the so-called “pigeon chest” develops.

If the patient has a very severe form of asthma, then a characteristic whistle will not be heard in the airways, since there is no way to take a full breath, and it is even more difficult to exhale.


Treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children begins only after a comprehensive diagnosis. Initially, the doctor performs an external examination, collects a history of the course of the disease, and also sends for research. When making a diagnosis, data such as:

  • seizure frequency;
  • main symptoms;
  • test results.
Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

Sputum analysis and X-rays are required. A special diagnostic technique is the study of breathing. In this case, the force, frequency and speed of inspiration are necessarily taken into account. Treatment should be carried out only by a qualified doctor, as with improperly performed therapy, various kinds of complications may occur.

Features of treatment

Given the clinical guidelines for bronchial asthma, therapy must necessarily be multi-stage. According to this approach, the amount of treatment largely depends on the activity of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. After eliminating contact with the provocative factor, to eliminate spasm, applydrugs such as:

  • neurostimulants and antispasmodics;
  • bronchodilatory beta-adrenergic agonists;
  • corticosteroids;
  • anticholinergics.

Treatment of bronchial asthma in adults must necessarily be comprehensive and long-term in order to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form and prevent the occurrence of complications.

The patient must have an inhaler on hand and know how to use it correctly. In bronchial asthma, clinical guidelines for the treatment of this disease in children, adolescents and adults imply the use of the same drugs, however, in different dosages and combinations. It is worth noting that medicines are selected strictly individually based on the existing symptoms.

Asthma treatment
Asthma treatment

It is very important to provide emergency care for cardiac asthma to the patient during transport to the hospital. If there is an overexcitation of the respiratory center, accompanied by frequent breathing, then drugs from the group of narcotic analgesics should be used. In the presence of strong psychomotor agitation, antipsychotics are additionally indicated.

It is worth noting that timely emergency care for cardiac asthma will help maintain normal lung and heart function and avoid death. After the attack is eliminated, subsequent treatment is carried out in a hospital. Exercise therapy is important for asthma, however, it is worth noting that only a qualified doctor should select all exercises. A special complex will help normalize breathing and prolong the period of remission.
