In the article we will consider effective drugs for bronchial asthma.
This pathology is chronic. Its development can be provoked by various factors, both internal and external. People diagnosed with this disease must undergo a comprehensive course of drug treatment. Such therapy allows you to eliminate the pathological symptoms that accompany asthma. Any drug for this disease should be prescribed only by a highly specialized specialist after a comprehensive diagnosis, as well as establishing the exact cause of its development.

Each specialist in bronchial asthma prescribes a new generation of drugs. Such medications do not have serious side effects, moreover, they are more effective and well tolerated by patients. For each person, the allergist selects an individual therapy regimen, which includes not only taking pills fromasthma, but also the use of drugs intended for external use. However, oral and inhalation agents are considered the main ones, which help to quickly eliminate the attack and prevent the development of suffocation in the patient. Physicians generally adhere to the following guidelines when treating asthma with medication:
- quick elimination of symptoms that accompanies the pathological condition of the patient;
- seizure prevention;
- help the patient to stabilize the respiratory function;
- timely implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing relapses;
- minimizing the number of medications a patient needs to take to improve their condition.
Let's consider asthma medications in more detail.
Essential Asthma Drugs
This group of medicines is used by patients daily to relieve the symptoms that accompany the pathological process, and to prevent the occurrence of new attacks. Thanks to basic therapy, people experience significant relief.

The main medicines that can eliminate inflammation, swelling and other allergic manifestations include:
- antihistamines;
- inhalers;
- bronchodilators;
- antileukotriene drugs;
- corticosteroids;
- long-acting theophyllines;
- cromons.
So, what is on the asthma medication list?
These drugs have many side effects, so they are used primarily to relieve an acute asthmatic attack. Experts recommend that patients during an exacerbation use the following drugs:
- "Ammonium" Quaternary, non-adsorbable.
- "Atropine sulfate".
Anticholinergics are called effective drugs that block the interaction of cholinergic receptors and acetylcholine. The latter causes a number of specific reactions in the body: dilation of blood vessels, slowing of heart rhythms, decrease in intraocular pressure, increased secretion of glands, activation of bronchial muscle contraction.
Effective hormonal drugs
Often prescribed drugs for bronchial asthma, which contain hormonal components. These include:
- Bekotid;
- Berotek;
- "Ingakort";
- "Salbutamol";
- Aldecin;
- "Intal";
- "Tayled";
- "Pulmicort";
- "Beklazon";
- Budesonide.

Cromones category
These medications are prescribed to patients who develop inflammation during the development of bronchial asthma. The active ingredients present in the preparations can inhibit the production of mast cells, which reduce the lumen of the bronchi andprovoke the development of inflammation. Such drugs are not used to relieve asthmatic attacks, and are not used in childhood (under 6 years).
Cough medicines for bronchial asthma from the cromones category:
- Undocromil;
- "Intal";
- "Ketoprofen";
- "Kromglikat";
- "Ketotifen";
- "Tayled";
- Cromoline;
- Kromgeksal.
Non-hormonal drug category
During combination therapy of bronchial asthma, doctors prescribe some non-hormonal drugs, which include:
- Foradil;
- "Formoterol";
- "Salmeter";
- Oxys;
- "Singular";
- Serevent.
Antileukotriene group
These drugs are used in inflammatory processes accompanied by bronchospasm. This pathological phenomenon is often observed in bronchial asthma. This condition poses a threat to the life of the patient. Therefore, the spasm must be quickly eliminated, and this is done with the help of the following pharmacological preparations:
- "Formoterol";
- Zafirlukast;
- "Salmeterol";
- Montelukast.

These medications can be used to treat an asthmatic attack in a child.
What other medicines are effective for asthma attacks?
Group of systemic glucocorticoids
In the implementation of a comprehensivetreatment of bronchial asthma, such medications are prescribed to patients extremely rarely, since they have many side effects. Each drug from this pharmacological category is able to have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. The active elements present in them inhibit the processes of sputum production, minimize sensitivity to allergens. The following drugs are included in this category:
- Metipred;
- "Dexamethasone";
- Celeston;
- "Prednisolone";
- "Pulmicort";
- "Beklazon";
- Budesonide;
- Aldecin.
Medicines that belong to this category are prescribed by specialists, as a rule, in order to eliminate asthmatic attacks, for example, suffocation. They are able to relieve inflammation and spasms in the bronchi.

The following medications are recommended for patients:
- "Symbicort";
- Foradil;
- "Salmeterol";
- Ventolin;
- "Formoterol";
- "Salbutamol";
- Seretide.
Medicines-aerosols for bronchial asthma are sold in pharmacies.
If the patient has an exacerbation of the pathological process, then his bronchial tracts begin to fill with masses of thick consistency that interfere with the normal respiratory process. In this case, experts appointdrugs that quickly and effectively remove sputum. These medicines include:
- "Bromhexine";
- "Mukodyn";
- "Acetylcysteine";
- "Solvil";
- Bizolvon;
- Ambroxol;
- "Lazolvan".
Inhalation drugs
When treating bronchial asthma, special devices are often used that are designed for inhalation. These include:
- Inhalers are compact devices that almost all asthmatics have with them, since they can be used to quickly relieve an attack. Before using it, it is necessary to turn the drug over, insert it into the oral cavity and press a special valve that doses the medicine. As soon as the drug enters the respiratory system, the asthmatic attack is eliminated.
- Spacer. Such a medical device is a special camera that must be put on a balloon with a medical aerosol. The patient injects the medicine into the spacer and then takes a deep breath. If necessary, it is allowed to put a mask on the camera, through which a child or adult can inhale the medicine for bronchial asthma.

Inhalation drugs
Currently, the relief of asthma attacks through inhalation is the most effective method of therapy. This is due to the fact that immediately after inhalation, all medicinal elements penetratedirectly into the respiratory system, resulting in the best and fastest therapeutic effect.
For people with asthma, it is the speed of first aid that is of paramount importance, because in its absence, the pathological condition for them can end fatally. Many doctors prescribe inhalations to patients, in the implementation of which medications from the category of glucocorticosteroids should be involved. This choice is due to the fact that the active ingredients in such medicines can have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. The most commonly recommended drugs are:
- Beclomed;
- "Ingakort";
- "Benacort";
- "Beclomethasone";
- Fluticasone;
- Bekotid;
- Flixoid.
The list of drugs for bronchial asthma from this pharmacological group is actively prescribed by specialists in order to stop acute asthma attacks. Due to the fact that such drugs are supplied to the patient's body in inhalation form, dosed, the possibility of overdose is excluded. Thus, children with bronchial asthma who are under 3 years old can also undergo treatment. When treating this category of patients, specialists should most carefully determine the dose of the drug and monitor the course of treatment. Children, as a rule, are prescribed the same groups of medications as adults. They are faced with the only task - to eliminate the signs of the inflammatory process andasthma symptoms.

Asthma is an incurable pathology, however, through a well-chosen therapeutic regimen, patients can significantly alleviate their condition and transfer the disease to the stage of stable remission.
Which medicine for bronchial asthma is better to choose, the doctor will tell.
Medical Benefit List
According to statistics, bronchial asthma is now, without exaggeration, the most pressing problem of modern medicine, since the incidence of this disease among children has recently increased significantly.
According to scientific and medical research in the Russian Federation, 5–15% of adolescents and children suffer from this disease. This is well above the average allowable level. The frequency of severe cases of the disease has also increased, which is accompanied by a long-term relapse. Recall that all patients who are clinically registered are provided with preferential medicines for bronchial asthma free of charge.
In Russia, today the right to preferential provision of medications for patients with bronchial asthma is prescribed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994. As a result of the adoption of this regulatory document, both adults and children can receive basic drugs free of charge. The list of free medicines for bronchial asthma today contains the following medicines:
- Ambroxol;
- "Aminophylline";
- "Acetylcysteine";
- "Beclomethasone";
- "Bromhexine";
- "Formoterol" and "Budesonide" (both in combination and separately);
- "Dornase alpha";
- Cromoglycic acid;
- "Fenoterol" and "Ipratropium bromide" (both together and separately);
- "Salmeterol" (as a single drug, and in combination with the drug "Fluticasone");
- "Nafazoline";
- "Tiotropium bromide";
- "Salbutamol";
- Theophylline.
It should be noted that this is not the whole list of possible free drugs. This list of medicines for bronchial asthma in children and adults can be supplemented with other medicines thanks to special humanitarian and territorial programs, as well as in situations where these medicines do not have the proper effect on the body (the decision is made by the medical council).

This drug has a pronounced mucolytic expectorant effect. Often it is prescribed to patients who have revealed the presence of pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system with sputum difficult to separate. The drug has several forms of release with certain specifics of use.
Ambroxol tablets contain 30 mg of the active drug component. According to the instructions, taking such a drug is necessary in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, asthma, bronchitis, to prevent mucus from entering the lungs. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, but can be extended according tothe discretion of the attending physician. The method of use is as follows: you should drink after eating, you need to drink water; the first 3 days, one pill three times a day, and then twice.
Asthma is diagnosed by an allergist or general practitioner (in children, the initial diagnosis is made by a pediatrician). After that, the patient is referred for a consultation with a pulmonologist. It is this narrow specialist who refutes or confirms the established diagnosis. He must issue a conclusion indicating the identified pathology and recommendations for its treatment. In addition, these specialists issue referrals for subsidized medicines.
We looked at which medications are most effective for bronchial asthma.