Heartburn from coffee: causes and how to get rid of it. Cheap and effective remedies for heartburn

Heartburn from coffee: causes and how to get rid of it. Cheap and effective remedies for heartburn
Heartburn from coffee: causes and how to get rid of it. Cheap and effective remedies for heartburn

Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation that occurs in the stomach area when eating different foods. Often coffee lovers face a problem when it appears immediately after drinking a drink. What if you don’t want to give up a cup of coffee in the morning and endure heartburn, too, no longer has the strength?

Does the drink cause heartburn?

Heartburn from coffee is quite possible. The fact is that caffeine, which is contained in the drink, irritates the gastric mucosa, and this additionally causes an increased release of hydrochloric acid. Burning becomes permanent if you drink coffee in the morning and on an empty stomach. As a result, all this can lead to serious diseases such as ulcers and gastritis.

what to drink for heartburn
what to drink for heartburn

If a person has such attacks every day, then you should immediately change your diet and give up morning coffee, at least on an empty stomach.

Causes of heartburn

If heartburn occurs from coffee, the reasons can be very different. It should be noted that caffeine can affectthe body is complex. The alkaloid contained in the drink can activate the activity of organs and systems. It is because of this that acidity begins to rise and there is a strong burning sensation in the stomach. Coffee beans contain quite a lot of different substances that cause vasoconstriction. Naturally, in this case, a violation in the circulatory system begins and a malfunction occurs in the sphincter, which is located between the stomach and esophagus. As a rule, the concentration of hydrochloric acid begins to rise, and it moves up the esophagus.

heartburn from coffee
heartburn from coffee

Heartburn after coffee most often begins to appear as soon as the person who drank the drink, sharply leaned over or lay down. With such seemingly simple movements, acid can easily enter the esophagus.

What kind of coffee can cause heartburn?

If a person who constantly experiences heartburn from drinking coffee loves the drink very much and does not intend to refuse it, then doctors recommend drinking it with milk. It is important to remember that dairy products can neutralize stimulation, making it less aggressive. Drinking coffee is recommended with milk, which has a low fat content, preferably no more than 1.5%. Such a drink will be useful for digestion. There are cases when even ordinary tea causes heartburn. In this case, the reason is hidden in the strength of the drink, or it is of insufficient quality. Tea also contains caffeine, and its concentration is higher in green leaves. In this case, it is best to replace the drink with a decoction of lemon balm andmint.

What is dangerous instant drink

If heartburn occurs from instant coffee, then before drinking it, it is important to remember that this drink does not carry any useful components. Doctors say that most often the acidity in the stomach increases when drinking a soluble drink. When comparing instant and natural coffee, it would be best to opt for the second option.

coffee heartburn causes
coffee heartburn causes

In the manufacture of instant coffee, the lowest varieties are used, which contain a lot of caffeine. And if you carefully get acquainted with the entire composition of the instant drink, it can be noted that there are only 15% of coffee beans in it, and the rest is made up of components such as:

  1. Stabilizers.
  2. Taste enhancers.
  3. Amino acids.
  4. Dyes.
  5. Flavors.

Naturally, in this case, heartburn from coffee becomes permanent. Gradually, the frequency of seizures will only increase.

Natural coffee: does it cause heartburn

When coffee is made from instant granules, the cause of heartburn is understandable. But among other things, this unpleasant symptom occurs even if you use a natural drink. The fact is that natural coffee also contains some substances that irritate the gastric mucosa. The most dangerous is the thick that remains after the brewed drink, so it is best to cook it not in a Turk, but in a special coffee machine. Particular attention should also be paid to varietiescoffee. Varieties of grains from Brazil or Indonesia are considered the best, since varieties from America and some parts of Africa have a peculiar sourness. This will further negatively affect the occurrence of heartburn. Some people believe that decaffeinated grains can save them from the problem. But it should be noted that this opinion is erroneous, as it is just self-deception.

Coffee with creamer

Heartburn from coffee can be significantly reduced if consumed with cream. The fats in cream neutralize the acids in it. Of course, it is recommended to carefully monitor the amount of drink consumed, as abuse can be hazardous to he alth. Another cause of heartburn can be drinking coffee with sweets. The fact is that confectionery products contain heavy components and unnatural fats, which are not of very high quality.

can you have heartburn from coffee
can you have heartburn from coffee

As you can see, it is difficult to answer the question of who should not have coffee, since everyone is forbidden to drink this drink in large quantities. But still there is a special category, such as children, pregnant women and people who have problems with the heart and digestive tract.

Can I drink coffee with heartburn?

When there are serious problems with the stomach and digestion, such as ulcers or gastritis, it will be necessary to abandon the coffee drink. Such a decision will help save lives and not complicate the treatment. As a rule, a sick person should follow a diet that does not contain dangerous foods. If the doctor is notreveals no abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, then small doses of coffee are allowed. To reduce acidity, it is recommended to drink coffee with milk and no more than once a day.

How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom

If you have been suffering from unpleasant symptoms in the stomach area for a long time and are wondering if there could be heartburn from coffee, then you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and identify the cause of poor he alth. It often happens that the problem lies not in the use of coffee, but in the aggravation of the situation that it causes. In any case, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Reduce the amount of drinking, preferably to a minimum.
  2. Drink the drink with a little milk or cream.
  3. Never abuse an invigorating drink without having a good breakfast first.
  4. heartburn after coffee
    heartburn after coffee
  5. It is undesirable to drink coffee immediately after eating, you should wait at least twenty minutes.
  6. Don't put sugar.
  7. Do not drink a hot drink and use special citrus additives at the same time.

There are also many remedies that will help if heartburn occurs. What to drink from unpleasant symptoms can only be indicated by a doctor after a thorough examination. Do not take medication without consulting a specialist. In the pharmacy you can buy cheap and effective remedies for heartburn:

  1. "Ranitidine".
  2. "Almagel".
  3. "Motilac".
  4. Gaviscon.
  5. "Maalox".
  6. heartburn remedies cheap and effective
    heartburn remedies cheap and effective

If all recommendations are followed, the negative impact can be significantly reduced.

Conclusions and recommendations

In fact, you can avoid the negative effects of coffee if you are more attentive to your he alth. There are several effective recommendations that will help if heartburn persists. You already know what to drink from this unpleasant symptom, but it is extremely dangerous to use drugs without a doctor's prescription. Let's take a look at some basic tips that might come in handy:

  1. I need to learn how to drink warm coffee.
  2. Don't drink instant coffee or beans that are heavily roasted and don't drink espresso.
  3. It has also been noted that people who prefer to drink coffee with lemon are the most likely to suffer from heartburn.
  4. It is a misconception that decaffeinated coffee beans are not harmful to he alth.
  5. Drinking a drink on an empty stomach is very dangerous, as over time it will lead to gastritis and ulcers.
  6. Do not add sugar to the drink or drink it with confectionery.
  7. who can't have coffee
    who can't have coffee

Recently, experts point out that excessive coffee consumption can cause the following consequences in addition to heartburn:

  1. It's not uncommon for people to become addicted.
  2. Constant use of this drink can adversely affectnervous system, this leads to a strong heartbeat and the occurrence of cardiac pathologies.
  3. Increases urination.
  4. Nerve cell depletion has been observed, which leads to inhibition of the entire nervous system.

It should be noted that coffee additionally enhances the work of the digestive glands, and this leads to inhibition of their functions. In the case when it is impossible to completely refuse a coffee drink, you just need to reduce its amount.
