Inflammation of the hair follicle: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Inflammation of the hair follicle: symptoms, treatment and consequences
Inflammation of the hair follicle: symptoms, treatment and consequences

In the photo, inflammation of the hair follicle resembles an ordinary pimple. But still, this skin disease is of a slightly different nature. Does this disease have any features, how to treat it and is it possible to avoid complications?

What is a hair follicle

The hair follicle is the pore that is the receptacle of the hair root, where the hair shaft is formed and grows outward from there.

The structure of the hair follicle
The structure of the hair follicle

It depends on him what will be the structure, color and length of the hair. The hair follicle is located in the dermal layer. Consists of the following parts:

  • hair follicle;
  • follicular funnel;
  • root sheath;
  • retaining muscle.

And also capillaries, sweat and sebaceous glands communicate with it. Capillaries are responsible for nutrition, and the sebaceous glands are responsible for lubricating the hair with a sebaceous secret that protects it from aggressive environmental influences. But in the absence of proper hygiene or an excess of sebum production, the activity of the sebaceous gland most of all contributes to the inflammatory process.


The close location of hair follicles to the surface makes them a target for infections and various fungi, especially when they are damaged during epilation. Another common cause of inflammation is the blockage of the excretory duct of the hair follicle with dirt, dead skin particles, or hardened sebaceous secretions. In this case, sweat with a sebaceous secret cannot find a way out, accumulating in the hair follicle. And as you know, sebum and sweat are a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Dermal layer of the skin
Dermal layer of the skin

The inflammatory process in the hair follicle is called folliculitis. It is one of the varieties of pyoderma - purulent diseases of the skin layer caused by the activity of microorganisms.

If only one follicle is inflamed, then we are most likely talking about non-compliance with hygiene, but in the case when there are several, it can already be classified as a rash. And this means that it is not only a matter of non-compliance with hygiene. The causes of inflammation of the hair follicle may be as follows:

  • allergic reaction;
  • decreased immunity;
  • colds;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • fungal infection;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • avitaminosis;
  • disruption of the digestive tract.

Such sexually transmitted diseases as gonorrhea, syphilis are also accompanied by folliculitis.

The disease proceeds in several stages:

  1. Inflammation of the hair follicle, a slight reddening is noticeable around the hair.
  2. Inflammationhair follicle down to the root, a pustule forms and begins to fill with pus.
  3. Inflammation affects the entire follicle and the sweat and sebaceous glands that communicate with it, a large amount of pus in the pustule is noticeable to the naked eye.
  4. Simple folliculitis ends either with inflammation fading away or with an autopsy.
  5. In case of an unfavorable outcome, it develops into complicated folliculitis.

But you should not count on the fact that the abscess will open itself and everything will pass. If this is not done on time and under sterile conditions, then folliculitis can be aggravated by complications, scars will remain.


Folliculitis is classified according to several criteria. The severity is divided into the following:

  • easy;
  • medium;
  • heavy.

If it is a mild or moderate form, then after opening the pustules, the disease will decline.

According to the type of microorganisms that caused inflammation, folliculitis is divided into the following types:

  • bacterial;
  • infectious;
  • pseudo-monadic;
  • parasitic;
  • fungal;
  • viral.

According to the location on the body:

  • sexual organs;
  • scalp;
  • cheeks and chin for men;
  • eyelashes;
  • armpits;
  • rest of the body.

According to the degree of damage, it can be superficial (no more than 5-7 mm) and deep (from 10 mm). It can become deep both in the case of a complication of a superficial one, and it can beinitially if caused by a secondary infection. In this case, a painful nodule first appears outside. After about 5 days, the abscess itself is shown at the site of the nodule.

According to the nature of the course, it can be acute and chronic. An untreated acute can develop into a chronic one. When inflammation affects neighboring follicles again and again. And in the same follicle, from time to time, inflammation can subside and flare up.

Folliculitis caused by careless shaving and neglect of disinfection after it is called sycosis.


This is essentially the same folliculitis, but more specific localization. It is called hordeolum by ophthalmologists. This is a purulent inflammation of the eyelash hair follicle. Accompanied by hyperemia of the skin of the eyelid and the formation of pustules with pus. A rather painful formation due to its location, it is often impossible to even open the eye due to swelling and pus.

The main cause of occurrence is the ingestion of Staphylococcus aureus into the hair follicle with reduced immunity.

You need to contact urgently - and not to a dermatologist, but to an ophthalmologist. If an autopsy is shown, then it is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. How to treat inflammation of the hair follicle on the eye at home? Such an idea in serious cases is extremely unreasonable and is fraught with even loss of vision.

Inflammation on the head

As in the case of barley, the main cause of inflammation of the hair follicle on the head is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. But its carrier is about 20% of the total population of the earthball, and not all of them suffer from folliculitis. Because something must provoke folliculitis. Usually this is a decrease in immunity or neglect of hygiene. Scalp folliculitis caused by staphylococcus aureus is called ostiofolliculitis.

Inflammation of the hair follicle
Inflammation of the hair follicle

But it can also occur in older people suffering from cerebral atherosclerosis. They suffer from unbearable itching of the scalp, and they infect the hair follicles damaged by scratching.

Hoffmann's undermining folliculitis occurs on the head in men. It is characterized by hair loss on the affected part and the separation of pus from an open fistula.

The inflammation of the hair follicle on the head is especially unpleasant because it is accompanied by partial alopecia. The affected area is difficult to treat with topical ointments unless the hair is shaved off. And this is quite tragic for many. In especially neglected cases, folliculitis leaves behind scars, in the place of which hair will never grow again. Therefore, it is better to treat it completely, without leading to complications.

Ingrown hair

Due to frequent hair removal and poor-quality exfoliation of the body in front of it, the hair in front of it may not find a way out due to overgrowth of the hair follicle. In this case, it changes its direction and begins to grow inward. Like any foreign body, it thereby causes inflammation. If the hair has not sprouted far, and the folliculitis has not developed into a severe stage, sometimes it is enough just to carry out high-quality exfoliation of the body. Then the hair will become available so that it can bepick up with tweezers and pull to the surface. It is desirable to carry out this procedure with a cosmetologist and always under sterile conditions. Since in this case it will no longer grow, the inflammation should also come to naught. If folliculitis has developed quite strongly, then you still need to contact a dermatologist. He will open the inflamed follicle, drain the cavity and prescribe the standard treatment for such a case.


The most striking of the symptoms of inflammation of the hair follicle is the formation of a bubble of pus around the hair. The area around it will be painful, especially when pressed, prone to hyperemia. But other symptoms of folliculitis of different types may vary.

When bacterial, those places that are exposed to a razor or friction are more often affected. It has a multiple character and is accompanied by unbearable itching.

Infectious may be accompanied by alopecia, difficult to external treatment, as the problem is inside the body.

When Hoffmann's folliculitis, a rounded area is formed, which changes its color to icteric blue with fluctuating contents inside. Hair stops growing on it, and when pressed, pus is released.

Pseudomonas is characterized by the fact that the symptoms appear after taking water procedures, including at home. The main reason is infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in reservoirs and pools. Contact with Pseudomonas aeruginosa does not necessarily lead to pseudomonas folliculitis. But after swimming in public places, it is still better to wash your body with antibacterial soap. Oftenoccurs in children.


In most cases, folliculitis does not pose a serious danger. But if the disease is neglected, the root cause is not eliminated, or the immune system is weakened, then serious complications can appear, such as abscess, furuncle, scarring, carbuncle and alopecia of the scalp.

Abscess is an inflammation in the deep layers of the dermis, which does not have pus out. Gradually, normal tissues are replaced by purulent cavities. It has rather serious consequences and requires urgent opening and drainage of the cavity.

Carbuncle is an inflammation of the hair follicles, but in an acute form, accompanied by partial necrosis of the affected tissues. With a carbuncle, inflammation goes to the deepest layers of the dermis. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart and threatens with inflammation of the soft tissues located under the dermis. Accompanied by intoxication of the body. From the Latin carbunculus is translated as "coal". It got its name because of its resemblance to a burn.

Furunculosis or boil formation is also a complication of folliculitis. This is an inflammatory process that has spread from the follicle to the connective tissue and is accompanied by a necrotic lesion. It is very difficult to cure it to the end, and it constantly arises again and again, in especially severe cases it does not go away at all. Launched furunculosis can permanently damage the hair rhizome. And this means that even after the boil passes, the hair in this place will never grow again. And it can also leave a rather serious scar. These complications areexclusively cosmetic and do not pose a threat to he alth.


Outwardly, the cause of folliculitis is not always easy to identify. The absence of an infiltrate around the hair follicle usually indicates a staphylococcal nature, but this is not enough for a complete diagnosis. Sometimes it is quite difficult for a specialist to determine which type of inflammation of the hair follicle it is (including from the photo). A complete diagnosis requires a blood test or the contents of the pustule itself, a careful examination and clarification of all accompanying symptoms.

Diagnosis of folliculitis
Diagnosis of folliculitis

For diagnosis, a dermatologist may ask about the following points:

  • food habits;
  • vacation in exotic countries;
  • sex life and the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
  • how long the disease lasts;
  • how exactly hygiene is observed;
  • are there any diseases of the hormonal system;
  • does the patient go to a fitness club, swimming pool or similar establishments.

It is important to identify the nature of the disease in the first place for the selection of adequate treatment. Indeed, depending on which microorganisms caused folliculitis, different medications will be needed.


If you open the abscess in time, disinfect it and cover it with a band-aid for the duration of scarring, most often additional treatment for inflammation of the hair follicle will not be needed. The main thing is not to touch the formed pustules and abscesses with dirty hands.

Inflammation of the hairfollicle
Inflammation of the hairfollicle

But often inflammation is noticed at 2 or 3 stages, when it is better not to interfere yourself. Especially when it comes to tissue necrosis. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist. He will make an examination and diagnose, after which, if necessary, he will send him to the department of purulent surgery, so that the surgeon in a hospital can perform an autopsy and subsequent drainage of the purulent cavity. On the same day, you can leave the hospital and go home. As the pustule empties, the symptoms gradually regress.

Next, the specialist will make appointments on how to treat inflammation of the hair follicle at home further. Usually, conservative therapy in the form of antibiotics is followed. The type of antibiotics depends on which microorganism caused the folliculitis. Therefore, they should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, based on this and other individual factors.

Subsequently, you will have to visit the surgeon several times so that he will wash the wound and make a bandage. This will be necessary until the wound heals and the risk of infection has passed. If it is not possible to visit the surgery department every day, then the dressing can be done at home, but be sure to follow all the instructions of the surgeon.

If an autopsy was not required, then the affected area is treated with alcohol and local ointments until the inflammation subsides. If it is barley on the eye, ointments are placed directly under the eyelid. Sometimes it is adequate to apply physiotherapy, such as irradiation with a quartz lamp or UHF therapy. But with acute purulent inflammationhair follicle it may be contraindicated.

It is forbidden to use any compresses and dry heat at home without consulting a doctor, as ignorance can provoke an aggravation of the situation.


The main type of prevention is personal hygiene, the use of antibacterial soap.

face wash
face wash

But here are some more helpful tips to avoid this disease:

  1. After epilation, do not neglect the scrub and disinfecting lotion.
  2. Macara can only be used by one person for a maximum of three months.
  3. Towel should be washed in water at least 90°C and at least twice a week.
  4. Take a fresh face towel every day.
  5. Always wash thoroughly after visiting public bathing areas.
  6. Avoid unprotected casual sex.
  7. Carefully treat all personal hygiene items with an antiseptic.
  8. Don't scratch itchy areas with your nails, or at least trim them.
  9. Wear cotton underwear and clothes, as synthetics promote the growth of bacteria.
Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

Leading a he althy lifestyle in general will boost immunity and protect against similar skin diseases.
