Visual disability: how to apply for it?

Visual disability: how to apply for it?
Visual disability: how to apply for it?

Complete or partial loss of vision makes it possible for a person to apply for a visual disability.

visual disability
visual disability

To begin with, it is worth noting that a person with a disability is considered to have persistent he alth problems that are associated with some kind of defects, injuries or are the result of a serious illness. If he alth problems lead to disability (for example, the patient loses the ability to independently navigate, communicate, etc.), then the patient has the right to social protection.

Unfortunately, visual disability is not always easy to get. On the other hand, some patients do not even suspect that they can receive social assistance from the state. Therefore, the following information will be very useful both for sick people and for their relatives and caregivers.

Visionally Disabled: Criteria

It is worth noting that even complete blindness in one eye is not always a reason for obtaining a disability group. To begin with, the patient must be examined by an ophthalmologist, and the mainattention during examination is given to the eye with better vision.

Visual disability criteria
Visual disability criteria

If the visual acuity of a more he althy eye is from 0.1 to 0.3, then a third disability group can be established. Violations of the organs of vision are considered moderate, since a person only partially loses the ability to self-service.

Visual disability of the second group can be established in cases where violations in the work of the body are more serious. Visual acuity in this case ranges from 0.05 to 0.1.

The first group of disability is granted to patients with severe injuries and disorders in the functioning of the visual apparatus (including complete blindness). As a rule, such patients cannot live and provide for themselves.

But it is worth noting that visual impairment, or rather the possibility of obtaining a group, is a long and individual process. Indeed, in such cases, they take into account not only the state of he alth, but also study the medical record and anamnesis, as well as living conditions, age and some social criteria.

How to get a visual disability?

How to get visually handicapped
How to get visually handicapped

As already mentioned, first of all you need to contact an ophthalmologist. After a thorough examination, the doctor will tell you if the patient is eligible for a disability. If the result of the examination is positive (group registration is possible), then the patient must undergo a full medical examination, including testing. Upon detection of anyproblems with other organ systems, the patient may also be assigned additional studies, including x-rays and ultrasound.

After that, the attending ophthalmologist must draw up a report on the state of human he alth and give a recommendation for the design of a disability group. In the clinic, you should also be given a referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. All documents must be signed by the head physician.

In the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, the patient must also be examined by a local ophthalmologist. Only after that, and, of course, if there is evidence, can a patient be assigned a disability group.
