Different disability groups are assigned to citizens based on certain he alth problems. At the same time, there is such a thing as permanent disability in the legislation. It is appointed only after the citizen passes the appropriate medical commission, which issues a conclusion on the assignment of a particular group. Disability must be regularly confirmed, for which citizens have to go through a special commission every year. Permanent disability does not require examinations. At the same time, the question often arises whether an indefinite disability group can be removed. You should figure out exactly when it is appointed, as well as what features it has.
Main nuances
You can apply for only three disability groups in Russia. Each of them has its own characteristics, therefore, disability is assigned for hearing, for various serious diseases or on the basis of problems with the musculoskeletal system. Each group has its ownfeatures.
Disability group | Her Features |
1 group | This includes citizens who cannot take care of themselves, so they need constant care. They cannot move or they have mental disabilities. They are completely dependent on other citizens, so they are assigned significant benefits and support from the state. |
2 group | It includes citizens who can take care of themselves on their own, but for this they need special devices, such as a hearing aid, a wheelchair or other devices. They usually receive special training to enable them to take care of themselves and live independently. |
3 group | It is issued by citizens who have the opportunity not only to take care of themselves, but even officially work. For them, the employer provides simplified working conditions, as well as part-time work. They can easily deal with their limitations and he alth problems. |
For each group, different types of benefits and indulgences from the state are offered. At the same time, all citizens must regularly undergo re-examination. Only in rare cases is this not required when a perpetual group is assigned. But at the same time, citizens have a question whether they can remove an indefinite disability group. This process depends on many factors, but under certain circumstances, citizensmay lose their status.

Who can apply for a disability?
Only a person with certain he alth problems that prevent him from living a full life can become a disabled person. Under such conditions, a person cannot cope with various labor duties in a standard way. In difficult cases, a lifetime disability is assigned at all, so it cannot be canceled for various reasons.
Disability on an indefinite basis can only be issued for people with really complex he alth problems. These difficulties must be proven by official documents provided by medical certificates. Citizens with diseases such as:can apply for such disability
- malignant tumors of any form;
- a benign tumor located in the spinal cord or brain, and doctors must establish the fact that it is impossible to treat this disease;
- dementia, which can be congenital or acquired as a result of trauma or other effects on the human body;
- total blindness;
- larynx removal;
- progressive diseases of the nervous system;
- hereditary neuromuscular disease;
- hearing disability is assigned in the absence of it;
- complex diseases of the brain or respiratory system;
- cardiac ischemia;
- diseases related to blood pressure;
- complete spinal orbrain;
- violation or deformities of the upper or lower limbs.
Amputation of limbs is also included in this list, so people can count on disability registration without a specific expiration date. The above list of diseases for indefinite disability is not exhaustive, and it is regularly updated with new diseases.

Legislative regulation
The procedure for registration of permanent disability is governed by the provisions of Federal Law No. 805. It lists the timeframe within which a disability is determined and the grounds for this process.
All classifications of diseases, on the basis of which any disability group is assigned, are listed in the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 664n.
The new disability law indicates that the possibility of establishing any group on an indefinite basis depends on various factors. These include:
- can a person take care of himself;
- is there an opportunity for employment and movement;
- can a citizen communicate with other people;
- what is his mental state;
- can he learn.
Law 181 states that people who cannot work and take care of themselves can expect permanent disability from childhood or after a serious illness is diagnosed. On the basis of Federal Law No. 178, such citizens can count on social assistance from the state. She isrepresented by various benefits and indulgences, the provision of free adaptation devices or the appointment of social workers for care.
When can I expect permanent disability?
When first receiving a disability, it is rarely established indefinitely. How to get permanent disability? To do this, doctors determine that there are no improvements as a result of treatment, so it is impossible to count on recovery.
The medical institution where the person was treated must generate a supporting certificate. It states that there is no opportunity for positive dynamics to restore the he alth of a citizen.

After how many years is appointed?
On the basis of Federal Law No. 805, disability without a re-examination period can be assigned at different intervals:
- After any disability group has been issued, no more than two years should pass. This requirement applies to children and adults. Children with various serious illnesses have the status of a disabled child. For them, lifelong disability can be established even before reaching the age of majority.
- After the diagnosis is established, no more than four years should pass. Such conditions apply exclusively to children with disabilities. They apply if there was no improvement during recovery, and no reduction in self-care restrictions.
- After assigning a groupdisability must not exceed 6 years. These requirements apply to children who have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor with complications. Additionally, minors with varying degrees of leukemia are included here.
Thus, the terms for establishing indefinite disability depend on the state of he alth of the citizen.
What conditions must be met?
The rules for establishing indefinite disability depend on various factors. Therefore, disability without re-examination is assigned under the conditions:
- a person with a disability reaches a certain age, with men being able to decorate at 60 and women at 55;
- the next examination in a medical institution is scheduled after the disabled man turns 60 or the woman turns 55;
- a citizen has had the first or second group for 15 years, and there are no changes in he alth;
- disability group increases over 15 years;
- the first or second group is issued for a WWII veteran;
- the applicant is a citizen who received a combat wound while participating in hostilities.
The above list can be expanded, so each situation is considered separately by the commission.

Design rules
The new law on disability indicates the rules for obtaining the permanent status of a disabled person of a particular group. To establish a group without subsequent re-survey, a standard procedure is followed. Soactions are implemented:
- Initially, a citizen with certain disabilities is required to undergo a medical examination;
- they prepare all the necessary documents to receive the group;
- next we have to wait for the decision of the ITU.
It takes a lot of time to pass a medical examination. To do this, you first need to get a referral from the attending physician, after which the citizen will have to go through several specialists who confirm that the person has serious he alth problems.
The ITU decision is made within 30 days. After that, you will have to meet with representatives of this organization, who make the final decision. During this session, the patient is examined visually, and the methods that can be used to treat him are analyzed. It is assessed by experts whether there is an opportunity to restore the he alth of a citizen. If there is no point in further treatment, then a decision is made to assign a group without the need to undergo re-examination in the future.
Which disability group is indefinite? It can be the first, second or third, but at the same time, the patient should not have the opportunity to restore good he alth.

What documents are required?
Disability registration involves the preparation by the applicant of certain documentation. It includes papers:
- application for an indefinite disability group;
- certificate indicating the passage of treatment, after which the state of he alth of the citizen remained unchanged, so there is no improvement for a long time;
- direct referral to ITU received from the attending physician.
If the group is not established indefinitely, then re-examination is required. To do this, a disabled person will have to go through doctors and take tests to confirm the poor state of their he alth. The procedure is carried out two or three times a year. Even if after the amputation of the leg the disability was issued, you still have to undergo a re-examination. Therefore, many citizens wish to issue it indefinitely.
Can I withdraw?
If numerous requirements are met, disability can be issued without the need to undergo periodic re-examination. At the same time, citizens often have the question of whether they can remove an indefinite disability group.
This process can be performed if there is a positive trend in the person's recovery process. Although re-examination is not required, the patient still needs to be periodically observed by a doctor who monitors the dynamics of the course of the disease.
Can an indefinite disability group be removed for other reasons? There are other grounds for depriving a citizen of such a status. These include:
- evidence is revealed that the documents submitted to the ITU contain false information;
- test results are inaccurate;
- the patients violated the deadlines during which they are required to undergo examinations or submit documents, and the citizen has no good reasons for this.
The Medical Bureau carefully monitors that the norms and requirements necessary for the establishment of any disability group are correctly implemented.

What benefits are offered to citizens?
After registering any disability group, patients can count on various types of assistance from the state.
When registering the first group, options are offered:
- Prostheses are made free of charge if there is a recommendation from the attending physician, and funds are allocated by the social security authorities;
- vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums or resorts are provided;
- Public transport is free or discounted for the disabled;
- given a discount on utility bills;
- if a citizen refuses a set of social services, then he is assigned an additional payment.
For disabled people of other groups, other types of benefits and indulgences may be assigned. They may even be offered regionally.

An indefinite disability group is assigned to citizens who, even after long-term treatment, do not show positive dynamics. But even such a status can be removed due to identified violations or an improvement in the state of he alth of a citizen.
Everyoneplanning to apply for such a disability should figure out what steps are taken to do this, as well as what documents need to be prepared.