Gymnastics strengthens muscles and keeps the body in good shape. Physical exercise performed in the gym does not affect the muscles of the pelvic floor. As a result, they lose elasticity and do not hold the internal organs of the pelvis. This is remembered only when problems arise in gynecology, urology, etc. Kegel exercises for women are designed to prevent disorders of the genitourinary system, problems in the intimate sphere, etc.
The Essence of Kegel Exercises
The pelvic floor muscles help support the internal organs. Relaxation and softening of the muscles lead to the prolapse of the female genital organs and a decrease in the tone of the male genitourinary system. The way to solve these problems is surgery.
There is another way that is preventive in nature - gymnastics. A set of exercises was developed by gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the 40s of the XX century. His scientific interests were focused on the problems of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum recovery of women. Studies have shown that the problems of women in the genital area are directly related to the muscles of the pelvis. Violation of muscle elasticity leads to urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, etc.e.

Workouts are designed to strengthen the muscles, which are named after this gynecologist. Initially, exercises were developed for women in the postpartum period. Strengthening helps to restore urination, tone the vaginal muscles and solve other problems of internal organs. Later, gymnastics showed effectiveness for men as well - restoration of erectile function.
Keeping the Kegel muscles in good shape relieves women of bladder problems, hemorrhoids, gynecological diseases and difficulties in intimate life.
Reasons for decreased muscle tone
- Lack of training, age.
- Carrying a child, childbirth.
- Strip operations.
- Overweight.
Medical indications for gymnastics
- Preparations for pregnancy and childbirth. When carrying a child, the muscles of the groin and pelvic floor are involved. The ability to control, relax or turn them on speeds up and facilitates the birth of a child.
- Postpartum rehabilitation after muscle strain. Ignoring leads to increased stretching, accompanied by dystrophic changes and problems with the bladder, uterus and intestines.
- Therapy and prevention of voluntary urination and bowel movements. Incontinence - urinary incontinence - is associated with weakening of the pelvic muscles. For both sexes, this is manifested by urination while coughing, running, laughing, etc.
- Therapy and prevention of pelvic organ prolapse. Medical treatmentdoes not restore their position. Kegel exercises for women with uterine prolapse have a decisive effect on the muscles, including after surgery.
- Therapy and prevention of hemorrhoids. Maintaining muscle tone reduces the risk of disease.
- Preservation of sexual he alth due to age-related changes in the body. Training the vaginal muscles increases sexual pleasure for both partners. In men, after training, potency is stimulated, the angle of inclination of the penis is resumed during sex, and ejaculation is controlled.
Causes of pelvic organ prolapse
Prolapse - prolapse of the vagina - a change in the location of the internal organs due to the relaxation of the muscle tissue of the pelvis and abs. An increase in pressure on the abdominal region reduces the elasticity of the ligaments that hold the organs. This causes the vagina to prolapse.
Prolapse factors:
- genetic predisposition;
- chronic diseases (constipation, SARS, cough);
- complications during childbirth (injuries, use of obstetric forceps, large fetus size);
- drastic weight loss;
- great physical activity;
- age-related changes;
- number of births.
Prolapse proceeds slowly at first, then picks up speed and is accompanied by inflammation. The anterior and posterior wall of the vagina is exposed to the disease. The anterior wall is responsible for the bladder and urethra. Back - behind the rectum. Kegel exercises with uterine prolapse helps to solve problems with the dysfunction of manyinternal organs.
Contraindications for gymnastics
- Inflammation with high body temperature.
- Varicosis of the pelvis.
- Postoperative bleeding.
- Sepsis.
Types of exercises
To perform the exercises, tense and relax the Kegel muscles. A third of women initially use the wrong muscles. Muscles are felt during urinary retention. If it was not possible to stop the stream, then either the desire to go to the toilet is very strong, or an appeal to a gynecologist is required. Another option is to insert a finger into the vagina. Muscles will be felt when squeezed.
- Suspension - hold the muscles of urination 4-5 times. Performed in the initial stages.
- Tension - contract and relax the muscles 10 times in 4 sets per day. Get to 50 reps.
- Holding - contract and relax the muscles with a delay of 5 seconds 10 times. Increase the delay time, bring to 50 repetitions.
- Elevator - The vagina appears as an elevator that contains separate rings. The exercise consists in tensioning the rings one by one, and then relaxing them. There are 5 rings.
- Wave - the pelvic floor muscles are presented in the form of a three-ring eight: one ring is the urethra, the second is the vagina, the third is the rectal opening. The essence of the exercise: strain the muscles from front to back, relax in the reverse order.
- Flutter. While inhaling, hold your breath for 10 seconds. During this time, make the maximum number of quick contractions of the vaginal muscles. Perform 15 reps withbreaks.
- Changing the posture of exercise (sitting, lying, etc.).

At the initial stage of training, 10 exercises of each type are done 5 times a day. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 30. Increase muscle tension to 5 seconds. Perform 300 contractions in total. We must not forget about breathing. Advanced workout lasts 20 minutes 3 times a day.
The strengthening effect after Kegel exercises is noticeable after 4 weeks of regular training.
Execution technique
Do not do Kegel exercises while urinating. This is valid only to detect the necessary muscles. Otherwise, the muscles will relax instead of toning.
Experts recommend doing gymnastics 2 times a day: in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bedtime. If you learn how to correctly perform the exercise “changing posture”, then you can train anywhere. Nobody will notice the work. This can be done at a computer, TV, at work, etc. Therefore, you can do it 5 times a day. Kegel exercises can become part of life.

Before gymnastics, make sure that the bladder is empty. This will bring comfort to the workout and make it effective. Otherwise, pain and urinary incontinence will appear.
It is important to control your breathing during exercise. It should not be interrupted and be superficial. Pain in the back or abdomen indicates incorrectly performed exercises. During the execution of the complexonly the pelvic muscles are tensed. The rest are relaxed. This is checked by placing a hand on the stomach. Fatigue transfers tension to the muscles of the press and buttocks. It is unacceptable. Therefore, if signs of fatigue appear, take a break and then continue.
Regularity is the key to the effectiveness and efficiency of classes. This applies not only to the Kegel muscles, but to other muscles too.
Kegel Trainer
For additional toning, a gynecologist has developed a simulator - a perineum meter. It is not used in public places. It is used at home, subject to the allocation of the necessary time for training. In addition, it is prescribed by a doctor according to indications.

The simulator has the shape of a cone, presented in different weights. The essence of the action is the introduction of additional resistance, which trains the muscles. It is placed in the vagina. The simulator introduces feedback when performing Kegel exercises for women, fixes the degree of load, its increase or decrease for the trainee. Achievement marks are an important motivation factor. Therefore, the simulator performs not only strength, tonic functions, but also contributes to further motivation.
First use a light machine, gradually increase the weight.

In a hospital, doctors measure the strength of muscle contraction with a perineometer device. The device contains a sensor that monitors the quality of gymnastics. To do this, the woman wraps her vaginal muscles around the sensor as tightly as possible.
Kegel exercises during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a reason to intensify Kegel exercises. This is due to an increase in blood circulation in the pelvis and oxygen saturation of the placenta. Starting position until the 16th week of pregnancy - lying down. After - standing. In this position, the uterus does not compress the inferior vein.
- Take a horizontal starting position: on the back, side, stomach. Spread your legs and relax.
- Squeeze the muscles of the vagina. Feel and focus on the front wall.
- Lift the body at the same time with the tension of the vaginal muscles for 5 seconds. Relax.
- Repeat as many times as possible.
Exercises are done with an empty bladder. Contractions can be of a different nature: smooth, sharp, with long delays, etc. The main thing is not the quantity of exercises, but the quality.
Kegel exercises are performed to a state of fatigue. At the initial stage, this is 5 repetitions 2 times a day. Gradually brought up to 15 repetitions.
If the exercises do not cause difficulties, then the physical form is at a high level. It is important to maintain it, perform 90 repetitions of each exercise after the birth of the child.
Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence
Additional exercises added to classic exercises.
- Sitting, cross your feet, raise your pelvis, keep your posture. Tighten the muscles while lifting the pelvis for 10 seconds. Do 10-15 repetitions.
- Shorten the muscles while standing on all fours and elbows. Keep your back straight. Do 10-15 repetitions for 10 seconds.
- Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on buttocks. Contract muscles 15 times.
- Contract your muscles as you walk for every step.
The impact of Kegel exercises for women over 50 expands the possibilities.

To prevent pathologies, experts recommend combining Kegel exercises with basic physical exercises for the back and hips. The complex is performed once a day for 10 minutes.
- Buttock bridge. Lying on your back with legs bent at the knees, raise your buttocks for 10-15 seconds 30 times.
- Complex exercise for the muscles of the press, buttocks and vagina. Standing, bend your legs, rest your palms on your knees. Don't arch your back. When inhaling, draw in the stomach, squeeze the gluteal and vaginal muscles. Repeat 10 times.

It is possible to achieve results with physical exercises only if intensity, regularity and consistency are observed. Kegel exercises are no exception. At the initial stage, it is difficult to isolate and fix the required muscles. Their weakness is an additional obstacle to this. It goes away over time. Trained muscles are fixed in any state and position, bringing the process to automatism.
As a result, sexual life improves, urination is restored and the pelvic organs are strengthened. 2-3 months without training lead to loss of muscle tone and initial performance.