One cannot but agree that a disease like hemorrhoids is one of the most unpleasant he alth problems.
This pathology appears due to defects in the blood circulation of the veins of the anus, accompanied by some specific symptoms: bleeding, pain, constipation and itching.
A decisive role in the treatment of hemorrhoids plays a systematic approach, which includes special exercises, diet, complex medications and sports. One of the medicines is Relief Advance. It is a modern drug against hemorrhoids, the effect of which is to eliminate the main disease-causing symptoms, promotes speedy healing and recovery.

The drug is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Famar C. A., as well as in the USA, at the De Angeli Institute.
Composition and release form
"Relief Advance"has the following dosage forms:
ointment for external and rectal use: a homogeneous mass, in which there are no foreign inclusions, yellow-white in color, a specific weak aroma (28.4 grams in a plastic tube, one tube with an applicator in a cardboard pack);
- torpedo-shaped rectal suppositories, yellow-white or pure white (in a blister of six pieces, a cardboard pack includes two blisters).
As part of "Relief Advance" there are active ingredients: shark liver oil, benzocaine; excipients: propylene glycol, mineral oil, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sorbitan monostearate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, petrolatum.
One suppository contains active ingredients: shark liver oil, benzocaine; excipients: propyl parahydroxybenzoate, corn starch, cocoa butter, hard fat, methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
So, "Relief Advance" treats or only anesthetizes? The drug is used locally in proctology. It produces an anesthetic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Its mechanism is determined by the properties of its constituent substances:
- benzocaine: produces a local anesthetic effect without being a source of resorption;
shark liver oil: has immunomodulatory, hemostatic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory activity;
cocoa butter: is the basis of suppositories, additionally producingsoothing effect.
Image"Relief Advance" reviews
Indications for use
"Relief Advance" applies when:
- external and internal hemorrhoids;
- cracks and erosion of the anus.
The drug is used for pain relief after surgical interventions in proctology, as well as during diagnostic procedures.
The indications of "Relief Advance" are described in detail in the instructions.
The following conditions are among the contraindications:
- thromboembolism;
- granulocytopenia;
- hypersensitivity to ingredients.
In accordance with the instructions, the drug with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a specialist can be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and treatment of children under the age of twelve.
Instructions for use
Relief Advance candles are used by inserting them into the anus.
You need to apply them in the morning, at night, and also after another bowel movement (intestinal emptying), carrying out pre-hygienic procedures. For patients older than twelve, the following dosage is recommended: one piece no more than four times a day. The duration of therapy is determined individually.
Ointment for external and rectal use is used by applying a thin layer of medicine to the anal affected area, directly injected into the anus. manipulation is carried out byapplicator, which is attached and attached to the tube. First you need to lubricate it by squeezing out the ointment in a small amount, and then insert it into the anus.
The applicator must be removed after each use, washed thoroughly, and then inserted into the protective cap. The frequency of procedures is recommended as follows: up to four times a day (in the morning, afternoon, evening and after another bowel movement).
When using Relief Advance suppositories, local and allergic reactions in the form of itching and hyperemia may develop.
According to the instructions for use for Relief Advance, the expected side effects may be due to systemic absorption of benzocaine, which is part of the drug, and include agitation, anxiety, drowsiness; in severe situations - convulsions; in very rare cases, methemoglobinemia, which is manifested by cyanosis and respiratory disorders.
If the daily and single dosage of shark liver oil, which is part of the drug, is significantly exceeded, then a tendency to increased blood clotting may develop.
Methemoglobinemia requires the following treatment: intravenous methylene blue.

Special Instructions
If there is profuse bleeding from the rectum or painful symptoms persist for more than a week, an additional consultation with a proctologist is required.
There is also evidence that drugs containing benzocaine cancause methemoglobinemia. Some signs, such as cyanosis of the nails, lips and skin, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath (shortness of breath), tachycardia, weakness observed during therapy, may indicate potentially life-threatening methemoglobinemia for the patient. She needs urgent medical attention.
In order to minimize systemic adverse events, the daily recommended dosage should not be exceeded unless otherwise prescribed by a specialist.

This product is not recommended for use on damaged skin as it may enhance systemic absorption.
Medical interactions with latex products (contraceptive condoms and diaphragms) should be avoided to avoid reducing their effectiveness.
The drug does not affect the ability to drive mechanisms and vehicles.
"Relief Advance" is used during pregnancy and lactation only in special situations when the expected effect of treating a woman is much higher than the potential danger to the child or fetus.
Drug Interactions
No interactions with other drugs have been reported in clinical practice. In order to avoid the expected side effects and achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is not recommended to use other ointments and suppositories during the use of the medication, or to observe a sufficient break between doses.
Expiration date and storage features
The drug is neededkeep out of reach of children. It is stored at a temperature not exceeding 27 ° C in a place protected from moisture and light. The shelf life of Relief Advance is two years.

Pharmacological market is replete with many drugs for hemorrhoids. Often they are characterized by a similar composition and therapeutic effect.
The drug "Relief Ultra" is a popular American analogue, which is available in the form of suppositories. Like "Relief Advance", it is made on the basis of shark liver oil, however, in addition to this substance, it contains hydrocortisone acetate and zinc sulfate monohydrate. Thanks to this factor, suppositories produce a complex and more pronounced therapeutic effect. They are prescribed both for hemorrhoids and for the treatment of perinatal dermatitis, eczema and proctitis. The price ranges from 350 to 370 rubles.
"Betiol" is a Russian combined inexpensive remedy that is produced in the form of suppositories. It is made on the basis of ichthyol and belladonna extract. It has anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. Produced by the firm "Dalhimfarm". Cost - from 80 to 90 rubles.
"Proctosan" - a medicine for hemorrhoids from Germany, which contains lidocaine, titanium dioxide, bismuth subgallate, bufeksamak. It is prescribed for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Thanks to the lidocaine contained in the composition, the drug perfectly eliminates pain. Cost - from 360 to 390 rubles.

"Anuzol" - the medicine is produced in Nizhny Novgorod, by the company "Nizhpharm". Produced in the form of suppositories ("Neo-anuzol" and "Anuzol"). They contain bismuth tribromphenate, zinc sulfate and belladonna extract. Produces analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, drying, astringent and antispasmodic action. The cost is within a hundred rubles.
The drug "Gepazolone" is another Russian analogue, which is produced by LLC "Altpharm". It comes in the form of rectal suppositories that contain sodium heparin, lidocaine, and prednisolone. The drug produces venosclerosing and anti-inflammatory effects. The average price is about 260 rubles.
It should be noted that the listed analogues are given here for informational purposes only. You can not self-medicate and choose your own medicines. Be sure to consult a specialist before use.

"Relief Advance" as a whole has proven itself very positively, as evidenced by numerous reviews of medical professionals and patients.
Many of them note a noticeable therapeutic effect after using the drug. It well eliminates the unpleasant signs of hemorrhoids.
The drug rarely causes allergic reactions and is most often well tolerated by patients. Reviews of "Relief Advance" confirm this.
The drug is in the middle category in terms of cost, so many people can afford itpeople.
Thus, this drug is a popular and modern medicine that has proven itself well. It is excellent for dealing with the negative symptoms of hemorrhoids and promotes recovery.